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Everything posted by MrGrj

  1. MrGrj

    Defcamp 2016

    Eu vin. Ce cafea doriti ? PyFlavour Coffee ? PS: care mai veniti, ridicati o mana ca poate dam de-o ieseala in una din zile
  2. SQL Explorer aims to make the flow of data between people fast, simple, and confusion-free. Quickly write and share SQL queries in a simple, usable SQL editor, preview the results in the browser, share links to download CSV files, and keep the information flowing! Explorer values simplicity, intuitive use, unobtrusiveness, stability, and the principle of least surprise. Django SQL Explorer is inspired by any number of great query and reporting tools out there. The original idea came from Stack Exchange's Data Explorer, but also owes credit to similar projects like Redash and Blazer. django-sql-explorer is MIT licensed, and pull requests are welcome. Mai multe detalii, pe github. Cateva screenuri: A view of a query Viewing all queries
  3. @hades daca e salaru' pe masura, desigur. Sunt mai pregatit decat fallen cand se duce pe munte cu bicla
  4. /** @type {Array} */ var _0x644e = ["hostname", "clashofclans4gems.com", ".amount.gems", "min", "horizontal", "true", "option", "value", "slider", "html", ".number.gems", "btn-disable", "addClass", "disabled", "prop", ".gems.btn-min", "removeClass", ".gems.btn-plus", "insertAfter", ".slider.gems", "click", ".amount.gold", ".number.gold", ".gold.btn-min", ".gold.btn-plus", ".slider.gold", ".amount.elixir", ".number.elixir", ".elixir.btn-min", ".elixir.btn-plus", ".slider.elixir", ".amount.dark-elixir", ".number.dark-elixir", ".dark-elixir.btn-min", ".dark-elixir.btn-plus", ".slider.dark-elixir", "playerTag", "getElementById", "keyup", "addEventListener", "#", "", "replace", " ", "indexOf", "#btnContinue", "length", "val", "text", ".player-tag", "account fast zoomIn", "dialog", "open", "#account", "on", "#btnGenerate", "account", "account fast zoomOut", "close", ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "account-example fast zoomIn", "#accountExample", "#btnAccountExample", "account-example", "position", "fixed", "css", "body", "account-example fast zoomOut", "#accountExampleBack", '<button id="accountExampleBack" title="Back" role="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-icon-only ui-dialog-titlebar-back" type="button"></button>', "append", ".ui-dialog-titlebar", "children", ".account-example", "hide", ".resources", "fadeIn", ".working", "audio", "createElement", "src", "audio/music.ogg", "audio/music.mp3", "autoPlay", "loop", "preLoad", "volume", "play", "audio/start.ogg", "audio/start.mp3", "audio/gems.ogg", "audio/gems.mp3", "audio/gold.ogg", "audio/gold.mp3", "audio/elixir.ogg", "audio/elixir.mp3", "audio/darkelixir.mp3", "audio/verify.ogg", "audio/verify.mp3", ".w-prog-bar", ".w-prog-label", "Loading", "Waiting for verification!", ".verify", "progressbar", "Preparing files", "Preparation", "Initializing", "Connecting to server", "Checking", "Application servers", "Checking player", ".w-loader", "show", ".w-search", "<p>Searching for</p>", ".w-search-player", ".w-player", '<p class="blink"><span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span></p>', ".w-status", ".searching", "Player valid", '<p class="blink">is valid!</p>', "Player authentication", '<p class="blink">is connecting<span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span></p>', "Attempting connection", "Connected", '<p class="blink">is connected!</p>', "Loading modul 0/20", "Loading modul 1/20", ".w-resources", "medium bounceIn", ".w-item.gems", ".w-gen", "Loading modul 2/20", "Loading modul 3/20", "Loading modul 5/20", ".w-item.gold", "Loading modul 7/20", "Loading modul 8/20", "Loading modul 10/20", ".w-item.elixir", "Loading modul 11/20", "Loading modul 13/20", "Loading modul 17/20", ".w-item.dark-elixir", "Loading modul 19/20", "Loading modul 20/20", "Waiting for server", "Connection Established", "Server Response OK", '<p class="blink">Initializing<span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span></p>', ".w-gen.gems", "Generating packets for gems", '<p class="blink">Generating<span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span></p>', "Generating sucessfully", "complete", "swing", "ceil", "animate", "counter", "each", ".w-num.number.gems", ".w-gen.gold", "Generating packets for gold", ".w-num.number.gold", ".w-gen.elixir", "Generating packets for elixir", ".w-num.number.elixir", ".w-gen.dark-elixir", "Generating packets for dark elixir", ".w-num.number.dark-elixir", "opaque", ".w-item.complete", ".w-spin", "Optimization", "m ", "countdowntimer", ".countdown-timer", ".verify-timer", "#verification", "#btnVerifyBefore, .verify-intro.before, .verify-account", "#btnVerifyAfter, .verify-intro.after, .verify-timer", "#btnVerifyBefore", ".cx-info", ".cx-input", "#btnVerifyAfter", "dialog-full