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Everything posted by GarryOne
Nu merit? tricoul când sunt nevoit sa vad toat? reclama asta. Poate ii influen?eaz? pe unii mai slabi de înger ?i asta e catastrofal. Dac? era un iframe în care se vedea doar formularul, era ceva admisibil.
Cand iti inregistrezi certificatul SSL, iti pui acolo numele care vrei sa apara.
Am fost la evenimentul asta si a fost o prezentare despre acest CMS. Prezentarea a fost mai mult a publicitate, decat a prezentare, zicea ca va avea loc si o conferinta cu membri din strainatate, despre acest CMS, in curand. Personal, nu am folosit acest CMS. Stiu ca e enterprise (adica cu plata). Speaker-ul spunea ca acest CMS e predestinat proiectelor complexe, adica nu e recmoandat proiectelor simple/foarte mici.Mai nou, am vazut si ceva anunturi cu joburi pe acest CMS.
-Tu nevasta! Pune repede inregistrarea cu lansarea lui Ponta! - Da ce te-a apucat, mai omule?! - Mi-i tare rau si nu pot sa vomit.
esti sigur ca variabila ta se numeste "signupp" si nu "signup" ?
Apare din cauza ca variabila "signup" e nula, adica nu gaseste elementul "#signup".
. Eu aveam aplicatia anti-furt, instalat pe el cand mi l-a furat. M-am dus la politie cu acte, IMEI, poze cu hotul (i-am facut prin intermediul acelei aplicatiei), imagini video, inregistrari audio, informatii despre noul sim introdus in telefon...Raspunsul stiti care a fost? "Si ce vrei sa facem noi acum? Tu crezi ca o sa dam poza asta in toate sectiile de politie din tara pentru telefonul asta de 700 RON? Tu crezi ca o sa ne ducem la Orange sa le cerem sa-l localizeze? Oricum, chiar si daca am sti hotul cu exactitate, trebuie mai intai sa dovedim ca el l-a furat, dar asta e cam imposibil."
Faci o mare greseala. Confunzi designerul cu programatorul. Designerul e ala care face layout-ul in Photoshop, adica "il deseneaza". Tu, ca programator de HTML si CSS, trebuie doar sa transpui in aceste limbaje layout-ul care-ti vine de la designer. Orice site trebuie sa porneasca de la un layout, daca n-are cine sa-ti furnizeze layout-ul, ia un template de pe net si modifica-l.
V? invit?m la unul dintre primele evenimente care au loc în noua cl?dire The Office din Cluj-Napoca Agenda evenimentului: 18:00 Networking ?i r?sfoirea revistei 18:20 Prezent?ri articole (I) - Bogdan Mure?an - Informa?ie structurat? - aplicare Agile - Silviu Dumitrescu - JavaFX în Platforma Java Standard 8 - Mihnea Laz?r - Pragmatism în programare - Simona Bonghez - Gogu în ?oc .. Cultural - Sorina Mone -Visul unei ?coli de var? ... împlinit - Fortech hiSchool Training Program - Dan Suciu - Cu Smilestone la Imagine Cup 2014 19:30 Pauz? 20:00 Prezent?ri articole (II) - Monica Petraru - Tranzi?ia de la QA la BA - Alexandra Casapu - Cum po?i testa conferin?e de testare - Peter Krejcik - Avantajele folosirii SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) - Dan Danciu - Continuous Delivery - Florin M?guran - Cum s? detect?m tentativele de fraud? folosind Titan - Radu Murzea - Limbajul Hack (publicat în num?rul 26) 21:00 Networking * Participarea este gratuit? ** Evenimentul este g?zduit de 3Pillar Global Romania Event-ul pe fb, aici Este si in Tg Mures, aici Mai multe detalii, aici
Probabil reactia unora: Intr-o alta ordine de idei, e o chestie tare, bravo, doar ca, sa fim seriosi, cati dintre voi o sa stea sa asculte piese de pe youtube prin CLI?
