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Problemă de probabilitate

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Parerea mea e ca raspunsul final depinde de locul unde se afla raspunsul corect,

mai e exact daca raspunsul corect e pe 2 poziti (A,D) atunci probabilitatea e de 50% si raspunsul corect e B.

daca raspunsul corect se afla pe (B) sau pe © adika pe o singura varianta, atunci raspunsul corect e A=25%

Edited by user567
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That isn't the point, idiot.

A good problem would be one that is not posted in 99% of the sites in the internet that you made yourself (apparently you're too dumb to do that) so you could have genuine solvers instead of stupid kids trying to act smart on a problem that has no solution.

You contradict yourself, where did you get the problem from? You made it yourself?. Rofl, copy+paste, keep on doing that, it really makes your brain sharp.

First of all, I did not claim it was made by me, I just wanted to make everybody think because everyone likes a challenge, no matter how tricky the answer is or is not. A fair person would put it's mind at work, wouldn't search for the answer straght on the interweb.

Secondly, we do not tolerate or endorse bad language in here. It's a rule, you either stick to it or you're out. Your next insult will get you a warning, no matter whom you're insulting.

And no thanks, I am not gonna post a problem more advanced jusr for you because dorks like you will search the really next second for a solving on the internet.

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And you got yourself with two warnings for not being so brilliant since I reminded you how we do not tolerate bad language in here. According to this system, the third one will be a temporary ban.

edit: if that's your point on this matter, fine, I don't care if anyone agrees with my opinion, but that doesn't give you any right to insult people

Edited by wildchild
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A si D sunt egale deci daca unul din ele ar fi raspunsul corect sansele ar creste pana la 50 %.

Daca raspunsul croect este unul din celelalte doua sansele ar fi de 33(3)% .

Dar sunt 66(6)% ca raspunsul corect sa fie unul dintre cele doua .

Acum ar merge niste calcule mai complicate care implica faptul ca ai 1/3 sanse sa ai sanse de 50% si 2/3 de 33% .

Raspuns final 38.8%. Probabil ca am calculat prost sau am gandit prost .Oricum e vara de ce ne chinui cu chestiile astea .

In cazul problemei noastre sansele variaza in functie de raspunsul corect .

Observatie(S-ar putea sa fie mai gresita decat un elefant in bikini)

Dupa parerea ,ca sa ne fie mai usor sa intelegem putem considera raspunsurile A,B,C,D ca fiind raspunurile unei probleme cu probabilitati .

Dar ca sa fie mai interesanta el a transformat raspunsurile intr-o o parte din enunt si a scos enuntul problemei anterioare .

Dupa asta a adaugat raspunsul D(egal cu raspunsul A) pentru a creea cele doua rezultate posibile in functie de rezultatul corect.

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Let me remind you who started using abusive words and direct attacks. I would've gladly warned myself if I suddenly started for no reason to call people idiots when I find something that bugs me and does not share my thoughts. I wasn't interested in an answer, I only wanted to see how people are able to reason with some very uncertain dataset given in a problem(as often happens to be in real life).

By the way, "dork" is way softer than "idiot". Now play it safe, stop insulting people which don't share the same opinion as you do.

Edited by wildchild
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Deci cred ca raspunsul corect este 0% deoarece raspunsurile se contrazic.Daca am alege a sau d si raspunsul ar fi corect inseamna ca ar fi 50% sanse ca sa fie corect deoarce ele sunt identice 25%+25% ,deci nu A este raspunsul corect ci B, in acest ca sansele sunt de 25%, deci ajungem din nou la primul caz. La fel si celelalte cazuri daca alegem D atunci o sa fie 1->2->apoi iar la cazul 1.Deci in concluzie orice am alege ar fi fals.

//este ceva in genul unui algoritm recursiv numai ca nu exista cazul general conditia care face ca algoritmul sa se opreasca

//Posibil sa debitez

Edited by danyweb09
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Dac? alegi un r?spuns aleatoriu la aceast? întrebare, care este ?ansa s? nimere?ti r?spunsul corect?

A) 25%

B) 50%

C) 60%

D) 25%

Cu argumente v? rog, vreau s? v? v?d cum judeca?i.

C). 60% deoarece probabilitatea e maxima avand in vedere ca raspunsul poate fi aleatoriu, adica: oricare l-as alege este corect dat fiind faptul ca nu este specificat in solutie. Am ales 60% deoarece are procentul cel mai mare, dar in contrariu (logica mea) poate fi A, B, C sau D, indiferent de procente.

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Ma bucur sa vad ca s-a postat asta. Stiu ca demult am pus si eu o varianta a problemei pe forum numai ca in locul raspunsului 60% am pus 0%.

Ar fi interesant sa revedeti raspunsurile date si aici https://rstforums.com/forum/57766-probabilitatea-raspunsului.rst


Aa si cu privire la topic.

In cazul de fata si eu as tinde sa aleg varianta 0%.

Motivul e acela ca in intrebare nu se specifica in mod expres faptul ca trebuie sa aleg neaparat o varianta din cele 4 prezentate.

Variantele sunt evidentiate dar nu scrie "din urmatoarele variante".

Stiu ca era la mintea cocosului faptul ca poate ca se dorea sa se aleaga de acolo. Dar fiind o problema de logica incerc sa gasesc solutia in functie de ce mi se cere in problema fara sa violez intr-un fel ceva ce este prezent in context. Faptul ca nu mi se cere in concret sa aleg de acolo imi da in mod clar posibilitatea de a da un raspuns.

In cazul in care ma punea sa aleg neaparat de acolo atunci era un paradox.

Edited by crs12decoder
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