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  1. Eu am vazut un caz similar in sisteme embedded: - stick USB normal, nou, fara nicio problema era introdus intr-un sistem, iar atunci cand se facea scrierea pe el erau afectate anumite block-uri (nu stiu exact cum si in ce fel); - daca introduceai acel stick USB cu date corupte in acelasi sistem sau intr-un alt sistem de acelasi tip genera un kernel panic instant, adica sistemul isi dadea reboot in loop cat timp era stick-ul conectat. Isi revenea doar dupa ce faceai remove la stick. Nu erau fisiere de update ci fisiere multimedia pe stick-ul respectiv. Tin minte ca problema era la un codec, la o metoda prin care se extrageau informatii dintr-un fisier video.
    4 points
  2. Salut, intrebarea suna ciudat dar are sens. Tastatura sau alte device-uri vin cu propriul microcontroller care ruleaza cod. In principiu nu se poate face nimic, dar teoretic, daca ar fi un dispozitiv indeajuns de avansat si ar avea o procedura de update de firmare s-ar putea ajunge la asa ceva. Daca ar avea, de asemenea, ar trebui sa verifice integritatea firmware-ului la care se face update/upgrade pe baza unei semnaturi digitale. Se cunoaste faptul ca in sistemele de operare moderne (datorita arhitecturii procesoarelor) exista o separare de privilegii la nivel de "ring" unde ring0 = Kernel mode, sistemul de operare care are acces la toate resursele iar ring3 = usermode care e mult mai limitat. Dar se poate vede si altfel aceasta problema daca intram mai in adancime in problema: Cu alte cuvinte, exista de exemplu chiar si in procesor in firmware care permite executia codului assembler (in machine code) pe care il cunoastem. Se poate face update la el asa cum s-a intamplat cand au aparut vulnerabilitati in procesoare gen Specter sau Meltdown cand pentru fix a fost necesar update de microcode (firmware de procesor). Exact acelasi lucru se poate intampla si cu alte device-uri. De exemplu placi video. Sau BIOS. Sau mai stiu eu ce. Si ca sa rezum problema, daca un device e indeajuns de avansat incat sa aiba (doar ca exemplu) functionalitati gen firmware update, in teorie (si in practica daca e vulnerabil la asa ceva si nu verifica aceste firmware updates) se poate infecta si cand ajunge pe un alt device sa fie in continuare infectat. De asemenea, un antivirus de exemplu nu are ce sa faca. PS: Asta nu inseamna ca acel device infectat va putea lua controlul asupra calculatorului la care e conectat ulterior. Sistemul de operare prin functionalitati gen Plug & Play si standarde gen PCI Express, USB sau altele, permit doar un numar de actiuni si nu sa faca ceea ce doresc. Acel device infectat va fi limitat la device-ul in sine, nu s-ar putea existinde la alte device-uri sau la sistemul de operare (decat desigur, daca exista probleme de securitate in OS). Sper ca ajuta.
    4 points
  3. https://malware.news/t/turn-your-usb-fan-to-a-pentesting-device-for-red-teaming-lucideus/32206
    3 points
  4. Daca nu te informeaza ca te inregistreaza nu pot folosi acea inregistrare in caz de reclamatii, confirmare, judecata sau orice alta situatie. La fel cum nici tu nu o poti folosi daca nu anunti, cel putin ANPC asta mi-a comunicat cand am avut o situatie cu emag si le-am zis ca am inregistrarea apelului. Eu personal inregistrez toate apelurile, aparent pe Huawei e o functie din telefon fara batai de cap ce functioneaza mereu. Cand nu aveam timp/chef de vorba o aruncam pe asta cu apel inregistrat si inchideau, insa in ultima perioada vad ca nu mai inchid apelul asa multi si intr-un fel ma bucur. Am sesizat insa altceva, mai nou cand te suna cineva din callcenter nu iti mai zice robotul treaba cu inregistratul. Se prezinta persoana si iti zice ce vrea sa iti vanda/modifice si apoi iti arunca treaba cu apelul inregistrat. Lucru mult mai ok. Firmele de duzina, gen DPD, probabil ca merg la "rupere" si la "clientul pierde nu eu". Nu vreau sa stiu ce minte sclipitoare de la DPD a venit cu ideea sa iti arunce mesajul cu inregistrarea apelului cand te suna curierul. Si daca nu esti ok cu asta si inchizi apelul cum te mai contacteaza sa iti livreze? Cu datele personale la telefon iar nu sunt ok, poti sa fi intr-un loc aglomerat si toata lumea iti aude datele personale. Doar eu am patit sa ii aud unuia tot buletinul? Apoi poate sunt paranoic, insa am un catchall pe un domeniu si la fiecare contract am dat cate o adresa de mail unica. Am patit sa ma sune firme dubioase si asa mi-am dat seama de unde au datele mele. Funny story, am fost sunat de curand sa actualizez datele personale ca sa imi poata furniza serviciile in continuare si pentru ca pandemie e ok si telefonic. Prima intrebare a operatorului foarte bine instruit a fost: Data nasterii ramane aceiasi?