verification", "100%", "verification.html", "load", '<div class="dialog-titlebar-step"><span class="step">Step</span><span class="step-number">1/2</span></div>', ".verification", "about fast zoomIn", "#about", "#btnAbout", "about", "fadeTo", ".tools", "about fast zoomOut", ".ui-widget-overlay, .ui-dialog-titlebar-close", "dialog/about.html", "instructions fast zoomIn", "#instructions", "#btnInstructions", "instructions", "instructions fast zoomOut", "dialog/instruction.html", "players fast zoomIn", "#players", "#btnPlayers", "players", "players fast zoomOut", "dialog/player.html", "faq fast zoomIn", "#faq", "#btnFaq", "faq", "faq fast zoomOut", "dialog/faq.html", "comments fast zoomIn", "#comments", "#btnComments", "comments", "comments fast zoomOut", "dialog/comment.html", "fn", "vclick", "./audio/button.ogg", "./audio/button.mp3", "gate", "easyAudioEffects", "button", "all", "layers", "which", "captureEvents", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "oncontextmenu", "return false", "location", "http://clashofclans4gems.com/tool/"]; 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callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[7], step + 2E6); }); $(_0x644e[23])[_0x644e[20]](function() { var time = callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[6], _0x644e[7]); callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[7], time - 2E6); }); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function main() { var relatedTarget = $(_0x644e[26]); var callChain = $(_0x644e[30])[_0x644e[18]](relatedTarget)[_0x644e[8]]({ range : _0x644e[3], orientation : _0x644e[4], animate : _0x644e[5], min : 2E6, max : 1E7, value : 2E6, /** * @param {?} start1 * @param {?} stop * @return {undefined} */ change : function(start1, stop) { var r20 = callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[6], _0x644e[7]); $(_0x644e[27])[_0x644e[9]](r20); if (r20 == 2E6) { $(_0x644e[28])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], true)[_0x644e[12]](_0x644e[11]); } else { $(_0x644e[28])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], false)[_0x644e[16]](_0x644e[11]); } if (r20 == 1E7) { $(_0x644e[29])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], true)[_0x644e[12]](_0x644e[11]); } else { $(_0x644e[29])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], false)[_0x644e[16]](_0x644e[11]); } } }); $(_0x644e[29])[_0x644e[20]](function() { var step = callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[6], _0x644e[7]); callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[7], step + 2E6); }); $(_0x644e[28])[_0x644e[20]](function() { var _0x31cbx12 = callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[6], _0x644e[7]); callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[7], _0x31cbx12 - 2E6); }); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function change() { var relatedTarget = $(_0x644e[31]); var callChain = $(_0x644e[35])[_0x644e[18]](relatedTarget)[_0x644e[8]]({ range : _0x644e[3], orientation : _0x644e[4], animate : _0x644e[5], min : 4E4, max : 2E5, value : 4E4, /** * @param {?} start1 * @param {?} stop * @return {undefined} */ change : function(start1, stop) { var r20 = callChain[_0x644e[8]](_0x644e[6], _0x644e[7]); $(_0x644e[32])[_0x644e[9]](r20); if (r20 == 4E4) { $(_0x644e[33])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], true)[_0x644e[12]](_0x644e[11]); } else { $(_0x644e[33])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], false)[_0x644e[16]](_0x644e[11]); } if (r20 == 2E5) { $(_0x644e[34])[_0x644e[14]](_0x644e[13], true)[_0x644e[12]](_0x644e[11]); 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}); } }); $(_0x644e[74])[_0x644e[73]](_0x644e[72])[_0x644e[71]](_0x644e[70]); $(_0x644e[45])[_0x644e[20]](function() { /** * @return {undefined} */ function hijack() { var _0x31cbx1c = document[_0x644e[80]](_0x644e[79]); _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[82]; _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[83]; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[84]] = true; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[85]] = true; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[86]] = true; /** @type {number} */ _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[87]] = 0.5; _0x31cbx1c[_0x644e[88]](); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function progress() { var _0x31cbx1e = document[_0x644e[80]](_0x644e[79]); _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[89]; _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[90]; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[84]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[85]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[86]] = true; /** @type {number} */ _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[87]] = 1; _0x31cbx1e[_0x644e[88]](); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function hashNext() { var _0x31cbx20 = document[_0x644e[80]](_0x644e[79]); 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/** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx24[_0x644e[85]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx24[_0x644e[86]] = true; /** @type {number} */ _0x31cbx24[_0x644e[87]] = 1; _0x31cbx24[_0x644e[88]](); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function _deathActions() { var _0x31cbx26 = document[_0x644e[80]](_0x644e[79]); _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[97]; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[84]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[86]] = true; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[85]] = false; /** @type {number} */ _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[87]] = 1; _0x31cbx26[_0x644e[88]](); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function _moveFunction() { var _0x31cbx28 = document[_0x644e[80]](_0x644e[79]); _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[98]; _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[81]] = _0x644e[99]; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[84]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[85]] = false; /** @type {boolean} */ _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[86]] = true; /** @type {number} */ _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[87]] = 1; _0x31cbx28[_0x644e[88]](); } /** * @return {undefined} */ function after() { var _0x31cbx2c = $toastElement[_0x644e[105]](_0x644e[7]) || 0; $toastElement[_0x644e[105]](_0x644e[7], _0x31cbx2c + 1); if (_0x31cbx2c < 1) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[102]); progress(); hijack(); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 2) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[102]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 3) { setTimeout(after, 200); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[106]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 6) { setTimeout(after, 500); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[107]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 7) { setTimeout(after, 200); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[108]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 12) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[109]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 13) { setTimeout(after, 200); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[102]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 14) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[110]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 15) { setTimeout(after, 500); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[107]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 16) { setTimeout(after, 200); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[111]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 17) { setTimeout(after, 500); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[102]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 22) { setTimeout(after, 2E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[112]); $(_0x644e[113])[_0x644e[75]](); $(_0x644e[115])[_0x644e[114]](); $(_0x644e[117])[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[116]); $(_0x644e[118])[_0x644e[114]](); $(_0x644e[120])[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[119]); $(_0x644e[121])[_0x644e[77]](); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 23) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[122]); $(_0x644e[117])[_0x644e[75]]()[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[41]); $(_0x644e[120])[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[123]); $(_0x644e[121])[_0x644e[75]](); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 25) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[124]); $(_0x644e[120])[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[125]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 30) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[126]); } else { if (_0x31cbx2c < 31) { setTimeout(after, 1E3); emptyJ[_0x644e[48]](_0x644e[127]); $(_0x644e[120])[_0x644e[9]](_0x644e[128]); 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$(_0x644e[78])[_0x644e[75]](); $(_0x644e[104])[_0x644e[77]](); } }); setTimeout(after, 0); }); $(_0x644e[184])[_0x644e[54]](_0x644e[20], function() { $(_0x644e[180])[_0x644e[114]](function() { $(_0x644e[179])[_0x644e[178]]({ minutes : 20, seconds : 0, timeSeparator : _0x644e[177] }); }); $(_0x644e[181])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[52]); $(_0x644e[182])[_0x644e[75]](); $(_0x644e[183])[_0x644e[114]](); }); $(_0x644e[187])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[181])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[52]); $(_0x644e[185])[_0x644e[75]](); $(_0x644e[186])[_0x644e[114]](); }); $(_0x644e[181])[_0x644e[191]](_0x644e[190])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[188], autoOpen : false, width : _0x644e[189], maxWidth : _0x644e[189], closeOnEscape : false, resizable : false, draggable : false, modal : true, hide : 200, /** * @param {?