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  1. https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2016/04/mossack-fonseca-breach-vulnerable-slider-revolution/
    4 points
  2. Hi @AlexPrada - it would be useful if you could also specify whether this position would be remote or requires relocation. Taking into consideration your spelling & grammar, I dare to presume that said company is somewhere quite far off and this aspect is quite important to many here who might be interested. That will also eliminate time wasting (with signing of the NDA, etc.) on both sides. Also one thing you added in the job description: "Advise us in regard of the possibility in which we want to identify the "entity" that hack us before and retrieve those sensitive documents back" sounds quite illegal even though you (apparently) wish to retrieve what is yours.. It is for the local and national authorities to "play detective". Best of luck! P.S. are you from Mossack Fonseca?
    3 points
  3. Curtea Europeană: postarea de link-uri către conţinut piratat găzduit pe alte website-uri publice este legală Aurelian Mihai - 8 apr 2016 După ce în anul 2014 Curtea Europeană de Justiţie a anunţat că nu consideră postarea de link-ujri către conţinut găzduit pe alte website-uri publice ca fiind o încălcare a drepturilor de autor, Avocatul General al Curţii Europene vine cu completări ce vor face deliciul amatorilor de conţinut piratat. Potrivit acestuia, postarea de link-uri către alte website-uri publice nu constituie o încălcare a legii chiar dacă respectivul conţinut este găzduit fără permisiunea expresă a posesorului drepturilor de autor. Punctul de vedere al Curţii Europene a fost deja pus în discuţie într-un tribunal olandez, la procesul dus între un blog local numit GeenStijl şi publicaţia Playboy, vizând acuzaţii pentru postarea unor link-uri directe către un serviciu de file-sharing unde erau găzduite albume foto piratate aparţinând Playboy. Chiar dacă solicitarea pentru îndepărtarea conţinutului protejat a fost respectată de proprietarii serviciului de file sharing, proprietarul blogului a postat imediat link-uri actualizate către aceleaşi albume foto, găzduite însă pe un alt website. Încercarea de a forţa pe cale legală îndepărtarea link-urilor către conţinutul piratat s-a lovit însă de poziţia Avocatului General al Curţii Europene: „Hyperlink-urile care duc, chiar şi direct, către opere protejate nu le fac disponibile publicului când acestea sunt deja liber accesibile pe un alt website, ci doar servesc la facilitarea descoperirii lor”. Trebuie spus că poziţia avocatului Melchior Wathelet nu are putere de lege, decizia finală pe această temă urmând să fie luată în cursul acestui an, opinia Avocatului General cântărind însă puternic în interpretarea legilor UE. Sursa: http://www.go4it.ro/internet/curtea-europeana-postarea-de-link-uri-catre-continut-piratat-gazduit-pe-alte-website-uri-publice-este-legala-15220754/
    2 points
  4. http://www.freetechbooks.com/
    1 point
  5. Avast SecureLine Premium VPN PRO + licenta 2 ani. *Premium servers, fast VPN, super encryption, WiFi security and more. Descarca Avast SecureLine VPN + licenta 2 ani: https://www.sendspace.com/file/mv2he1
    1 point
  6. Prosecutors suspect man hacked lottery computers to score winning ticket Former security director may have tampered with number generator to win $14.3M. Prosecutors say they have evidence indicating the former head of computer security for a state lottery association tampered with lottery computers prior to him buying a ticket that won a $14.3 million jackpot, according to a media report. Eddie Raymond Tipton, 51, may have inserted a thumbdrive into a highly locked-down computer that's supposed to generate the random numbers used to determine lottery winners, The Des Moines Register reported, citing court documents filed by prosecutors. At the time, Tipton was the information security director of the Multi-State Lottery Association, and he was later videotaped purchasing a Hot Lotto ticket that went on to fetch the winning $14.3 million payout. In court documents filed last week, prosecutors said there is evidence to support the theory Tipton used his privileged position inside the lottery association to enter a locked room that housed the random number generating computers and infect them with software that allowed him to control the winning numbers. The room was enclosed in glass, could only be entered by two people at a time, and was monitored by a video camera. To prevent outside attacks, the computers aren't connected to the Internet. Prosecutors said Tipton entered the so-called draw room on November 20, 2010, ostensibly to change the time on the computers. The cameras on that date recorded only one second per minute rather than running continuously like normal. "Four of the five individuals who have access to control the camera's settings will testify they did not change the cameras' recording instructions," prosecutors wrote. "The fifth person is defendant. It is a reasonable deduction to infer that defendant tampered with the camera equipment to have an opportunity to insert a thumbdrive into the RNG tower without detection." Tipton has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and his attorney has said the theory about computer tampering isn't "factually viable." On December 23, a little more than a month after Tipton allegedly tampered with the computers, a man at a convenience store was video taped buying a Hot Lotto ticket that later won the $14.3 million payout. Authorities identified the man as Tipton, but as an employee of the association that administered the lottery, he was barred by law from buying lotto tickets or claiming lottery prizes. The winning ticket went unclaimed for almost a year. Hours before it was scheduled to expire, a company incorporated in Belize tried to claim the prize through a New York attorney. In January, Tipton was charged with two counts of fraud. The allegations that he used his insider access to tamper with the RNG were first made in the court documents filed last week. Besides the event in the draw room on November 20, prosecutors offered other evidence supporting the theory Tipton tampered with Hot Lotto computers. The former security director "was 'obsessed' with root kits, a type of computer program that can be installed quickly, set to do just about anything, and then self-destruct without a trace," prosecutors wrote. They went on to say a witness would testify at trial that Tipton told him before December 2010 that he had a self-destructing rootkit. The trial had been scheduled to start Monday, but it was delayed before jury selection could get underway after defense attorneys asked for a continuance. The trial is now scheduled for July 13. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/04/prosecutors-suspect-man-hacked-lottery-computers-to-score-winning-ticket/
    1 point
  7. Sincer ma interesa un script local si fara abonamente, etc... pot sa pun si eu scriptul pe un host nu-i problema. Cat despre ce mi-ai aratat endemic, e super pro, felicitari... ma gandeam la o investitie mai mica de aia zic.