    3 points
  5. @yoyois In teorie se poate ca un driver care se instaleaza automat cand introduci un device intr-un port (e.g. USB) sa infecteze OS-ul, in practica, cel putin pe Windows x64, e necesar ca driver-ul sa fie semnat de catre Microsoft WHQL (daca e modificat, semnatura nu mai e valida). Nu conteaza ca driver-ul e vulnerabil, conteaza ca OS-ul sa fie. Cand driver-ul e vulnerabil un proces user-mode poate face privilege escalation in ring 0 (rin 1 si 2 nu sunt folosite de catre OS-urile moderne). Asadar nu se poate instala un driver modificat (Windows x64). Pe Linux nu stiu daca exista ceva de genul, dar cred ca Linux sta mai bine la capitolul drivere by-default in kernel. @tjt Foarte probabil acel OS sau driverele sale au un bug in functionalitate de parsare a sistemului de fisiere. In anumite conditii acest lucru poate fi exploatabil, dar cred ca e destul de dificil, mai ales cu protectiile disponibile in sistemele de operare moderne. Dar cu siguranta se poate intampla ce ai mentionat. De fapt, am patit ceva asemanator la o firma unde am lucrat, OS Embedded (Linux) cu JFFS2 ca filesystem. La anumite fisiere mai mari, cand nu mai era prea mult spatiu disponibil crapa. Cred ca bug-ul respectiv se putea reproduce printr-un device extern.
    2 points
  6. Awesome Web Security 🐶 Curated list of Web Security materials and resources. Needless to say, most websites suffer from various types of bugs which may eventually lead to vulnerabilities. Why would this happen so often? There can be many factors involved including misconfiguration, shortage of engineers' security skills, etc. To combat this, here is a curated list of Web Security materials and resources for learning cutting edge penetration techniques, and I highly encourage you to read this article "So you want to be a web security researcher?" first. Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing. 🌈 Want to strengthen your penetration skills? I would recommend playing some awesome-ctfs. If you enjoy this awesome list and would like to support it, check out my Patreon page Also, don't forget to check out my repos 🐾 or say hi on my Twitter! Contents Forums Introduction Tips XSS Prototype Pollution CSV Injection SQL Injection Command Injection ORM Injection FTP Injection XXE CSRF Clickjacking SSRF Web Cache Poisoning Relative Path Overwrite Open Redirect SAML Upload Rails AngularJS ReactJS SSL/TLS Webmail NFS AWS Azure Fingerprint Sub Domain Enumeration Crypto Web Shell OSINT Books DNS Rebinding Evasions XXE CSP WAF JSMVC Authentication Tricks CSRF Clickjacking Remote Code Execution XSS SQL Injection NoSQL Injection FTP Injection XXE SSRF Web Cache Poisoning Header Injection URL Others Browser Exploitation PoCs Database Tools Auditing Command Injection Reconnaissance OSINT Sub Domain Enumeration Code Generating Fuzzing Scanning Penetration Testing Leaking Offensive XSS SQL Injection Template Injection XXE CSRF SSRF Detecting Preventing Proxy Webshell Disassembler Decompiler DNS Rebinding Others Social Engineering Database Blogs Twitter Users Practices Application AWS XSS ModSecurity / OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Community Miscellaneous Forums Phrack Magazine - Ezine written by and for hackers. The Hacker News - Security in a serious way. Security Weekly - The security podcast network. The Register - Biting the hand that feeds IT. Dark Reading - Connecting The Information Security Community. HackDig - Dig high-quality web security articles for hacker. Introduction Tips Hacker101 - Written by hackerone. The Daily Swig - Web security digest - Written by PortSwigger. Web Application Security Zone by Netsparker - Written by Netsparker. Infosec Newbie - Written by Mark Robinson. The Magic of Learning - Written by @bitvijays. CTF Field Guide - Written by Trail of Bits. PayloadsAllTheThings - Written by @swisskyrepo. XSS - Cross-Site Scripting Cross-Site Scripting – Application Security – Google - Written by Google. H5SC - Written by @cure53. AwesomeXSS - Written by @s0md3v. XSS.png - Written by @jackmasa. C.XSS Guide - Written by @JakobKallin and Irene Lobo Valbuena. THE BIG BAD WOLF - XSS AND MAINTAINING ACCESS - Written by Paulos Yibelo. payloadbox/xss-payload-list - Written by @payloadbox. PayloadsAllTheThings - XSS Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. Prototype Pollution Prototype pollution attack in NodeJS application - Written by @HoLyVieR. CSV Injection CSV Injection -> Meterpreter on Pornhub - Written by Andy. The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV Injection - Written by George Mauer. PayloadsAllTheThings - CSV Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. SQL Injection SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - Written by @netsparker. SQL Injection Wiki - Written by NETSPI. SQL Injection Pocket Reference - Written by @LightOS. payloadbox/sql-injection-payload-list - Written by @payloadbox. PayloadsAllTheThings - SQL Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. Command Injection Potential command injection in resolv.rb - Written by @drigg3r. payloadbox/command-injection-payload-list - Written by @payloadbox. PayloadsAllTheThings - Command Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. ORM Injection HQL for pentesters - Written by @h3xstream. HQL : Hyperinsane Query Language (or how to access the whole SQL API within a HQL injection ?) - Written by @_m0bius. ORM2Pwn: Exploiting injections in Hibernate ORM - Written by Mikhail Egorov. ORM Injection - Written by Simone Onofri. FTP Injection Advisory: Java/Python FTP Injections Allow for Firewall Bypass - Written by Timothy Morgan. SMTP over XXE − how to send emails using Java's XML parser - Written by Alexander Klink. XXE - XML eXternal Entity XXE - Written by @phonexicum. XML external entity (XXE) injection - Written by portswigger. XML Schema, DTD, and Entity Attacks - Written by Timothy D. Morgan and Omar Al Ibrahim. payloadbox/xxe-injection-payload-list - Written by @payloadbox PayloadsAllTheThings - XXE Injection - Written by various contributors. CSRF - Cross-Site Request Forgery Wiping Out CSRF - Written by @jrozner. PayloadsAllTheThings - CSRF Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. Clickjacking Clickjacking - Written by Imperva. X-Frame-Options: All about Clickjacking? - Written by Mario Heiderich. SSRF - Server-Side Request Forgery SSRF bible. Cheatsheet - Written by Wallarm. PayloadsAllTheThings - Server-Side Request Forgery - Written by @swisskyrepo. Web Cache Poisoning Practical Web Cache Poisoning - Written by @albinowax. PayloadsAllTheThings - Web Cache Deception - Written by @swisskyrepo. Relative Path Overwrite Large-scale analysis of style injection by relative path overwrite - Written by The Morning Paper. MBSD Technical Whitepaper - A few RPO exploitation techniques - Written by Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc.. Open Redirect Open Redirect Vulnerability - Written by s0cket7. payloadbox/open-redirect-payload-list - Written by @payloadbox. PayloadsAllTheThings - Open Redirect - Written by @swisskyrepo. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) How to Hunt Bugs in SAML; a Methodology - Part I - Written by epi. How to Hunt Bugs in SAML; a Methodology - Part II - Written by epi. How to Hunt Bugs in SAML; a Methodology - Part III - Written by epi. PayloadsAllTheThings - SAML Injection - Written by @swisskyrepo. Upload File Upload Restrictions Bypass - Written by Haboob Team. PayloadsAllTheThings - Upload Insecure Files - Written by @swisskyrepo. Rails Rails Security - First part - Written by @qazbnm456. Zen Rails Security Checklist - Written by @brunofacca. Rails SQL Injection - Written by @presidentbeef. Official Rails Security Guide - Written by Rails team. AngularJS XSS without HTML: Client-Side Template Injection with AngularJS - Written by Gareth Heyes. DOM based Angular sandbox escapes - Written by @garethheyes ReactJS XSS via a spoofed React element - Written by Daniel LeCheminant. SSL/TLS SSL & TLS Penetration Testing - Written by APTIVE. Practical introduction to SSL/TLS - Written by @Hakky54. Webmail Why mail() is dangerous in PHP - Written by Robin Peraglie. NFS NFS | PENETRATION TESTING ACADEMY - Written by PENETRATION ACADEMY. AWS PENETRATION TESTING AWS