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Puti a carder, jegule! Tot ce ai cerut pana acum suna a scam page. Sa ne troznim pulele in grumazul ma-tii aia hade si balcaze cu bube in cap si par pe limba! https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/69855-nu-apare-site-pe-google/?tab=comments#comment-528188 https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/82726-sendmailphp/?tab=comments#comment-528650 https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/93796-email-sender-urgent/?tab=comments#comment-586182 https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/94797-photoshop-urgent/?tab=comments#comment-591778 https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/101314-caut-web-designer-htmlphp/?tab=comments#comment-631209 https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/106302-phphtml/?tab=comments#comment-6534603 points
Hack The Box is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with other members of similar interests. It contains several challenges that are constantly updated. Some of them simulating real world scenarios and some of them leaning more towards a CTF style of challenge.As an individual, you can complete a simple challenge to prove your skills and then create an account, allowing you to connect to our private network (HTB Net) where several machines await for you to hack them. By hacking machines you get points that help you advance in the rankings. https://www.hackthebox.eu1 point
Salut, Mai multe informatii despre intrebarea ta gasesti aici https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express Strict la obiect, aici poti vedea ratele de transfer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express#History_and_revisions Ratele de transfer sunt teoretice si se refera la port, nicidecum la device-ul pe care vrei sa-l pui. Depinde mult si de placa de baza. Oricum ar fi, iti va functiona mult mai bine fata de sata3.1 point
HUNT Burp Suite Extension HUNT is a Burp Suite extension to: Identify common parameters vulnerable to certain vulnerability classes. Organize testing methodologies inside of Burp Suite. HUNT Scanner (hunt_scanner.py) This extension does not test these parameters but rather alerts on them so that a bug hunter can test them manually (thoroughly). For each class of vulnerability, Bugcrowd has identified common parameters or functions associated with that vulnerability class. We also provide curated resources in the issue description to do thorough manual testing of these vulnerability classes. HUNT Methodology (hunt_methodology.py) This extension allows testers to send requests and responses to a Burp tab called "HUNT Methodology". This tab contains a tree on the left side that is a visual representation of your testing methodology. By sending request/responses here testers can organize or attest to having done manual testing in that section of the application or having completed a certain methodology step. Getting Started with HUNT First ensure you have the latest standalone Jython JAR set up under "Extender" -> "Options". Add HUNT via "Extender" -> "Extensions". HUNT Scanner will begin to run across traffic that flows through the proxy. Important to note, HUNT Scanner leverages the passive scanning API. Here are the conditions under which passive scan checks are run: First request of an active scan Proxy requests Any time "Do a passive scan" is selected from the context menu Passive scans are not run on the following: On every active scan response On Repeater responses On Intruder responses On Sequencer responses On Spider responses Instead, the standard workflow would be to set your scope, run Burp Spider from Target tab, then right-click "Passively scan selected items". HUNT Scanner Vulnerability Classes SQL Injection Local/Remote File Inclusion & Path Traversal Server Side Request Forgery & Open Redirect OS Command Injection Insecure Direct Object Reference Server Side Template Injection Logic & Debug Parameters Cross Site Scripting External Entity Injection Malicious File Upload TODO Change regex for parameter names to include user_id instead of just id Search in scanner window Highlight param in scanner window Implement script name checking, REST URL support, JSON & XML post-body params. Support normal convention of Request tab: Raw, Params, Headers, Hex sub-tabs inside scanner Add more methodology JSON files: Web Application Hacker's Handbook PCI HIPAA CREST OWASP Top Ten OWASP Application Security Verification Standard Penetration Testing Execution Standard Burp Suite Methodology Add more text for advisory in scanner window Add more descriptions and resources in methodology window Add functionality to send request/response to other Burp tabs like Repeater Authors JP Villanueva Jason Haddix Ryan Black Fatih Egbatan Vishal Shah License Licensed with the Apache 2.0 License here Sursa: https://github.com/bugcrowd/HUNT1 point