    1 point
  8. Salut! Ofer eu o astfel de solutie, iar in functie de traficul ce il ai in zona hotspotului exista un abonament lunar (modic). Hotspot-ul permite logarea prin facebook, sms sau cod unic de access (pentru hoteluri in mare parte) http://imgur.com/a/dAyUj
    1 point
  9. Primul search pe Google https://www.facebook.com/help/111579802345857
    1 point
  10. Caută modele dell ultrasharp. Găsești refurbished/second hand grad A la banii aia.
    1 point
  11. A couple months ago, for God knows what reason, I decided to hack my Tesla Model S. My goal was to get root access to the touchscreen, henceforth known as the CID. I spent about 2 months of research and preparation for this project. When I was confident everything was all set, I grabbed my tools and my laptops and went to work. 1) Access the Side Panel The first step was to remove the little side cover right by the door on the drivers side. This reveals a little white connector that you can see here sticking out. It may look weird, but it's basically a CAT 6 cable with a proprietary connector from Tesla. You can connect to it by taking a regular network cable and adding the male proprietary end to it, or try to buy one from a salvage. The cable I used was one I made myself. So, the white access wire is where I will finally get access to the network and can perform the hack itself. Unfortunately, it's currently locked down behind a VPN that requires a password to unlock, which unfortunately I didn't have, so I had to unlock it. 2) Remove Lower Dash Trim After the side cover is removed I had to remove the huge trim underneath the steering wheel. It had 9 clips that I had to really fight with my wedge to get disconnected. I finally got it off though. 3) Remove the Vents Oh my god, this took forever. I had to unscrew the large top pad which covers the entire dash from the chassis. After that, you have to pry that sucker up which unhooks a few clips but still wants to fight you the whole time. It was covering the screws for the vents. The top pad is sensitive, as is the chrome edge to it, so you have to be careful not to bend it while simultaneously prying that sucker apart so you can unscrew the two screws. After that you just remove the instrument cluster cover and pull the vents out. 4) Remove Instrument Cluster The instrument cluster needs to be removed. Once again, this required lifting the top pad to access the two upper screws. Honestly, I took this picture after I had removed the bottom screws because I was dreading having to remove the two on top... I finally got the two screws removed, though. I'm sure by this point you're wondering how in the heck this will manage to unlock the white connector. You'll see soon. 5) Instrument Cluster Connector And here's that golden ticket: another connector like the white one! This one is a connection to the CID (touchscreen). The IC connects to the CID through a web interface to get updates on things like the navigation, music, etc. as well as send commands like opening the sunroof. What I had to do was disconnect the cable from the IC and plug my earlier cable in to it. This allowed me to get the car into Factory Mode. Once that was done, I unplugged my laptop and plugged the cable back into the IC. If you hold down the Tesla T in Factory Mode you end up with the "Developer Mode" screens. I'll probably make a post another day going through all of it. I had to add this screen though. It's the thermal status screen, and most definitely my favorite. 6) Root the S The car is in Factory Mode, and thus the white cable back at the beginning in the side panel is unlocked and ready for me. So, I plugged in my laptop and ran a script I had pre-written: obtain_root Dramatic reenactment of the rooting experience. This goes through a secret process that eventually gets me connected to the CID (touchscreen) with root privileges. From there I had a bunch of stuff that ran automagically to set it up so I wouldn't have to go through all this crap every time I wanted access to the car. Then, I just disconnect from the white cable, turn off the factory mode, reboot the car, then reinstall all the stuff I removed. Bam! Hack complete. Post Root The car is rooted, now what? I have a lot of things planned and have been doing a lot of exploring. I'll be posting my findings, pictures, videos etc. here. I have something awesome I've been working on. Hopefully I can get a video up sometime soon. Source
    1 point
  12. Am regasit un link aici: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC8wVFJFZmhtVkQ1 Nu stiu cate zile va fi valabil. Grab it while it's hot.
    1 point
  13. Legat de primele doua paragrafe, sa ne dai si noua ISBN-ul cartii de sf din care ai citit. Havijul este un "tool" de level 1. Mai ai mult pana departe.
    1 point
  14. @infinite Daca iti sunt de folos si vrei, lasa o donatie aici. 2015, valabil 7 zile: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC9XUHlxUTRJZDBh
    1 point
  15. Poti sa faci un reupload? te rog mult !
    1 point
  16. Cyberghost Expat Shield HotSpot Shield The Green Bow Proxy Rental SecurityKiss VPNBook JAPVPN ProXpn Trial-uri https://east1.openhosting.com/accounts/trial/ (5 zile free) http://www.elastichosts.com/cloud-hosting/free-trial (5 zile free) http://cloudsigma.com/ (7 zile free) http://vexxhost.com/trial/ (7 zilefree ) http://www.desktone.com/free_trial (7 zile free) http://eurobyte.ru/ (14 zile free) http://www.atum.com/ (15 zile free) http://www.cloudee.eu/preorder (6 zile free) http://www.rsaweb.co.za/cloud-servers-free-trial/ (7 zile free) http://www.vps.me/ http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/vks/geovks.xml (VKS) http://www.sublimeip.com/services/cloud/free-trial/ (5 zile free) https://www.gandi.net/hosting/trial (7 zile free)
    1 point
  17. Scuze ca redeschid un topic asa de old, s-ar putea re-hosta acest tool? Multumesc.
    -1 points
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