STORAGE: KICKING THE S3 BUCKET - Written by Dwight Hohnstein from Rhino Security Labs. AWS PENETRATION TESTING PART 1. S3 BUCKETS - Written by VirtueSecurity. AWS PENETRATION TESTING PART 2. S3, IAM, EC2 - Written by VirtueSecurity. Azure Common Azure Security Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations - Written by @rhinobenjamin. Cloud Security Risks (Part 1): Azure CSV Injection Vulnerability - Written by @spengietz. Fingerprint Sub Domain Enumeration A penetration tester’s guide to sub-domain enumeration - Written by Bharath. The Art of Subdomain Enumeration - Written by Patrik Hudak. Crypto Applied Crypto Hardening - Written by The bettercrypto.org Team. Web Shell Hunting for Web Shells - Written by Jacob Baines. Hacking with JSP Shells - Written by @_nullbind. OSINT Hacking Cryptocurrency Miners with OSINT Techniques - Written by @s3yfullah. OSINT x UCCU Workshop on Open Source Intelligence - Written by Philippe Lin. 102 Deep Dive in the Dark Web OSINT Style Kirby Plessas - Presented by @kirbstr. The most complete guide to finding anyone’s email - Written by Timur Daudpota. Books XSS Cheat Sheet - 2018 Edition - Written by @brutelogic. DNS Rebinding Attacking Private Networks from the Internet with DNS Rebinding - Written by @brannondorsey Hacking home routers from the Internet - Written by @radekk Evasions XXE Bypass Fix of OOB XXE Using Different encoding - Written by @SpiderSec. CSP Any protection against dynamic module import? - Written by @shhnjk. CSP: bypassing form-action with reflected XSS - Written by Detectify Labs. TWITTER XSS + CSP BYPASS - Written by Paulos Yibelo. Neatly bypassing CSP - Written by Wallarm. Evading CSP with DOM-based dangling markup - Written by portswigger. GitHub's CSP journey - Written by @ptoomey3. GitHub's post-CSP journey - Written by @ptoomey3. WAF Web Application Firewall (WAF) Evasion Techniques - Written by @secjuice. Web Application Firewall (WAF) Evasion Techniques #2 - Written by @secjuice. Airbnb – When Bypassing JSON Encoding, XSS Filter, WAF, CSP, and Auditor turns into Eight Vulnerabilities - Written by @Brett Buerhaus. How to bypass libinjection in many WAF/NGWAF - Written by @d0znpp. JSMVC JavaScript MVC and Templating Frameworks - Written by Mario Heiderich. Authentication Trend Micro Threat Discovery Appliance - Session Generation Authentication Bypass (CVE-2016-8584) - Written by @malerisch and @steventseeley. Tricks CSRF Neat tricks to bypass CSRF-protection - Written by Twosecurity. Exploiting CSRF on JSON endpoints with Flash and redirects - Written by @riyazwalikar. Stealing CSRF tokens with CSS injection (without iFrames) - Written by @dxa4481. Cracking Java’s RNG for CSRF - Javax Faces and Why CSRF Token Randomness Matters - Written by @rramgattie. Clickjacking Clickjackings in Google worth 14981.7$ - Written by @raushanraj_65039. Remote Code Execution CVE-2019-1306: ARE YOU MY INDEX? - Written by @yu5k3. WebLogic RCE (CVE-2019-2725) Debug Diary - Written by Badcode@Knownsec 404 Team. What Do WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Jenkins, OpenNMS, and Your Application Have in Common? This Vulnerability. - Written by @breenmachine. Exploiting Node.js deserialization bug for Remote Code Execution - Written by OpSecX. DRUPAL 7.X SERVICES MODULE UNSERIALIZE() TO RCE - Written by Ambionics Security. How we exploited a remote code execution vulnerability in math.js - Written by @capacitorset. GitHub Enterprise Remote Code Execution - Written by @iblue. Evil Teacher: Code Injection in Moodle - Written by RIPS Technologies. How I Chained 4 vulnerabilities on GitHub Enterprise, From SSRF Execution Chain to RCE! - Written by Orange. $36k Google App Engine RCE - Written by Ezequiel Pereira. Poor RichFaces - Written by CODE WHITE. Remote Code Execution on a Facebook server - Written by @blaklis_. XSS Exploiting XSS with 20 characters limitation - Written by Jorge Lajara. Upgrade self XSS to Exploitable XSS an 3 Ways Technic - Written by HAHWUL. XSS without parentheses and semi-colons - Written by @garethheyes. XSS-Auditor — the protector of unprotected and the deceiver of protected. - Written