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Everything posted by MrGrj

  1. Imi cer scuze ca ma bag, o fac foarte rar, insa din moment ce tu nu stai pe chat si nu stii ce se intampla pe-acolo, cum vorbim si ce glume avem, nu cred ca ai dreptul sa scoti in evidenta ce / cum si cui vorbeste. Daca @aa7670 rade cu @SilenTx0 este pentru ca se cunosc (si oricum nu e treaba ta si nu ar trebui sa-ti pese daca Ina i-o freaca lu' @hades sau daca @urs_02918473 si-o freaca in momentul in care @aelius trimite poze cu shemale). Faptul ca @Gecko se injura cu Worm e strict problema lor. (toata lumea se injura cu Worm, si da, ne place) Termina cu frustarile astea si incearca sa faci ceva folositor pentru comunitatea asta. Nu-ti convine ceva ? Taci si treci peste. E doar un forum. Scopul acestei comunitati este de a ajuta membrii sa-si dezvolte abilitatile in IT & Sec si pe cat posibil, sa le ofere posibilitatea de a se relaxa (chat). Incearca sa intelegi asta sau evita sa mai faci din nimic, ceva. Peace
  2. MrGrj

    Va salut

    Salur man. Sedere placuta
  3. Nu ma pricep la PHP, insa asemanator, in Python, se face match / scrapping pe cod HTML / XML folosind xpath. Teoretic, codul asta ar face match (banuiesc ca functia click va face click pe link) pe tag-urile HTML, de tipul <a>, care contin atributul title. Gasesti mai multe aici Ca un rezumat: // - defineste un path catre "nodul" / "tagul" <a> oriunde in HTML / XML. @ - e doar un indicator catre atributul cautat ( in cazul tau, title ) Repet, nu stiu daca e vorba de acelasi lucru, dar seamana
  4. Bine ai venit si spor la invatat. @aa7670 cred ca e cazul sa inchidem thread-ul asta, nu crezi ? Prea mult spam pe index. Just sayin'
  5. Nu este solicitant? Dude, habar nu ai tu cat de solicitant poate fi câteodată. Oricât de mult iti place ceea ce faci, vei avea momente in care iti vei fute creierul efectiv. E o diferență intre viata de programator corporatist si un freelancer. Ca freelancer da, poti face din asta un second job, căutând proiecte mici. Dar dacă vrei să te angajezi, sa stai la birou etc, asteaptă-te la: hr de căcat, conducere de căcat, mancatorie intre colegi si multe altele.
  6. Poti face foarte multe cu wireshark. Ce trafic vrei mai exact sa urmaresti ? Nu ma ajuta cu nimic: "Traficul de pe un router". Vrei un anumit IP ? Vrei traficul de pe TCP ? SMTP ? Ce anume ? Ai citit documentatia ? Ai cautat ceea ce te intereseaza ? Daca da, ce anume ai cautat ? (pune aici ceva linkuri sa vad si eu ce nu ai gasit)
  7. Exista multi algoritmi care pot face ceea ce vrei tu: Citeste aici sau aici
  8. MrGrj


    Ahahahahahaha.... mooorr. Hai să curgă cu fomei, miei si beutura in casele voastre.
  9. Nu mai tine minte daca in noul index la care lucreaza @Gecko era optiunea asta, insa ar fi misto sa poti accesa PM-ul direct din index (asa cum era inainte) Sau macar sa fie navbar-ul de pe forum si pe index.