} opt_async * @param {?} opt_password * @return {undefined} */ open : function(opt_async, opt_password) { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[65]); $(_0x644e[59])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[41]); 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}); $(_0x644e[204])[_0x644e[191]](_0x644e[208])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[206], autoOpen : false, width : 680, closeOnEscape : false, resizable : false, draggable : false, modal : true, hide : 200, /** * @param {?} opt_async * @param {?} opt_password * @return {undefined} */ open : function(opt_async, opt_password) { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[65]); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 0); $(_0x644e[201])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[41]); $(_0x644e[204])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[58])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[207] }); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 1); }); } }); $(_0x644e[211])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[210])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[52])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[209] }); }); $(_0x644e[210])[_0x644e[191]](_0x644e[214])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[212], autoOpen : false, width : 680, closeOnEscape : false, resizable : false, draggable : false, modal : true, hide : 200, /** * @param {?} opt_async * @param {?} opt_password * @return {undefined} */ open : function(opt_async, opt_password) { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[65]); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 0); $(_0x644e[201])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[41]); $(_0x644e[210])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[58])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[213] }); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 1); }); } }); $(_0x644e[217])[_0x644e[54]](_0x644e[20], function() { $(_0x644e[216])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[52])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[215] }); }); $(_0x644e[216])[_0x644e[191]](_0x644e[220])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[218], autoOpen : false, width : 680, closeOnEscape : false, resizable : false, draggable : false, modal : true, hide : 200, /** * @param {?} opt_async * @param {?} opt_password * @return {undefined} */ open : function(opt_async, opt_password) { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[65]); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 0); $(_0x644e[201])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[41]); $(_0x644e[216])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[58])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[219] }); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 1); }); } }); $(_0x644e[223])[_0x644e[54]](_0x644e[20], function() { $(_0x644e[222])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[52])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[221] }); }); $(_0x644e[222])[_0x644e[191]](_0x644e[226])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[224], autoOpen : false, width : 680, closeOnEscape : false, resizable : false, draggable : false, modal : true, hide : 200, /** * @param {?} opt_async * @param {?} opt_password * @return {undefined} */ open : function(opt_async, opt_password) { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[65]); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 0); $(_0x644e[201])[_0x644e[20]](function() { $(_0x644e[67])[_0x644e[66]](_0x644e[64], _0x644e[41]); $(_0x644e[222])[_0x644e[51]](_0x644e[58])[_0x644e[51]]({ dialogClass : _0x644e[225] }); $(_0x644e[199])[_0x644e[198]](0, 1); }); } }); /** * @param {?} options * @return {?} */ $[_0x644e[227]][_0x644e[20]] = function(options) { return this[_0x644e[162]](function() { var collection = $(this); collection[_0x644e[54]](_0x644e[228], options); }); }; $(_0x644e[233])[_0x644e[232]]({ ogg : _0x644e[229], mp3 : _0x644e[230], eventType : _0x644e[20], playType : _0x644e[231] }); var _0x31cbx30 = _0x644e[41]; if (document[_0x644e[235]]) { document[_0x644e[237]](Event.MOUSEDOWN); /** @type {function (?): ?} */ document[_0x644e[238]] = objEquiv; } else { /** @type {function (?): ?} */ document[_0x644e[239]] = objEquiv; /** @type {function (): ?} */ document[_0x644e[240]] = tryIt; } /** @type {Function} */ document[_0x644e[240]] = new Function(_0x644e[241]); })(jQuery); } else { window[_0x644e[242]] = _0x644e[243]; } ;
