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Everything posted by d4rkm4nx99
e un fel de paypal ?
alta teapa din partea emag.
aveti grija va baneaza conturile de facebook.
in concluzie ce faci cu el ? ca nu am inteles mare lucru
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d4rkm4nx99 replied to ionut.hulub's topic in Tutoriale in romana
la mine nu merge poate gresesc eu cu ceva -
se detecteaza telefonul printr-o aplicatie cu unde radio si sa-ti explic si cum : ai vazut ca daca ai pornit radioul la masina si iti incepe sa sune telefonul incepe sa se auda niste sunete la radio... este acelasi fenomen si cu telefonul de la examen,
daca vrei ca acelui domeniu sa-i creasca valoare $$$$$$ trebuie sa faci trafic pe acel site si mult trafic, sunt destul de multe metode prin care poti sa ridici traficul si foarte usor.
super! deja am bagat 3 calc la treaba.
fara suparare e doar o parere, in primul rand ca e .com si iar numele e romanesc, dupa parerea mea nu cred ca valoreaza mai mult de 10$ daca era .ro poate valora si 10 20 mii lejer.
as dori un admin sa inchida acest post, spam.
sa te tina ma-ta cand imi suge pula ) ba boschetarule nu te pun cu mine ca iti faci reclama proasta stai in banca ta prostule si invata sa comunici.
Ba Ponta pe forumul asta stii doar sa dai copy paste si sa injuri lumea! ca tine am cu ziua la sapa! sunt satul peste cap, o sa ma tin de capu tau ca ai prea mult tupeu si iti bati joc de lume fara rost.
ceva pt yahoo messneger sa afli ip-ul ?
stai linisit ca Matt e prost fara masura asa face cu toata lumea .. injura isi bate joc, ma mira faptul ca nu te-a injurat.
NiX Brute Forcer is a tool that uses brute force in parallel to log into a system without having authentication credentials beforehand. This tool is intended to demonstrate the importance of choosing strong passwords. The goal of NiX is to support a variety of services that allow remote authentication such as: MySQL, SSH, FTP, IMAP. It is based on NiX Proxy Checker. If anyone is interested in beta testing new releases before the public release, please sent me an email. CURRENT FEATURES: - Basic Authorization & FORM support in both standard and HTTPS (SSL) mode - HTTP/SOCKS 4 and 5 proxy support - FORM auto-detection & Manual FORM input configuration. - It is multi-threaded - Wordlist shuffling via macros - Auto-removal of dead or unreliable proxy and when site protection mechanism blocks the proxy - Integrated proxy randomization to defeat certain protection mechanisms - With Success and Failure Keys results are 99% accurate - Advanced coding and timeout settings makes it outperform any other brute forcer TODO: MySQL, SSH, FTP and IMAP support. Download http://myproxylists.com/NIX_BruteForce.bz2 sursa http://myproxylists.com/nix-brute-force How to use? Type ./brute for options For best reliability, update either to the latest PHP 5.2.x or 5.3.x. CLI NIX_BruteForce.bz2 Directory structure: NIX | |_32 32bit version of NiX |_64 64bit version of NiX |_loaders SourceGuardian 8.2 loaders (Both 32 and 64bit versions are included) Requirements: A) Linux box or a VPS PHP CLI version between 5.2.x - 5.3.x C) SourceGuardian 8.2 loader: Provided in "loaders" directory D) If you are using PHP source compile (encouraged to use). The minimum ./configure options are: --with-curl --enable-sockets --enable-pcntl --with-openssl E) Required php.ini settings: short_open_tag = On allow_call_time_pass_reference = On safe_mode = Off register_globals = Off register_argc_argv = On enable_dl = On SourceGuardian 8.2 loader (extension) must be in extension_dir defined in php.ini For PHP 5.2.x : extension=ixed.5.2.lin For PHP 5.3.x : extension=ixed.5.3.lin If you are using 32bit operating system, you need to copy the loader from "32" directory If you are using 64bit operating system, you need to copy the loader from "64" directory # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # NiX - Brute Forcer Configuration # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # If you define a success key, it has to be entered exactly as it is # given in the member area. Leave it empty if you do not have one. This # setting applies to both BASIC and FORM mode! If you have a success # key, you will not need failure keys. Success_Key='' # If