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  1. Am gasit acest infografic, m-am gandit ca poate ii este util cuiva. Varianta pdf aici. Pentru "expertii" care sa gasesc sa spuna ca nu-i asa, ca-i invers: whatever, talk to the hand!
    3 points
  2. Eu am luat Asus cu 4.500RON si se afla in service a 9 oara +2 RMA si de 2 saptamani nu stiu nimic de el il am asa de 6luni. Iti recomand sa te feresti de marca Asus,eu m-am grabit ca bou si acum blestem aceea zi cand l-am achizitionat.
    3 points
  3. Obfuscator is a tool to modify x86 assembler source code in this way to make an analysis of compiled code very difficult. It is an unusual tool and the target audience is quite small, but if you're writing assembler code and you want to protect your work from decompilation or just to make it as hard as it's possible to analyze, you might want to try it. Obfuscator features Features list: MASM syntax only, processing of @@ labels, detection of local variables, constant equ values, and numbers in different formats (hex, dec) changing code execution flow (non linear code path) - it's usefull against all kinds of debuggers, analysis of such code is very "unpleasant" mutation of original instructions into series of other equivalent opcodes - obfuscator can mutate both arithmetic and logical opcodes hiding of direct calls to functions (including WinApi calls) inserting garbage opcodes between real instructions (so called "junks") inserting fake instructions between real ones, 32/16/8 opcodes are generated inserting fake exceptions between real code (SEH frames) resolving of WinApi constants to numerical values (so it can be obfuscated) Download https://www.pelock.com/download.php?f=obfuscator22.exe 100 credits "base64" M0U5MS1EQ0JBLUUxOTYtQkRGQQ==
    2 points
  4. Nu vreau sa te descurajez dar cred ca ai facut o mare greseala.
    2 points
  5. Metoda free: webhost si subdomeniu (puteti folosi domeniu daca aveti) de la easyxsites, pentru a converti traficul folosim plugrush si imagetwist. Metode de trafic: A) 000webhost + wordpress + wprobot + nextscripts configurat sa posteze pe vbulletin cate o poza cu href spre site-ul tau + poti folosi si tumblr si alte servicii (nu uita sa pui si hashtag-uri pentru alte servicii) Spam pe chat-ul de la imagefap (direct cu site-ul vostru sau urcati imagini cu watermark si le puneti pe chaturile lor), pentru mailuri folositi yopmail.com. C) Facebook fake account cu pizda buna, intrati pe grupuri pe facebook si pune-ti poze cu add me, strangeti multi prieteni / followeri si transformati cont-ul in pagina. D) Mai incercati metodele de mai sus. E) Cautati pe google "milf tumblr.com" (sau orice alt keyword) si faceti o lista cu site-urile gasite iar la sfarsit adaugati /rss (ex: muie.tumblr.com/rss) + faceti blog pe tumblr e.x: "milf next door" (fiti cat mai unici). Pasul urmator, cont pe https://ifttt.com/ si facem recipiente cu rss + tumblr si adaugam aici lista de rss-uri facute + punem hashtaguri care au acceasi legatura cu nisa, iar la descriere, desigur link la site-ul nostru. Links: https://www.plugrush.com/?ref=20013 (ref) easyXsites - Your Free Adult Host (non ref) ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money (non ref) https://www.plugrush.com (non ref) Simplu si scurt, cautati pe google alte site-uri porn sa vedeti cum isi promoveaza alte persoane site-ul lor si faceti si voi acceasi chestie. Link-uri care te pot ajuta: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/making-money/747458-methods-getting-targetted-visitors-your-adult-cpa-site-traffic-sources.html http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/making-money/801786-method-my-webcam-method-making-600-month.html
    1 point
  6. About This Course Course Description "Great tutorial that is step by step on rooting your android phone. The instructor goes into depth on deploying various software that will root your phone. Warning rooting can void your warranty so make sure you use a phone that you don't mind experimenting with. " - Gerard DeSousa "Thank you so much for teaching this course. Now I can really own my Android!!! " - Jesse Rubiopadua "awesome course ... i Recommend to take it." - Mahmoud Mohamed Bakr The ultimate course on Android Hacks, the first thing would have assumed by hacks would be something illegal but believe me it is not anything wrong. This course simply helps you in learning hacking android to keep yourself Safe for ethical purposes and to make your device a super fast machine without doing anything wrong and without doing anything illegal. You would learn all possible ways to make your device a much better, efficient and much more powerful. This course will cover all possible and common but major problems that almost everyone is facing these days and no one has got any solution after even searching for hours on search engines but this course will completely clear your concepts and clearly show you the thing and solutions for what you're looking for. If we say that this course is a "Live saver" for Android user, we aren't saying anything wrong. First of all we'll cover a little bit theory of some concepts used in this course. After that we'll show you how you can implement the actual rooting process of an Android device very effectively and without doing anything wrong to your device. Also, if you have done anything wrong