  5. Pisi (@hades), oferi si relocare ? Da si mie un salar pe PM. PWP
  6. Cu toate ca a aparut acum 10 ani, bug-ul a fost fixed pe 18 octombrie anul asta. Pe scurt, pentru cei interesati, cateva informatii utile: - exploitul nu se poate executa remote (trebuie sa poti executa comenzile pe sistem); Pentru a putea folosi remote acest exploit e nevoie de alta vulnerabilitate care sa va dea acces la sistemul tinta. Exemplu simplu prin care se poate exploata (nu remote): un web shell. Presupunem ca un server ruleaza o aplicatie web care are o vulnerabilitate ce ne permite sa uploadam un web shell ^aka sa executam comenzi de sistem. In principiu, aceste comenzi sunt executate ca si low-privileged user (cateodata numit www-data sau ceva asemanator) Cu acest exploit poti sa faci overwrite la /etc/passwd pentru a da fisierului www-data UID-ul 0 => privilegii de root. Am incercat asta pe o masina virtuala si totusi nu a mers. In cazul asta, poti seta UID-ul unui user la 0, insa va trebui sa va relogati dupa (nu e chiar o optiune pentru ca avem doar un web shell). Cateva limitari ale exploitului: - poti face overwrite doar la byte existenti (nu ai cum sa adaugi ceva intr-un fisier). - eu unul nu am putut scrie mai mult de 4 kb intr-un fisier. Apropo, a mai fost postat de @Silviu aici.
  7. PARTIKIP ! 


    +1 pentru golf

  8. http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/
  9. Asta e intrebare la caterinca ? Ai cautat pe google inainte sa intrebi aici ? Ce vrei mai exact sa faci ? Sa creezi un site ? Sa vezi cum ar arata un site de pe net cu cateva modificari ? Ai nevoie asa: - HTML De ce ? Cauta pe google. - CSS De ce ? Cauta pe google. - Javascript De ce ? Cauta pe google. Mai ai nevoie si de server web ( apache / nginx ). De ce ? Cauta pe google.
  10. http://www.pythonchallenge.com/ @hades @SilenTx0 @EAdrian @fallen_angel @shaggi @Hertz @Byte-ul @Usr6 GL & HF.
  11. https://asciinema.org/a/8jlbdq006wsnkqewvcaf05wva
  12. Nu inteleg nimic din codul asta postat. Pune-l si tu pe bpaste cu indentarea corecta. - ai ; dupa while - as face functia lengthOfCollatzSequence de tipul long long - in main() folosesti arg si argv dar nu le folosesti nicaieri - if(length >=x) -> aici aveai nevoie de acolade (ai doua instructiuni) Problema cu time limit exceeded este din cauza faptului ca programul tau, la un moment dat incearca sa calculeze un nr. mai mare de 2^31 - 1. Incearca asa: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int lengthOfCollatzSequence(int n) { unsigned i = 0; while(n != 1) { if(n % 2 == 0) n = n / 2; else n = 3 * n + 1; i++; } return i; } int main() { int a, b, length = 0, x = 0; scanf("%d %d", &a, &b); for(;a <= b; a++) { int l = lengthOfCollatzSequence(a); if(length < l) { length = l; x = a; } } printf("%d", x); } PS: Nu mai ai nevoie de return 0. E un subiect discutat foarte mult in ultimul timp. Compilatorul stie sa il puna singur cand intalneste } din main (in C99 cel putin). Pentru mai multe detalii: http://stackoverflow.com/a/4138710/6165050
  13. Imi pare rau, cauta astfel de servicii in alta parte. Aici nu se mai permite asa ceva. Se poate da Trash + TC
  14. Mi-am aruncat si eu un ochi repede. Nu am testat: import requests from lxml import html from gi.repository import Notify, GdkPixbuf from time import sleep s = requests.session() def get_news(): """ Return the last topic """ page = s.get("https://rstforums.com") tree = html.fromstring(page.content) subject = tree.xpath('//a[@class="postTitle"]/text()') title = tree.xpath('//span[@class="author"]/text()') topic = "Subject: {0} -- Posted by: {1}".format(subject[0], title[0]) return topic def get_notification(x): """ Show notification """ Notify.init("RST News") notification = Notify.Notification.new("New post on rstforums.com!", x) image = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file("rst.png") notification.set_icon_from_pixbuf(image) notification.set_image_from_pixbuf(image) notification.show() def main(): last_new = [] while True: try: last_message = get_news() except: print("error - ce error ? tre' sa ghicesc ?\n") continue if last_message != last_new: last_new = last_message get_notification(last_message) sleep(3) if __name__ == '__main__': main() - calea catre imagine as pune-o ca argument - ce ofera nou asta spre deosebire de un feed ? Spor in continuare, e un inceput bun Citeste PEP8 !
