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Everything posted by Silviu

  1. Iti trebuie ceva de genul: FreeRADIUS: The world's most popular RADIUS Server
  2. PHP, cURL si un browser in android care citeste pagina de unde sunt parsate datele cred ca e suficient. Nu stiu android programming, dar cred ca asa e cel mai simplu.
  3. La mul?i ani, românilor!
  4. Pentru "adevaratii" care vor sa se chinuie cu fibonacci, au aici sursa http://esoteric.sange.fi/brainfuck/bf-source/prog/fibonacci.txt ,doar mai au de testat daca numarul e prim. Succesuri.
  5. Are emotii bre.
  6. Intra si tu de pe telefon, de pe un proxy ceva pana descarci programul.
  7. http://RoTunneling.net si foloseste cuponul blackfriday.
  8. Si eu am S3, de aia ti l-am si recomandat. I-am luat o husa la 30 de lei si de multe luni functioneaza ok, chit ca i-am mai schimbat rom-urile si m-am jucat cu softul.
  9. Eu mi-am adaugat cuponul, nu se poate cumpara si ceva mai bun de banii astia sau te limiteaza la primul pachet?
  10. Multam! Hint: mai multe conturi.
  11. Telefoane samsung preturi Samsung i9300 Galaxy S3 16GB White/Black S3 nou-naut.
  12. Pot lua ?i embed de pe YouTube, nu trebuie neap?rat s? descarc. Tu câ?i bani ai f?cut prin metoda asta?
  13. A mai fost postat de 5 ori.
  14. Chestia cu cump?ratul Winamp e pentru corason, s? zic? Microsoft c? au cump?rat ceva "legendar" ?i s? î?i mai niveleze popularitatea. Eu, sincer, ascult muzica în Windows Media Player.
  15. M-am "jucat" si eu cu ei, mi se par slabi.
  16. Eu am folosit de vreo 5 ori si le dictez eu codul. Ma bucur ca v-a mers faza.
  17. Aplicatii in cloud.
  18. Intel tried to take away NVIDIA's potential market share for PCI Express compute accelerators with the Xeon Phi cards, but it mostly failed, even though Phi did get some business. Now, it's going back to the origins. Which is to say, the Santa Clara, California-based company is turning the Many Integrated Core Architecture (MIC) into a CPU again. Knights Landing will be the first, and now we know its actual specifications: there will be up to 72 cores, up to 16GB of DRAM 3D stacked on-package (up to 500 GB/s memory bandwidth) and support for a maximum 384 GB DDR4-2400 motherboard memory. Basically, the processor will be almost a PC on a chip with scalable mainboard resource support. It's kind of a relief that it won't be out before 2015. As it is, it's enough to blow people's minds. For comparison, Xeon Phi cards have up to 61 cores (Pentium, not Silvermont Atom like on Knights Landing) and 512-bit vector registers (Knights Landing will have AVX-512 / AVX 3.1 instructions). In layman terms, Intel will provide supercomputer makers (like Cray) with a very mighty CPU, enough to allow 3 TFLOP double precision performance per socket. Thus, there will be supercomputers with total performance of 100 petaflops or more, and eventually exascale ones. Meanwhile, the use of 14nm manufacturing technology will ensure energy efficiency beyond what is possible today. So, all this being said, we can expect a lot of outstanding additions to the Green 500 list (lists supercomputers in order of energy savings), not just the Top 500 (lists them in order of raw performance). Finally, Intel Knights Landing processors will possess, in addition to the six-channel DDR4-2400 support and up to 16 GB on-die stacked RAM, 36 PCIe 3.0 lanes. So we can safely assume that a bunch of NVIDIA Tesla K40 cards will make it into the same system modules as them. sursa: news.softpedia.com
  19. @garry mai puneai 2 milioane ?i luai i5
  20. A fost de cacat rau anul asta, preturile mi s-au parut foarte mari, am luat un i7, de fapt doua, acum mai trebuie sa ma decid la care raman. Apropo de S3, aici varianta de 32 de GB si fara Black Friday.. Prezentare specificatii i9300 Galaxy S III Sapphire Black Samsung Samsung Telefoane mobile noi
  21. Black Friday 2013 - Black Friday Deals & Sales Nu uita?i de str?ini!
  22. Pe bani cred ca sunt mai multe. Oricum, banuiesc ca merge pe telefon si pe site-ul web pentru cine are flash player. Poate reuseste cineva sa fure streamurile, mai ales pentru canalele principale.
  23. Pai cui i-a placut, nu vad de ce nu il poate folosi in continuare!
  24. Ne-am modernizat bre, acum lumea ascult? muzic? în playerul HTML5.
  25. 'pare rau, dar cam are dreptate.
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