  10. Security researchers from Trend micro recently discovered a new JavaScript-based malware that infects your mobile devices and also attacks your home router by altering its DNS (Domain Name System) settings. This new threat was named as JS_JITON and was first noticed in end of December 2015, continuing to infect devices up until this day, hitting its peak in February 2016, with over 1,500 infections per day. Researchers say that the malware spreads it’s infection chain in a very simple way. Attackers place their code in some websites and wait for users to visit The malware’s infection chain is simple. According to Trend Micro researchers, attackers place malicious code on compromised websites and wait for users to visit these pages using mobile devices. Once this happens, the malware is downloaded to the user’s mobile device and executes, trying to connect to the local home network’s router IP using a series of admin and passwords combos hardcoded in the JS_JITON malware source code. The malware has over 1,400 credentials are included, and once the malware authenticates on the device, it will change the router’s DNS settings. Very little is known about what the intentions of this malware are, but taking into account that at one point it also included malicious code that executed from desktop computers, Trend Micro researchers believe this is a “work in progress,” with its creators still exploring their attack’s capabilities. The belief was made strong by the fact that attackers regularly update JS_JITON’s source code, changing small details here and there, fine tuning their attacks. Additionally, at one point, the JS_JITON source code also included a keylogging component. According to researchers JS_JITON could attack D-Link and TP-Link routers, but it also included a special exploit to take advantage of CVE-2014-2321, an older vulnerability in ZTE modems. Malwares like this could be a serious threat if not killed in the initial stage. Source
  11. Ba, nu inteleg de ce va cacati atat pe voi. Am explicat si la @Byte-ul In cazul in care un chall e facut de tine, evident vei veni cu o solutie personala. In cazul de fata, chall-ul nu a fost al meu, insa mi s-a parut extrem de nice, asa ca l-am postat La fel si cu rezolvarea: aia a fost cea mai completa pe care am gasit-o, deci am postat-o. Puteam sa vin cu solutia mea, insa era cu mult mai putine detalii fata de ceea ce am postat mai sus. Poti sa-l inchizi
  12. Close enough. Uite la ce ma gandisem eu ca ar fi un raspuns complet: Se indenteaza putin codul: main(_) { _^448 && main(-~_); putchar(--_%64 ? 32 | -~7[__TIME__-_/8%8][">'txiZ^(~z?"-48] >> ";;;====~$::199"[_*2&8|_/64]/(_&2?1:8)%8&1 : 10); } Se introduc ceva variabile pentru a face codul putin mai readable: main(int i) { if(i^448) main(-~i); if(--i % 64) { char a = -~7[__TIME__-i/8%8][">'txiZ^(~z?"-48]; char b = a >> ";;;====~$::199"[i*2&8|i/64]/(i&2?1:8)%8; putchar(32 | (b & 1)); } else { putchar(10); // newline } } A se nota ca -~i == i + 1 deci avem: main(int i) { if(i != 448) main(i+1); i--; if(i % 64 == 0) { putchar('\n'); } else { char a = -~7[__TIME__-i/8%8][">'txiZ^(~z?"-48]; char b = a >> ";;;====~$::199"[i*2&8|i/64]/(i&2?1:8)%8; putchar(32 | (b & 1)); } } Acum, a se nota faptul ca a[ b ] e acelasi lucru ca si b[ a ], iar aplicand -~ == 1+ avem: main(int i) { if(i != 448) main(i+1); i--; if(i % 64 == 0) { putchar('\n'); } else { char a = (">'txiZ^(~z?"