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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/16 in all areas

  1. alone in the dark
    3 points
  2. Adica l-ai furat si intrii aici la noi sa te ajutam?
    2 points
  3. Inchid threadul ca apar imediat 1000 de terminati care iti vor propune sa-ti instaleze backdoor. :)))
    2 points
  4. E util pentru SEO.
    2 points
  5. Cum spune si titlul, cei de la Packt ofera in fiecare zi aproape carti gratis de pe siteul lor. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te inregistrezi. Site-ul respectiv se afla aici: https://www.packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning Edit: Aparent au schimbat lucrurile baietii..
    1 point
  6. 710 Eur. Daca nu rezolv iti dau altul nou, sigilat. Customer service
    1 point
  7. Nu se poate "scoate", poate doar cu surubelnita sa schimbi placa de baza. Daca cunosti mailul, da recover password, da si aici iti trebuiesc mai multe detalii cum ar fi sa deti acel mail!
    1 point
  8. Setting a passcode on your iPhone is the first line of defense to help prevent other people from accessing your personal details. However, it's pretty much easy for anyone with access to your iPhone to bypass the passcode protection (doesn't matter if you configured Touch ID or not) and access your personal photos and messages. A new critical security flaw discovered in iOS 8 and newer, including 10.2 beta 3, allows anyone to bypass iPhone's passcode and gain access to personal information using the benevolent nature of Apple's personal assistant Siri. The security glitch has been discovered by EverythingApplePro and iDeviceHelps and now that they have gone public with a video demonstration, you can expect Apple to fix this issue in the next iOS beta version. All an attacker need is to find out the phone number of the target's iPhone and access to the phone for a few minutes. But, what if you don't have target's phone number? No worries. You can hold down the home button of target's iPhone to activate Siri and simply ask "Who am I?" Siri will reply you with the phone number it is using. Here's How to bypass iPhone's Lockscreen: Once you got the phone number, follow these simple steps to reading personal messages and accessing personal photos on target's iPhone: Step 1: Since now you have target's phone number, call on his/her iPhone – starting a FaceTime call will also do it. Step 2: Now, targets iPhone screen will show a message icon, just click on 'Message icon' and then 'Custom Message' to go to the New Message screen where you are allowed to type a reply. Step 3: Next, you need to activate Siri by long-pressing the Home button and say "Turn on Voice Over," and Siri will get the job done by turning it ON. Step 4: Go back to the message screen and double tap the bar where you are required to enter the caller's name and then hold, while immediately click on the keyboard. This may not succeed in the first time, so repeat this step until you see a slide-in effect on the iPhone's screen above the keyboard. Step 5: Now, ask Siri to "Turn off VoiceOver," come back to messages and simply type in the first letter of a caller's name in the top bar, tap ⓘ icon next to it, and then create a new contact. Step 6: Next, you can select add photo and choose a photo. Yes, now you are in and can look at the victim's photo gallery just like you are browsing the phone, even though the iPhone is still in the locked state. Step 7: You can select any contact on the iPhone, and you would be able to see all previous conversations of the target with that contact. Video Demonstration You can also watch a video demonstration (given below) that shows the complete hack in action. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hP3BMyrFBSs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> How to Protect Yourself Against this Flaw? Until Apple fixes this issue, iOS users can protect themselves by disabling Siri on the lock screen, though it will cripple your iOS 10 experience. To do so, Go to the Settings → Touch ID & Passcode and Disable Siri on the Lockscreen by toggling the switch to disable. Once disabled, you will only be able to use Siri after you have unlocked your iOS device using the passcode or your fingerprint. Alternatively, you can just remove Photos access from Siri. To do so, just go to Settings → Privacy → Photos and then prevent Siri from accessing pictures. Apple is most likely aware of the flaw, so iPhone users can expect a fix in the next full version of iOS 10.2. Source
    1 point
  9. https://www.codeschool.com/courses https://www.codeschool.com/free-weekend
    1 point
  10. buna dimineata, ma numesc Patricia, am 17 ani, sunt destul de slaba "46" de kile si 1,75 inaltime, mancare preferata mhm, nu am, imi place sa desenez foarte mult, petrec si 2-3 ore la birou, mai ales sambata, am avut un site de anime-uri acum ceva timp, care era destul de popular, dar nu am mai avut timp pentru el, asa ca i l-am dat altcuiva eram"otaku" pe atunci, inca imi plac anime-urile dar intr-o anumita limita, am si o lista cu cele vazute, imi place foarte mult forumul vostru, activez ca vizitator pe aici de ceva vreme, mai citeam unele topicuri, cam atat despre mine, nu vreau sa va plictisesc, mult succes in ceea ce faceti, eu voi mai activa pe aici din cand-in-cand
    1 point
  11. Țâțe = lim (înălțime/greutate) = cam slăbuț. Altfel spus, ferește-te să dai asemenea detalii pe un forum care se vrea (a fost odată) a fi unul de securitate și încearcă să postezi chestii utile, legate de nișa asta pentru că mi-am dat facepalm când am văzut prima ta postare. "Succesuri!"
    1 point
  12. la monetizare te cam bușește ssl-ul.
    1 point
  13. Atata timp cat nu ai tranzactii si nu umblii cu datele clientilor sa fie necesar un mediu securizat, nu ai nevoie.
    1 point
  14. Boșilor, de când cu Cloudflare, orice puștan are "SSL". Ideea e dacă e necesară într-adevăr o conexiune securizată pe respectivul site.
    1 point
  15. Știu ca o sa fiu off-topic si o sa imi iau înjurături dar încerc .. Se merita la un (nou) site nou : filme - seriale online sa pun ssl pe el ?
    1 point
  16. Am comandat un Raspberry zero, si o sa incerc sa fac un poc. Va tin la curent cu ce mi se intampla
    1 point
  17. Guys, links are dead, can anybody reupload it?
    1 point
  18. Chinezării. P.S. Am OnePlus One, sigur nu mai iau altă dată chinezării, dar uneori așa trebuie, să te convingi singur
    1 point
  19. Buna, am creat urmatoarea aplicatie pentru a veni in ajutorul fiecaruia. Haideti sa ne imaginam ca suntem la lucru sau acasa si nu vrem sa fim prinsi ca nu facem ceea ce trebuie. Indreptam webcam-ul catre usa si cand acesta detecteaza miscare o sa ascunda fereastra pe care o selectam noi. (da se poate folosi si pt cand te uiti la porn xD) https://github.com/meltingice1337/HideNow Orice critica e binevenita.
    1 point
  20. Am reusit, spun aici ca poate mai este cineva in situatia mea. Ce este pe youtube cu banda de cauciuc sau super glue mai rau te incurca daca nu mai ai floare deloc in capul surubului. Cred ca merge si varianta ta, insa mi se pare prea extrema. Am marit gaura unde este capul surubului, ce in cazul meu este de plastic, cu un cutter atat cat sa imi permita sa bag un cleste sfic pe lateralele surubului. Am strans sfic-ul pana ce s-au facut 2 taieturi si apoi cu o penseta (cred ca mergea tot cu sficul) l-am desurubat. Arata ca o pula acum, insa macar l-am scos fara sa stric filetul.
    1 point
  21. buna ziua , detin si eu un iphone 7 blocat icloud , cunosc mail-ul la persoana respectiva . ma poate ajuta cineva contra cost sa pot sa il scot ?
    -5 points
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