and all things are messed up. There is no need to worry we'll show you solution to every problem and guide you through every step in detail. We'll show you how you can get your stuff back even when the rooting process goes wrong. After that we'll show you some magnificent benefits of taking this course. We'll help you in making your device much more faster, efficient and more powerful, as I said previously. And this is not the end. We'll show you some extra magic lectures that you're going to love. So, what are you waiting for? Come on, enroll now and get this amazing course in your hands. What are the requirements? Basic computer skills like using windows powered computer What am I going to get from this course? Root his/her android device Make his device ad free Make free internal storage Increase his/her android device battery life Take complete backup of your device Automate his android device Track his/her android device even after someone makes factory reset Install different OS in any android device Increase processing speed of android device What is the target audience? Android users who want more out of their device Android app developers Android hobbyist Geeks Anyone who love Android mobile devices Course link: http://www.udemy.com/android-hacks/ Download link: Download //Mirror added: Download
    1 point
  7. Nu mai vorbiti in necunostinta de cauza. Cei care spuneti ca nu ati da atatia bani pe un laptop, folositi laptopul pentru coding si web browsing unde un laptop cu specificatii medii e suficient. Poate nu ati editat niciodata un banner >50 inch la 300 dpi sau poate nu ati folosit niciodata after effects. Dezavantajul la lenovo e calitatea slaba a materialelor din care e construit laptopul care ii dau si un aspect de replica made in china. Sa revenim la ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat, ce ai ales tu are doar specificatii decente daca vrei sa faci grafica si editare computerizata. Pentru domeniul asta asta e ideal un pc + un monitor mare sau te orientezi catre un model cat mai bun I-mac daca iti permiti. Performanta intotdeauna costa. Trebuie sa intelegeti ca laptopul, daca excludem cateva exceptii care oricum costa enorm, e un acesoriu foarte compact care oricate coolere ar avea se supraincalzeste si atunci performantele scad drastic. Laptopul nu este pentru editare computerizata avansata si nici pentru gaming. Companiile incearca sa vanda astfel de laptopuri pentru ca stiu cat apreciaza consumatorul ideea de portabilitate.
    1 point
  8. Lenovo, 15.6", i7 2.6 Edit: Procesorul vad ca urca pana la 3.6, deci cred ca e ok. Adaug lipsa unitatii optice pe lista minusurilor de mai sus.
    1 point
  9. Bani aruncati aiurea! Este foarte overkill! Nu8 ititrebuie placa video din seria 960M daca nu vrei sa faci gaming serios. (cauta cuplaca video 950M MAXIM!) Procesorul e mult prea puternic. dar si eficiend (poate merge). 16Gb RAM sunt utili doar pt gaming sau video-render. 8GB sunt suficienti in majoritatea aplicatiilor uzuale. Din resursele unui astfel de laptop tu folosesti maxim 70%. Restul sunt bani aruncati de pomana. PS: Nici SSD nu iti trebuie asa tare. (Doar daca vrei sa mergi mult cu laptopul in spate, in cazul asta un ssd e mai de durata). PS2: Opteaza pt un laptop mai slab (procesor cu clock mai mic si placa video 950M). Bateria te tine semnificativ mai mult si e mult mai ieftin. Daca nu vrei sa te joci pe el sau sa faci video-encoding nu iti trebuie asemenea specificatii.
    1 point
  10. Apple sau DELL ca brand-uri... dar costa.
    1 point
  11. eu cred ca ai fost un caz nefericit..eu am avut un laptop asus si l-am forjat 5ani la rand...nu s-a defectat nimic niciodata, singura problema a fost spre sfarsit cand l-am si vandut...avea bad-uri hdd-ul si autonomia era varza...dar totusi 5 ani in care am tras de el la refuz eu zic ca s-a meritat..insa cam cu toate depinde si de noroc, parerile sunt impartite, fiecare cu ce s-a impacat cel mai bine unii zic asus altii acer altii hp etc.. eu nu am avut niciodata lenovo si nici nu am avut ocazia sa testez unul insa m-au atras performantele si vad ca s-au ridicat destul de mult pe piata cei de la Lenovo
    1 point
  12. Salutare,am si eu un cont adsense aprobat de 1 saptamana facut prin youtube si e hosted..pot posta anunturi doar pe youtube si site-uri partenere cum ar fii blogspot,problema este ca nu-mi afiseaza reclamele pe blogspot..am mai avut cont adsense si nu am patit asa. Ma puteti ajuta?
    1 point
  13. Eminescu da anu asta va zic eu dintr-o sursa 0,005% sigura.
    1 point
  14. Eu zic ca Jhon, a fost si la Tv sa prinda ceva tot romanu'.
    1 point
  15. SecureAPlus is a multi-layered system protection utility that combines application whitelisting, 10+ Anti-Viruses in the cloud with Universal AV, and a reliable Offline AV to protect your computer from both known and unknown malware more effectively. https://secureaplus.secureage.com/sapportal/exclusive/upgrade
    1 point
  16. Salut, sunt in cautarea unui turbolister, mai exact un boot sa posteze mai multe anunturi odata pe site ca autoscout.it Va rog sa ma contactati cu contul de icq sau jabber. Multumesc
    -1 points
  17. Doresc sa mi fac un cont adsense pentru a l folosi pe youtube, ce imi puteti recomanda, Cum pot sa fiu acceptat din prima ??
    -1 points
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