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Kaspersky want to buy Fly Crypter

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Fly Crypter is probably one of the most popular crypter where it can be used to make a malware fully undetectable.

The coder of Fly Crypter, BUNNN said that Kaspersky is offering 3000 Euro to buy the source code for debugging.

As you can see, antivirus company not only makes money from users, but they also spend a lot of money buying sources in order to learn how it works and create a better detection.

Respect BUNNN, the best coder.


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As you can see, antivirus company not only makes money from users, but they also spend a lot of money buying sources in order to learn how it works and create a better detection.

Pentru cel care a scris articolul, 3000 sunt "a lot of money". Dar o companie de milioane de dolari ar trebui sa se gandeasca la lucruri mai bune decat sa arunce o coaja de paine pe un produs destul de important.

Asta e unul din motivele pentru care nu am antivirus.

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In locul lui, as modifica sursa, anumite chestii importante care fac diferenta intre acest crypter si celelalte si as fi vandut-o si pe 2k sau nu as cere nimic in schimb as cauta o cale sa trezesc interesul si curiozitatea celorlalte companii doar ca sa-mi faca reclama la cat de bun e crypterul si tot nu l-as vinde fiindca in momentul asta va dati si voi seama cati clienti vor aparea (pentru binarii).

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