by @terjanq. Query parameter reordering causes redirect page to render unsafe URL - Written by kenziy. ECMAScript 6 from an Attacker's Perspective - Breaking Frameworks, Sandboxes, and everything else - Written by Mario Heiderich. How I found a $5,000 Google Maps XSS (by fiddling with Protobuf) - Written by @marin_m. DON'T TRUST THE DOM: BYPASSING XSS MITIGATIONS VIA SCRIPT GADGETS - Written by Sebastian Lekies, Krzysztof Kotowicz, and Eduardo Vela. Uber XSS via Cookie - Written by zhchbin. DOM XSS – auth.uber.com - Written by StamOne_. Stored XSS on Facebook - Written by Enguerran Gillier. XSS in Google Colaboratory + CSP bypass - Written by Michał Bentkowski. Another XSS in Google Colaboratory - Written by Michał Bentkowski. </script> is filtered ? - Written by @strukt93. SQL Injection MySQL Error Based SQL Injection Using EXP - Written by @osandamalith. SQL injection in an UPDATE query - a bug bounty story! - Written by Zombiehelp54. GitHub Enterprise SQL Injection - Written by Orange. Making a Blind SQL Injection a little less blind - Written by TomNomNom. Red Team Tales 0x01: From MSSQL to RCE - Written by Tarlogic. NoSQL Injection GraphQL NoSQL Injection Through JSON Types - Written by Pete. FTP Injection XML Out-Of-Band Data Retrieval - Written by @a66at and Alexey Osipov. XXE OOB exploitation at Java 1.7+ - Written by Ivan Novikov. XXE Evil XML with two encodings - Written by Arseniy Sharoglazov. XXE in WeChat Pay Sdk ( WeChat leave a backdoor on merchant websites) - Written by Rose Jackcode. XML Out-Of-Band Data Retrieval - Written by Timur Yunusov and Alexey Osipov. XXE OOB exploitation at Java 1.7+ (2014): Exfiltration using FTP protocol - Written by Ivan Novikov. XXE OOB extracting via HTTP+FTP using single opened port - Written by skavans. What You Didn't Know About XML External Entities Attacks - Written by Timothy D. Morgan. Pre-authentication XXE vulnerability in the Services Drupal module - Written by Renaud Dubourguais. Forcing XXE Reflection through Server Error Messages - Written by Antti Rantasaari. Exploiting XXE with local DTD files - Written by Arseniy Sharoglazov. Automating local DTD discovery for XXE exploitation - Written by Philippe Arteau. SSRF AWS takeover through SSRF in JavaScript - Written by Gwen. SSRF in Exchange leads to ROOT access in all instances - Written by @0xacb. SSRF to ROOT Access - A $25k bounty for SSRF leading to ROOT Access in all instances by 0xacb. PHP SSRF Techniques - Written by @themiddleblue. SSRF in https://imgur.com/vidgif/url - Written by aesteral. All you need to know about SSRF and how may we write tools to do auto-detect - Written by @Auxy233. A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming Languages! - Written by Orange. SSRF Tips - Written by xl7dev. Into the Borg – SSRF inside Google production network - Written by opnsec. Piercing the Veil: Server Side Request Forgery to NIPRNet access - Written by Alyssa Herrera. Web Cache Poisoning Bypassing Web Cache Poisoning Countermeasures - Written by @albinowax. Cache poisoning and other dirty tricks - Written by Wallarm. Header Injection Java/Python FTP Injections Allow for Firewall Bypass - Written by Timothy Morgan. URL Some Problems Of URLs - Written by Chris Palmer. Phishing with Unicode Domains - Written by Xudong Zheng. Unicode Domains are bad and you should feel bad for supporting them - Written by VRGSEC. [dev.twitter.com] XSS - Written by Sergey Bobrov. Others How I hacked Google’s bug tracking system itself for $15,600 in bounties - Written by @alex.birsan. Some Tricks From My Secret Group - Written by phithon. Inducing DNS Leaks in Onion Web Services - Written by @epidemics-scepticism. Stored XSS, and SSRF in Google using the Dataset Publishing Language - Written by @signalchaos. Browser Exploitation Frontend (like SOP bypass, URL spoofing, and something like that) The world of Site Isolation and compromised renderer - Written by @shhnjk. The Cookie Monster in Your Browsers - Written by @filedescriptor. Bypassing Mobile Browser Security For Fun And Profit - Written by @rafaybaloch. The inception bar: a new phishing method - Written by