  15. Recomand tuturor care vor sa invete C++ sa se uite si pe noile standarde C++ 17. Hai sa incepem si noi sa fim mai contemporani asa. Relevante: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38060436/what-are-the-new-features-in-c17 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B17
  16. Sa nu veniti plangand aici, daca dupa ce descarcati cacaturile astea va umpleti de spyware-uri si alte "cestiuni" aferente.
  17. Se va muta domeniul pe .com. Pana atunci site-ul va fi unreachable. Proiectul nu este inchis.
  18. Daca zici ca ai fost la Facultatea de Informatica, reia cursurile care se axeaza pe Info ( Programare, Structuri de Date si Algoritmi, OOP si ce mai faceti voi acolo ). Nu stiu in ce domeniu te incadrezi: - web design - software development - web apps - networking - automation - DB Admin - crypto - artificial inteligence & machine learning - mobile apps - etc plm Nu ai dat nici macar un detaliu. Vrei sa inveti, dar domeniul asta e incredibil de mare. Incepe cu proiecte mici, orice. Vezi ce se mai cere pe site-uri de freelancing si incearca sa faci ce cer aia ( bineinteles, dupa ce ai ceva cunostinte de baza). Abia ai terminat facultatea, nu e panica. Daca te dedici, in 2 ani poti face multe si poti castiga binisor. Ai inceput cu CSS / HTML. Ar trebui sa stii ca nu faci nimic doar cu astea. Poti invata pe langa JS / Jquery / PHP si ceva frameworkuri. Cererea pe piata in domeniul IT e mare, si nu doar in Romania. Ia-o treptat, usor! Alege un limbaj de programare pe care il consideri la-ndemana si toaca-l. Dedica-te si poate va ajunge sa-ti placa. Nu astepta mura-n gura cum ai facut in postul asta. Pe noi sincer ne lasa rece un astfel de topic pentru ca am avut cel putin sute de membrii care au intrebat ("cum sa incep?", "ce sa fac? etc) dar nu am vazut nici macar unul care sa zica: "m-am apucat de asta si nu-mi iese un cacat. Help!". Pune mana si apuca-te de treaba si vino aici cu intrebari daca te incurci la ceva. Sunt oameni care te pot ajuta. Ceea ce ai spus referitor la angajare este perfect fals. Cunosc personal recrutori care cauta studenti proaspat iesiti din facultati de IT pentru a-i forma si a le oferi sansa de a se dezvolta in cadrul companiei lor. Asa ca nu mai manca , cacat si spor la treaba Peace ! ^^
  19. MrGrj

    hack catalog ASE

    Vulnerabilitatea cea mai mare pe care o poti exploata in cazul asta este omul. Trebuie doar sa stii unde/cand/cum sa pui presiune si ti se modifica ce vrei.