Apropo, astia din Cluj tot trebuie sa astepte pana la Defcamp? Just sayin'
Eu zic sa te opresti pana nu l-ai cumparat, faci o greseala. M-am uitat la specificatii si le are de top, dar ce mi-a sarit in ochi, e bateria, 2300 mAh. Cu bateria asta nici o zi nu te va tine, daca e sa ne uitam la ce specificatii are.
Ma gandesc ca se poate usor vedea daca intr-adevar a fost el sau nu, dupa IP-urile care s-a logat.
Vinzi SSH? TCP-ul cu cat il dai?
Orice altceva numai nu Ubuntu.
Mi-ai furat gandul.
Imi place ca s-a calit lumea, deja, la astfel de topic-uri. Mai sunt doar cateva scantei care mai zvacnesc.
Cand am citit lista, aveam impresia ca a fost facuta pentru mine. Deci mergeau toate punctele consecutiv, una dupa alta, chiar cum le-am invatat eu, fara sa fie vreo una in plus, de fapt, doar C# & .NET, (nu-mi place Microsoft-ul). Sunt la 15.
Bookmarked. O sa-mi iau o zi libera de la serviciu ca sa-l citesc. PS: Tutorialul preda mult mai multe informatii decat spune titlul. In rest, Bravo.
Users running the website on a self-hosted WordPress or on Drupal are strongly recommended to update their websites to the latest version immediately. A moderately critical vulnerability was discovered in the way Drupal and WordPress implement XMLRPC, which can lead an attacker to disable your website via a method known as Denial of Service (DoS). VULNERABILITY RESULTS IN DoS ATTACK The latest update of WordPress 3.9.2 mainly addresses an issue in the PHP’s XML processor that could be exploited to trigger a DoS (denial of service) attack. The vulnerability affects all previous versions of WordPress. The XML vulnerability was first reported by Nir Goldshlager, a security researcher from Salesforce.com's product security team, that impacts both the popular website platforms. The issue was later fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress security team and David Rothstein of the Drupal security team. ATTACK MAKES YOUR WEBSITE COMPLETELY INACCESSIBLE The vulnerability makes use of a well-known cyber attack, XML Quadratic Blowup Attack. When executed, it has the capability to take down the whole website or server almost instantly, with the use of only a single machine. The XML vulnerability can cause complete CPU and memory exhaustion and the site’s database to reach the maximum number of open connections, and as a result, the vulnerable site and server become unavailable for a period of time, hence affecting Availability of your website. In short, when the vulnerability is exploited, your website and web server can become totally inaccessible. WORDPRESS AND DRUPAL USED BY MILLIONS OF WEBSITES The issue is actually serious because WordPress and Drupal is being used by millions of websites. The recent statistics from the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) says that WordPress alone powers nearly 23% of the web, and over one million websites used by Drupal. WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) with more than 30,000 plugins, each of which offers custom functions and features enabling users to tailor their sites to their specific needs, therefore it is easy to setup and use, that’s why tens of millions of websites across the world opt it. HOW EXPLOIT WORKS As explained earlier, the XML vulnerability makes use of an XML Quadratic Blowup Attack, which is almost similar to a ‘Billion Laughs attack’ that allows a very small XML document to completely disrupt the services on machine in a matter of seconds. The XML Quadratic Blowup Attack exploits the use of entity expansion, instead of using nested entities inside an XML document, it replicates one large entity with tens of thousands of characters over and over again. In this type of attack, a medium-sized XML document of nearly two hundred kilobytes in size could require within the range of hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes of memory. That if exploited by an attacker, could easily bring down an entire website or web server. Nir Goldshlager wrote in his blog.VIDEO DEMONSTRATION Goldshlager has also provided a video demonstration as a proof-of-concept to the WordPress Denial of Service attack. UPDATE NOW The XML vulnerability is present in WordPress versions 3.5 to 3.9.1 (the latest version) and works on the default installation. The same vulnerability affects Drupal versions 6.x to 7.x (the current version) and also works on the default installation. Both WordPress and Drupal have released an update today to address this problem and all users should upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible. WordPress 3.7 introduced automatic updates which allows security patches, such as this one, to get rolled out to users automatically.