a success key is left empty, edit this regular expression to narrow # down fake results. This setting applies to both BASIC/FORM mode. Failure_Key='' # A success or failure key can be GNU grep style pattern. Here's an example: # Failure_Key='invalid username|denied' # NOTE: In BASIC AUTH MODE, if you don't have success or failure key, leave empty! # If auto detect of the FORM mode failed, make sure to define a valid # POST DATA. Leave it empty if you want to use auto-detection. This # setting is only for advanced users. # When you manually set the POST data, be sure to define the first FORM # target separated by a double colon [::]. After the two colons, add the # NIXUSER and NIXPASS variables like shown in the example below. NiX # will replace the constants NIXUSER and NIXPASS with the appropriate # values. Form_Data='' # Result below is from FORM AUTO-DETECT: # FORM_TARGET: http://www.forum.com/forum/login.php?do=login # FORM_DATA: vb_login_username=NIXUSER&vb_login_password=NIXPASS&submit=Log+in&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf= # Cookie: bblastvisit=1299009176; bblastactivity=0; # FORM manual input example (Use Firefox's Live HTTP headers plugin for this data if auto detect of the FORM mode failed) # Form_Data='http://www.forum.com/forum/login.php?do=login::vb_login_username=NIXUSER&vb_login_password=NIXPASS&submit=Log+in&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf=::bblastvisit=1299009176; bblastactivity=0;' # MACRO: [User][Upper] Uppercase all letters in a username # MACRO: [User][Lower] Lowercase all letters in a username # MACRO: [User][Capital] Convert the first letter to uppercase in a username # MACRO: [User][capitaL] Convert the last letter to uppercase in a username # MACRO: [User][CapitaL] Convert the first and the last letter to uppercase in a username # MACRO: [User][invert] Invert all letters in a username # MACRO: [Pass][Upper] Uppercase all letters in a password # MACRO: [Pass][Lower] Lowercase all letters in a password # MACRO: [Pass][Capital] Convert the first letter to uppercase in a password # MACRO: [Pass][capitaL] Convert the last letter to uppercase in a password # MACRO: [Pass][CapitaL] Convert the first and the last letter to uppercase in a password # MACRO: [Pass][invert] Invert all letters in a password # You can combine both macros. Example: [User][Upper][Pass][Capital] # This will uppercase all letters in a username and convert the first letter to uppercase in a password! # Leave empty to use original wordlist. MACRO="" # Example: MACRO="[User][Capital][Pass][Capital]" # The number of allowed timeouts before a proxy is removed from the list Timeouts="3" # The number of allowed read/write errors before a proxy is removed from the list RTimeouts="3" # Debug mode - Set to "no" to disable Debug="no" # Set this to "yes" to make the Debug Mode detect possible logic errors # (See $PWD/debug directory for *.NIX files) Debug_Check="yes" # This option will allow NiX to automatically check for updates upon # starting. Set this to "no" to disable Auto_Check_Update="yes"
daca ar fi sa-mi cumpar imi recomanzi 1002 ?
sa stii ca inca mai exista google! L-Link ultimul de jos
L-Link ll-1002 sau L-Link 1003 Care este diferenta dintre ele si care mi-l recomandati ? am nevoie pentru parole.Multumesc.
esti ultima mizerie din societate!
Linksys EA2700 / EA3500 / E4200 / EA4500 Unauthenticated Access
d4rkm4nx99 replied to Matt's topic in Exploituri
PONTA!!! stim si noi de Packet Storm incearca sa faci ceva original ca ne-am saturat de plagiatori !!! -
da care este mai bun la ora actuala LL-1002 sau ll-1003 ? astept replay multumesc.
cineva sa-mi explice si mie ca sunt noob in asa ceva... sa zicem ca imi cumpar adaptorul L-Link LL-1002 2w Rtl 8187L cum fac sa scanez retele cu el ? instalez un anumit program ?
nu merge parola la mine
- 79 replies
- 2012
- bruteforce
(and 2 more)
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de spaga nu ai auzut ?
e curent moka pentru aproximativ toata lumea, cine poate fura cine nu oase roade:) am scris un post undeva pe la sfarsit si cum si in ce fel sa faci. si cu magnetii mergea o data pt ca mecanismul care inregistreaza energia era din metal si bloca lagarele.acum nu mai merge ca sunt din aluminiu