-48)[(__TIME__-i/8%8)[7]] + 1; char b = a >> ";;;====~$::199"[(i*2&8)|i/64]/(i&2?1:8)%8; putchar(32 | (b & 1)); } } Facand trecere de la recursivitate la un loop + incercand sa simplificam putin codul, obtinem: main() { int i; for(i=447; i>=0; i--) { if(i % 64 == 0) { putchar('\n'); } else { char t = __TIME__[7 - i/8%8]; char a = ">'txiZ^(~z?"[t - 48] + 1; int shift = ";;;====~$::199"[(i*2&8) | (i/64)]; if((i & 2) == 0) shift /= 8; shift = shift % 8; char b = a >> shift; putchar(32 | (b & 1)); } } } Asta va afisa cate un caracter per iteratie. Fiecare al 64-lea caracter va printa un new-line. Altfel, foloseste o pereche de valori dintr-un table pentru a-si da seama ce sa printeze si pune ori caracterul 32(space) sau caracterul 33 ( '!' ). Primul tabel ( ">'txiZ^(~z?" ) este un set de 10 bitmaps care descriu aparitia fiecarui caracter, iar cel de-al doilea tabel: ( ";;;====~$::199" ) selecteaza bit-ul necesar din bitmap. Al doilea tabel: int shift = ";;;====~$::199"[(i*2&8) | (i/64)]; i/64 -> este numarul linie (6-0) i&2&8 -> 8 daca i = 4, 5, 7 mod 8. if((i & 2) == 0) shift /= 8; shift = shift % 8 - linia de mai sus selecteaza ori "the high octal digit" (pentru i%8 = 0,1,4,5) sau "the low octal figit" (pentru i%8 = 2,3,6,7). Deci tabelul va arata cam asa: rand col val 6 6-7 0 6 4-5 0 6 2-3 5 6 0-1 7 5 6-7 1 5 4-5 7 5 2-3 5 5 0-1 7 4 6-7 1 4 4-5 7 4 2-3 5 4 0-1 7 3 6-7 1 3 4-5 6 3 2-3 5 3 0-1 7 2 6-7 2 2 4-5 7 2 2-3 3 2 0-1 7 1 6-7 2 1 4-5 7 1 2-3 3 1 0-1 7 0 6-7 4 0 4-5 4 0 2-3 3 0 0-1 7 Sau, intr-o forma mai tabulara: 00005577 11775577 11775577 11665577 22773377 22773377 44443377 A se observa ca s-a folosit null terminator pentru primele doua valori din tabel Primul tabel: __TIME__ este un macro special definit de preprocesor. Aceasta este folosita ca un constant string continand timpul la care preprocesorul a fost rulat, in forma: "HH:MM:SS". Mai pe romaneste, odata cu fiecare compilare, programul va arata ora exacta a compilarii. A se observa ca ora nu se schimba atunci cand dati Run. De sesizat faptul ca HH:MM:SS contine exact 8 caractere. De notat ca 0-9 in ASCII inseamna 48-57 iar semnul ":" are valoarea 58 in tabelul cu valori ASCII. Outputul contine 64 caractere / linie => 8 chars / caracter din __TIME__. 7 - i/8%8 este indexul lui __TIME__ care este de fapt outputul ( 7- este necesar pentru ca iteram valoarea lui i invers). Deci, t este ceea ce __TIME__ printeaza. a sfarsteste prin a fi egal cu una din urmatoarele valori binare, in functie de inputul t: 0 00111111 1 00101000 2 01110101 3 01111001 4 01101010 5 01011011 6 01011111 7 00101001 8 01111111 9 01111011 : 01000000 Din moment ce caracterele sunt 7-bit ASCII, cel mai mare bit va fi mereu clearuit => 7 va fi printat mereu ca blank. Deci, al doilea tabel va arata asa, dupa ce 7 = blank 000055 11 55 11 55 116655 22 33 22 33 444433 Deci, de exemplu, 4 = 01101010 (bits 1,3,5, si 6 set) care e printat astfel: ----!!-- !!--!!-- !!--!!-- !!!!!!-- ----!!-- ----!!-- ----!!-- Ca sa vedem ca am inteles cu adevarat codul, sa ajustam putin outputul folosind acest tabel: 00 11 55 11 55 66 22 33 22 33 44 Asta este encodat ca: "?;;?==? '::799\x07" In scop artistic, vom adauga 64 la cateva caractere (din moment ce doar ultimii 6 biti sunt folositi, asta nu va afecta ouputul); asta va rezulta in: "?{{?}}?gg::799G" ( de notat ca al 8-lea caracter nu este folosit -> deci practic putem sa il transformam in orice dorim).