  20. Ceea ce vrei tu se numeste load balancing. Poti cauta informatii pe gogu' despre asta. Luand in considerare formularea intrebarii tale sunt oarecum sceptic ca vei putea face de unul singur asa ceva, insa daca reusesti.. tot respectul. Bafta
  21. Ai citit documentatia ? Ai acolo un exemplu cu exact ce iti trebuie: import Tkinter, Tkconstants, tkFileDialog class TkFileDialogExample(Tkinter.Frame): def __init__(self, root): Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, root) # options for buttons button_opt = {'fill': Tkconstants.BOTH, 'padx': 5, 'pady': 5} # define buttons Tkinter.Button(self, text='askopenfile', command=self.askopenfile).pack(**button_opt) Tkinter.Button(self, text='askopenfilename', command=self.askopenfilename).pack(**button_opt) Tkinter.Button(self, text='asksaveasfile', command=self.asksaveasfile).pack(**button_opt) Tkinter.Button(self, text='asksaveasfilename', command=self.asksaveasfilename).pack(**button_opt) Tkinter.Button(self, text='askdirectory', command=self.askdirectory).pack(**button_opt) # define options for opening or saving a file self.file_opt = options = {} options['defaultextension'] = '.txt' options['filetypes'] = [('all files', '.*'), ('text files', '.txt')] options['initialdir'] = 'C:\\' options['initialfile'] = 'myfile.txt' options['parent'] = root options['title'] = 'This is a title' # This is only available on the Macintosh, and only when Navigation Services are installed. #options['message'] = 'message' # if you use the multiple file version of the module functions this option is set automatically. #options['multiple'] = 1 # defining options for opening a directory self.dir_opt = options = {} options['initialdir'] = 'C:\\' options['mustexist'] = False options['parent'] = root options['title'] = 'This is a title' def askopenfile(self): """Returns an opened file in read mode.""" return tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r', **self.file_opt) def askopenfilename(self): """Returns an opened file in read mode. This time the dialog just returns a filename and the file is opened by your own code. """ # get filename filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**self.file_opt) # open file on your own if filename: return open(filename, 'r') def asksaveasfile(self): """Returns an opened file in write mode.""" return tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', **self.file_opt) def asksaveasfilename(self): """Returns an opened file in write mode. This time the dialog just returns a filename and the file is opened by your own code. """ # get filename filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**self.file_opt) # open file on your own if filename: return open(filename, 'w') def askdirectory(self): """Returns a selected directoryname.""" return tkFileDialog.askdirectory(**self.dir_opt) if __name__=='__main__': root = Tkinter.Tk() TkFileDialogExample(root).pack() root.mainloop() Citeste tot ce acolo, apoi incearca sa implementezi in aplicatia ta ceea ce ai nevoie. Daca nu reusesti, posteaza aici erorile primite si te ajut In fine, mi-e lene sa te ajut mai tarziu. Uite aici ceva rapid: from Tkinter import * import tkFileDialog def askdirectory(): dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory() if dirname: var.set(dirname) def UserFileInput(status,name): optionFrame = Frame(root) optionLabel = Label(optionFrame) optionLabel["text"] = name optionLabel.pack(side=LEFT) text = status var = StringVar(root) var.set(text) w = Entry(optionFrame, textvariable= var) w.pack(side = LEFT) optionFrame.pack() return w, var def Print_entry(): print var.get() if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() dirBut = Button(root, text='askdirectory', command = askdirectory) dirBut.pack(side = RIGHT) getBut = Button(root, text='print entry text', command = Print_entry) getBut.pack(side = BOTTOM) w, var = UserFileInput("", "Directory") root.mainloop() @fallen_angel tie iti sta in gat daca inveti ?
  22. Asta + coding + coffee. Best
  23. I'm garaj and I feel offended In principiu ala mananca foarte mult cacat. Nu cred ca daca reusea sa fure 50 MM ii mai ardea sa posteze cacaturi pe un forum no-name. Ma gandesc ce as face eu daca as da de banii astia... ce a facut el nu e clar unu' din lucrurile de pe lista.
  24. Hai sa ai mult succes cu treaba asta @Silviu taci acolo, ca tu nici macar cu consatenii nu te mai vezi
  25. MrGrj


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