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Un mic challange! :)

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Task: Faceti un comentariu mai jos cu continutul fisierului "task.txt"

Hints: none

File: [RST] Challange.rar

Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!3Ap00A6J

Key: oksOuxkt0LBStYFcgOLOiTYZ72gOEaDSlBX09GaTLU0

Note: Va rog, nu spuneti la nimeni cum ati reusit, pana nu reuseste mai multa lume! ;;)


Ma gandesc ca dupa ce reusiti sa finalizati task`ul vi s`ar putea parea foarte lame, dar sunt curios cat timp va va lua!

Ps: Daca credeti ca topicul isi are locu in zona "challanges" rog on moderator sa`l mute acolo, daca nu, nu!

~Bafta :)

Mie mi`a luat 3 zile

nu se referea la acest challenge,era vorba despre o alta extensie.si eu i-am zis ca la unele fisiere cu extensii "dubioase" incerc sa deschid mai intai cu Notepad sau sa schimb extensia in .rar sau .zip.


.nfo -> Notepad

.xpi -> WinRAR

.cfg -> Notepad


Poti determina extrem de usor daca folosesti Linux, Unix, Mac OS X ....

:~# whatis file
file (1) - determine file type

Am redenumit aici cate ceva de test. Nu conteaza extensia (comanda file):

macbook Downloads$ mv rstMailerSMTP.tar.gz test.zip
macbook Downloads$ mv istumbler-99.zip istumbler.tgz
macbook Downloads$ mv FusionInvoice-1.3.5-full.zip Fusion.tar.bz2
macbook Downloads$ mv magento- magento.rar
macbook Downloads$ file test.zip istumbler.tgz Fusion.tar.bz2 magento.rar
test.zip: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Fri Feb 14 13:48:23 2014
istumbler.tgz: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
Fusion.tar.bz2: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
magento.rar: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Tue Nov 26 18:49:16 2013
macbook Downloads$ rm -rf test.zip istumbler.tgz Fusion.tar.bz2 magento.rar

emulate-embedded.img.bz2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
filehost_BBHH-Ultra DoS.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
fromEmail.txt: ASCII text, with no line terminators
set.eps: PostScript document text conforming DSC level 3.0, type EPS
set.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3
tcp_syn_flood.doc: CDF V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 5.1, Code page: 1252, Title: , Author: CPSE, Template: Normal.dot, Last Saved By: CPSE, Revision Number: 2, Name of Creating Application: Microsoft Word 10.0, Total Editing Time: 01:00, Last Printed: Wed Jun 1 21:23:00 2005, Create Time/Date: Wed Jun 1 21:24:00 2005, Last Saved Time/Date: Wed Jun 1 21:24:00 2005, Number of Pages: 1, Number of Words: 198, Number of Characters: 1129, Security: 0
untangle_1000_x64.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'Debian 6.0 amd64 1 ' (bootable)

Posted (edited)

Varianta 1: la o simpla editare se deduce ca: Mata-i grasa

Varianta 2: se dezarhiveaza fisierul, dupa care se modifica extensia din rst in rar si se dezarhiveaza din nou. Rezulta un fisier text cu continutul: Mata-i grasa

Edited by endru

Doamne ce prostie este asta? Am downloadat acel rar apoi am intrat in el si am deschis ca orice arhiva... si scria: Mata-i grasa. Voi ce a-ti facut acolo de v-au iesit caracterele alea? :)))

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