  13. import socket import time with open('fisier_ips.txt', 'r') as ip_file: ip_content = ip_file.read() ip_content = ip_content.splitlines() for each_ip in ip_content: print(socket.gethostbyaddr(each_ip)) time.sleep(10) Asta e facut rapid in Python. Iti face treaba. Daca vrei mai multa viteza + putere de procesare poti sa folosesti threaduri. Bafta
  14. Pana acum nu am avut probleme cu RSS-ul. Good job. Asteptam index-ul si rezolvarea problemei de login si cam aia e ^^ PS: Formatarea codului se vede naspa de pe telefon
  15. Avem urmatoarea bucata de cod scris in C: main(_){_^448&&main(-~_);putchar(--_%64?32|-~7[__TIME__-_/8%8][">'txiZ^(~z?"-48]>>";;;====~$::199"[_*2&8|_/64]/(_&2?1:8)%8&1:10);} Programul poate fi compilat exact asa cum este (testat cu gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)), outputul fiind: [mrgrj@localhost tmp]# vim challangeRST.c [mrgrj@localhost tmp]# gcc challangeRST.c -o challangeRST [mrgrj@localhost tmp]# ./challangeRST !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !! !!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !! !!!! !!!! !! !! !!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !! !!!! Cum functioneaza programul ? (explicati output-ul) O sa va rog sa folositi buttonul de spoiler in momentul in care dati un raspuns decent. Challange-ul expira vineri la ora 23:59. Solvers: 1. @MasterLight 2. 3.
  16. @wildchild scopul acestui chall este de a trata pana la cel mai mic detaliu trimiterea unui email (de la deschiderea PC-ului pana la final). Ex: - Bios, MBR, GRUB, Kernel init, run level, routare, bridge-uri.. - encapsulare, segment packet frame, cati biti (cum se calculeaza), cum se trimit pachetele, cum cauta MAC-ul, hop-uri etc Stiu ca nu este un chall in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, dar e bine sa stim ca (daca) avem useri care inteleg cum si ce se intampla la nivel low-level ^^ Thanks & hope it makes sense
  17. Salut @aa7670^^ Din pacate sunt foarte prins cu munca saptamanile astea si nu am cum sa te ajut in viitorul apropiat ( urmatoarele 3 luni ). Recomand de asemenea pe @Silviu Saru'mana de tag.
  18. Building cross platform apps can be a huge savings for your company you are a startup especially because you can hire only one developers for entire mobile suite of applications. You can build native C++ apps for Android and Windows devices, and share code in libraries built for iOS, Android, and Windows, by using Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. This is an option available in Visual Studio 2015 that installs the SDKs and tools you need for cross-platform development of shared libraries and native apps. When it’s installed, you can use Visual C++ to create code that runs on iOS and Android devices and platforms, in addition to Windows, Windows Phone, and Xbox. Writing code for multiple platforms can be frustrating. The primary development languages and tools for iOS, Android, and Windows are different on each platform. However, all platforms support writing code in C++. This is the common denominator that you can use to enable reuse of core code across platforms. Native code written in C++ can be both more performant and resistant to reverse engineering. Code reuse can save both time and effort when creating apps for multiple platforms. You can use Visual Studio to build shared libraries of standard C++ code for Classic Windows applications, Universal Windows apps, iOS, and Android platforms. You can build native apps for Windows and Android platforms using only Visual C++ and third-party tools integrated into Visual Studio. If you have a Mac computer, you can use Visual Studio to create and debug C++ code for iOS apps that are built and deployed on your Mac. Requirements For installation requirements, see Visual Studio 2015 System Requirements. To build apps for specific device platforms, there are a few additional requirements: The Visual Studio Emulator for Android and Windows Phone emulators require a computer that can run Hyper-V. For more information, see the emulator’s system requirements. The x86 Android emulators that come with the Android SDK work best on computers that can run the Intel HAXM driver. This driver requires an Intel x64 processor with VT-x and Execute Disable Bit support. For more information, see Installation Instructions for Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager – Microsoft Windows. Building apps for iOS requires an iOS Developer Program account and a Mac computer that can run Xcode 6. Get the Tools Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development is an optional component included in Visual Studio 2015. To get Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio 2015 Downloads page and download Visual Studio 2015. The installer for Visual Studio 2015 includes an option to support cross-platform mobile