1 st Dave Watson Facebook San Francisco, USA dave jwatson - fb.com Abstract Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a widely-deployed protocol used for securing TCP connections on the Internet. TLS is also a required feature for HTTP/2, the latest web standard. In kernel implementations provide new opportunities for optimization of TLS. This paper explores a possible kernel TLS implementation, as well as the kernel features it enables, such as sendfile(), BPF programs, and hardware TLS offload. Our implementation saves up to 7% CPU copy overhead and up to 10% latency improvements when combined with the Kernel Connection Multiplexor (KCM). Download: https://netdevconf.org/1.2/papers/ktls.pdf1 point
Black Hat Publicat pe 31 aug. 2017 A processor is not a trusted black box for running code; on the contrary, modern x86 chips are packed full of secret instructions and hardware bugs. In this talk, we'll demonstrate how page fault analysis and some creative processor fuzzing can be used to exhaustively search the x86 instruction set and uncover the secrets buried in your chipset. Full Abstract:https://www.blackhat.com/us-17/briefi... Download PDF: https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-17/thursday/us-17-Domas-Breaking-The-x86-Instruction-Set-wp.pdf1 point
Protecting the irreplaceable | www.f-secure.com Kimmo Kasslin, 26th Feb 2014 •T-110.6220 Special Coursein Information Security Slides: http://www.cse.tkk.fi/fi/opinnot/T-110.6220/2014_Reverse_Engineering_Malware_AND_Mobile_Platform_Security_AND_Software_Security/luennot-files/T1106220.pdf1 point
La cum scriu eu cod, nici macar eu nu mai stiu ce, cand, de ce si cum am scris, ce sa mai zic de niste analize heuristice...1 point
Mai da-le-n plm de poze!!! La alte thread-uri security related nu va mai dati atat cu parerea. E o chestie de nimic...cand ai prea mult timp liber stai sa dezbati si sa analizezi toate cacaturile. De ce nu si-a mai luat coana Leana izmeana ingalbenita pe ea? @aelius @Nytro va rog frumos, cred ca se poate inchide.1 point
This website provides an interactive exploit development learning area. Every user has access to his own, personal Linux container. The container can be x32 and x64, with and without ASLR - and even 32 bit and 64 bit ARM. https://exploit.courses/#/inde1 point
Genial, deci practic ai inlocuit elseif cu case si in final ai fi scris cu o linie mai mult decat cu elseif.1 point
In plus: Stringurile "abc" "test" "123" sunt statice, declarate la compilare. Stringurile de acest tip (statice, scrise in cod) sunt destul diferite fata de pointer to char. Compilatoarele trateaza stringurile hard coded intr-un mod special. Auto-concatenare(lipite impreuna) Reducere(daca declari "test" de 2 ori in cod compilatorul va aloca spatiu pt un singur string si va creea 2 referinte) reducere logica, read only memory etc.1 point
Este o transcriere a unui interviu. Uite aici: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript-View/Article/1275373/media-availability-with-secretary-mattis-at-diux/ Adresa de la care a fost este una de subscribe. Probabil temp mail reutilizeaza adresele sau au erori. Este doar o parere nu stau acum sa studiez temp mailurile. In orice caz par ca se pregatesc de razboi...1 point
@Nytro pe acelasi principiu cu Python merge facut si in C++ #include <bossdeboss.h> int main (){ char buffer[] = functiedeboss("www.google.com"); return 0; }1 point
Iiiiiinca ne rugam pentru odihna sufletului adormitului robului Tau fallen_angel si pentru ca sa i se ierte lui toata greseala cea de voie si cea fara de voie1 point
Banal? Era sa cad de pe scaun. Oricum ma indoiesc ca la un asemenea sistem a folosit C++ si nu C. Ma gandesc ca a programat un microcontroller care prelucra datele de la niste senzori. Nu e rocket science dar nici banal nu e. Ontopic: @Eustatiu Eu iti recomand astea: Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language (Third Edition) Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition): Scott Meyers: 9780321334879: Amazon.com: Books Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel Download: C++ Books.rar1 point
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