development. This includes the option to install Visual C++ Mobile Development and the following common tools and software development kits. Most of these options are open-source software required for cross-platform support. Android Native Development Kit (R10E, 32bits) is required for the Android build process. Android SDK, Apache Ant, and Java SE Development Kit are required for the Android build process. Microsoft Visual Studio Emulator for Android is a fast, capable emulator for Android development. For detailed installation instructions, see Install Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. To build code for iOS, you need to set up and configure a remote build agent on your Mac and connect to it in Visual Studio. For detailed installation and configuration instructions, see Install And Configure Tools to Build using iOS. Create a new Android Native Activity project You can use Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development to create, build, run and debug a complete Android app using C++. Visual Studio includes a template for an Android Native Activity project that can help you get started. In this tutorial, you’ll first create a new project and then build and run the default app. Before you can create a new project, make sure that you’ve met all system requirements and installed the Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development for Visual Studio. For more information, see Install Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. Take a look at the video to build cross platform apps To create a new project Open Visual Studio. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project. In the New Project dialog box, under Templates, choose Visual C++, Cross Platform, and then choose the Native-Activity Application (Android) template. Give the app a name like MyAndroidApp, and then choose OK. The new Android Native Activity app solution includes two projects: MyAndroidApp.NativeActivity contains the references and glue code for your app to run as a Native Activity on Android. The implementation of the entry points from the glue code are in main.cpp. Precompiled headers are in pch.h. Your app project is compiled into a shared library (.so) file which is picked up by the Packaging project. MyAndroidApp.Packaging creates the packaging (.apk) file for deployment on an Android device or emulator. This contains the resources and AndroidManifest.xml file where you set manifest properties. It also contains the build.xml file that controls the Ant build process. It’s set as the startup project by default, so that it can be deployed and run directly from Visual Studio. Build and run the Android Native Activity app Build and run the app generated by the template to verify your installation and setup. By default, the template sets the solution configuration to Debug and the solution platform to x86 to run the app on the Microsoft Visual Studio Emulator for Android. If you prefer to test your app on another target, load the target emulator or connect the device to your computer. To build and run the default Native Activity app On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution. The Output window displays the output of the build process for the two projects in the solution. Choose one of the VS Emulator profiles as your deployment target. If you have installed other emulators or connected an Android device, you can choose them in the deployment target dropdown list. Press F5 to start debugging, or Shift+F5 to start without debugging. Here’s what the default app looks like in the Visual Studio Emulator for Android. Visual Studio starts the emulator, which takes a few seconds to load and deploy your code. Once your app has started, you can set breakpoints and use the debugger to step through code, examine locals, and watch values. Please take your time to comment on our articles and suggest us some topic you like. Source
  19. Man, tu citesti carti cand inveti programare ? Like, citesti cap-coada ? Sa fim seriosi. Poftim cateva programe de inceput. Sunt in engleza, leave with that. (pentru inceput incearca sa le rezolvi fara sa te uiti la raspunsuri - asta asa, ca sa vezi cat de avansat esti) Ca sfat, vei avea parte de interviuri in care testele vor fi in engleza iar cand vei intalni termeni ca inheritance si altele, te vei uita ca baba la pula unui cal. Tu faci ce vrei, dar iti recomand sa incerci totusi sa faci sacrificiul asta.
  20. Nu stiu cat de avansat esti daca ceri in romana. Ce inseamna avansati la tine ? Ce stii sa faci in C ? De ce vrei in romana ? De ce nu stii engleza ?
  21. MrGrj

    RST Bashed

    Cum se naste un umil moderator: @Gecko
  22. ^ subscriu. Ideea e ca pe index ma pune mereu sa ma loghez. Insa daca dau click pe orice thread / chat / etc, sunt deja logat
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