jameshfisher. JSON hijacking for the modern web - Written by portswigger. IE11 Information disclosure - local file detection - Written by James Lee. SOP bypass / UXSS – Stealing Credentials Pretty Fast (Edge) - Written by Manuel. Особенности Safari в client-side атаках - Written by Bo0oM. How do we Stop Spilling the Beans Across Origins? - Written by aaj at google.com and mkwst at google.com. Setting arbitrary request headers in Chromium via CRLF injection - Written by Michał Bentkowski. I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how. - Written by David Gilbertson. Backend (core of Browser implementation, and often refers to C or C++ part) Breaking UC Browser - Written by Доктор Веб. Attacking JavaScript Engines - A case study of JavaScriptCore and CVE-2016-4622 - Written by phrack@saelo.net. Three roads lead to Rome - Written by @holynop. Exploiting a V8 OOB write. - Written by @halbecaf. SSD Advisory – Chrome Turbofan Remote Code Execution - Written by SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure (SSD). Look Mom, I don't use Shellcode - Browser Exploitation Case Study for Internet Explorer 11 - Written by @moritzj. PUSHING WEBKIT'S BUTTONS WITH A MOBILE PWN2OWN EXPLOIT - Written by @wanderingglitch. A Methodical Approach to Browser Exploitation - Written by RET2 SYSTEMS, INC. CVE-2017-2446 or JSC::JSGlobalObject::isHavingABadTime. - Written by Diary of a reverse-engineer. PoCs Database js-vuln-db - Collection of JavaScript engine CVEs with PoCs by @tunz. awesome-cve-poc - Curated list of CVE PoCs by @qazbnm456. Some-PoC-oR-ExP - 各种漏洞poc、Exp的收集或编写 by @coffeehb. uxss-db - Collection of UXSS CVEs with PoCs by @Metnew. SPLOITUS - Exploits & Tools Search Engine by @i_bo0om. Exploit Database - ultimate archive of Exploits, Shellcode, and Security Papers by Offensive Security. Tools Auditing prowler - Tool for AWS security assessment, auditing and hardening by @Alfresco. slurp - Evaluate the security of S3 buckets by @hehnope. A2SV - Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability by @hahwul. Command Injection commix - Automated All-in-One OS command injection and exploitation tool by @commixproject. Reconnaissance OSINT - Open-Source Intelligence Shodan - Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices by @shodanhq. Censys - Censys is a search engine that allows computer scientists to ask questions about the devices and networks that compose the Internet by University of Michigan. urlscan.io - Service which analyses websites and the resources they request by @heipei. ZoomEye - Cyberspace Search Engine by @zoomeye_team. FOFA - Cyberspace Search Engine by BAIMAOHUI. NSFOCUS - THREAT INTELLIGENCE PORTAL by NSFOCUS GLOBAL. Photon - Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT by @s0md3v. FOCA - FOCA (Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives) is a tool used mainly to find metadata and hidden information in the documents its scans by ElevenPaths. SpiderFoot - Open source footprinting and intelligence-gathering tool by @binarypool. xray - XRay is a tool for recon, mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks by @evilsocket. gitrob - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations by @michenriksen. GSIL - Github Sensitive Information Leakage(Github敏感信息泄露)by @FeeiCN. raven - raven is a Linkedin information gathering tool that can be used by pentesters to gather information about an organization employees using Linkedin by @0x09AL. ReconDog - Reconnaissance Swiss Army Knife by @s0md3v. Databases - start.me - Various databases which you can use for your OSINT research by @technisette. peoplefindThor - the easy way to find people on Facebook by [postkassen](mailto:postkassen@oejvind.dk?subject=peoplefindthor.dk comments). tinfoleak - The most complete open-source tool for Twitter intelligence analysis by @vaguileradiaz. Raccoon - High performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning by @evyatarmeged. Social Mapper - Social Media Enumeration & Correlation Tool by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf) by @SpiderLabs. espi0n/Dockerfiles - Dockerfiles for various OSINT tools by @espi0n. Sub Domain Enumeration Sublist3r - Sublist3r is a multi-threaded sub-domain enumeration tool for penetration testers by @aboul3la. EyeWitness - EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if possible by @ChrisTruncer. subDomainsBrute - A simple and fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters by @lijiejie. AQUATONE - Tool for Domain Flyovers by @michenriksen. domain_analyzer - Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information possible by @eldraco. VirusTotal domain information - Searching for domain information by VirusTotal. Certificate Transparency - Google's Certificate Transparency project fixes several structural flaws in the SSL certificate system by @google. Certificate Search - Enter an Identity (Domain Name, Organization Name, etc), a Certificate Fingerprint (SHA-1 or SHA-256) or a crt.sh ID to search certificate(s) by @crtsh. GSDF - Domain searcher named GoogleSSLdomainFinder by @We5ter. Code Generating VWGen - Vulnerable Web applications Generator by @qazbnm456. Fuzzing wfuzz - Web application bruteforcer by @xmendez. charsetinspect - Script that inspects multi-byte character sets looking for characters with specific user-defined properties by @hack-all-the-things. IPObfuscator - Simple tool to convert the IP to a DWORD IP by @OsandaMalith. domato - DOM fuzzer by @google. FuzzDB - Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery. dirhunt - Web crawler optimized for searching and analyzing the directory structure of a site by @nekmo. ssltest - Online service that performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public internet. Provided by Qualys SSL Labs. fuzz.txt - Potentially dangerous files by @Bo0oM. Scanning wpscan - WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner by @wpscanteam. JoomlaScan - Free software to find the components installed in Joomla CMS, built out of the ashes of Joomscan by @drego85. WAScan - Is an open source web application security scanner that uses "black-box" method, created by @m4ll0k. Penetration Testing Burp Suite - Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications by portswigger. TIDoS-Framework - A comprehensive web application audit framework to cover up everything from Reconnaissance and OSINT to Vulnerability Analysis by @_tID. Astra - Automated Security Testing For REST API's by @flipkart-incubator. aws_pwn - A collection of AWS penetration testing junk by @dagrz. grayhatwarfare - Public buckets by grayhatwarfare. Offensive XSS - Cross-Site Scripting beef - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project by beefproject. JShell - Get a JavaScript shell with XSS by @s0md3v. XSStrike - XSStrike is a program which can fuzz and bruteforce parameters for XSS. It can also detect and bypass WAFs by @s0md3v. xssor2 - XSS'OR - Hack with JavaScript by @evilcos. SQL Injection sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool. Template Injection tplmap - Code and Server-Side Template Injection Detection and Exploitation Tool by @epinna. XXE dtd-finder - List DTDs and generate XXE payloads using those local DTDs by @GoSecure. Cross Site Request Forgery XSRFProbe - The Prime CSRF Audit & Exploitation Toolkit by @0xInfection. Server-Side Request Forgery Open redirect/SSRF payload generator - Open redirect/SSRF payload generator by intigriti. Leaking HTTPLeaks - All possible ways, a website can leak HTTP requests by @cure53. dvcs-ripper - Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG... by @kost. DVCS-Pillage - Pillage web accessible GIT, HG and BZR repositories by @evilpacket. GitMiner - Tool for advanced mining for content on Github by @UnkL4b. gitleaks - Searches full repo history for secrets and keys by @zricethezav. CSS-Keylogging - Chrome extension and Express server that exploits keylogging abilities of CSS by @maxchehab. pwngitmanager - Git manager for pentesters by @allyshka. snallygaster - Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers by @hannob. LinkFinder - Python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files by @GerbenJavado. Detecting sqlchop - SQL injection detection engine by chaitin. xsschop - XSS detection engine by chaitin. retire.js - Scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities by @RetireJS. malware-jail - Sandbox for semi-automatic Javascript malware analysis, deobfuscation and payload extraction by @HynekPetrak. repo-supervisor - Scan your code for security misconfiguration, search for passwords and secrets. bXSS - bXSS is a simple Blind XSS application adapted from cure53.de/m by @LewisArdern. OpenRASP - An open source RASP solution actively maintained by Baidu Inc. With context-aware detection algorithm the project achieved nearly no false positives. And less than 3% performance reduction is observed under heavy server load. GuardRails - A GitHub App that provides security feedback in Pull Requests. Preventing DOMPurify - DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG by Cure53. js-xss - Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist by @leizongmin. Acra - Client-side encryption engine for SQL databases, with strong selective encryption, SQL injections prevention and intrusion detection by @cossacklabs. Proxy Charles - HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. mitmproxy - Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers by @mitmproxy. Webshell nano - Family of code golfed PHP shells by @s0md3v. webshell - This is a webshell open source project by @tennc. Weevely - Weaponized web shell by @epinna. Webshell-Sniper - Manage your website via terminal by @WangYihang. Reverse-Shell-Manager - Reverse Shell Manager via Terminal @WangYihang. reverse-shell - Reverse Shell as a Service by @lukechilds. Disassembler plasma - Plasma is an interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS by @plasma-disassembler. radare2 - Unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools by @radare. Iaitō - Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework by @hteso. Decompiler CFR - Another java decompiler by @LeeAtBenf. DNS Rebinding DNS Rebind Toolkit - DNS Rebind Toolkit is a frontend JavaScript framework for developing DNS Rebinding exploits against vulnerable hosts and services on a local area network (LAN) by @brannondorsey dref - DNS Rebinding Exploitation Framework. Dref does the heavy-lifting for DNS rebinding by @mwrlabs Singularity of Origin - It includes the necessary components to rebind the IP address of the attack server DNS name to the target machine's IP address and to serve attack payloads to exploit vulnerable software on the target machine by @nccgroup Whonow DNS Server - A malicious DNS server for executing DNS Rebinding attacks on the fly by @brannondorsey Others Dnslogger - DNS Logger by @iagox86. CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis - by @GCHQ. ntlm_challenger - Parse NTLM over HTTP challenge messages by @b17zr. cefdebug - Minimal code to connect to a CEF debugger by @taviso. ctftool - Interactive CTF Exploration Tool by @taviso. Social Engineering Database haveibeenpwned - Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach by Troy Hunt. Blogs Orange - Taiwan's talented web penetrator. leavesongs - China's talented web penetrator. James Kettle - Head of Research at PortSwigger Web Security. Broken Browser - Fun with Browser Vulnerabilities. Scrutiny - Internet Security through Web Browsers by Dhiraj Mishra. BRETT BUERHAUS - Vulnerability disclosures and rambles on application security. n0tr00t - ~# n0tr00t Security Team. OpnSec - Open Mind Security! RIPS Technologies - Write-ups for PHP vulnerabilities. 0Day Labs - Awesome bug-bounty and challenges writeups. Blog of Osanda - Security Researching and Reverse Engineering. Twitter Users @HackwithGitHub - Initiative to showcase open source hacking tools for hackers and pentesters @filedescriptor - Active penetrator often tweets and writes useful articles @cure53berlin - Cure53 is a German cybersecurity firm. @XssPayloads - The wonderland of JavaScript unexpected usages, and more. @kinugawamasato - Japanese web penetrator. @h3xstream - Security Researcher, interested in web security, crypto, pentest, static analysis but most of all, samy is my hero. @garethheyes - English web penetrator. @hasegawayosuke - Japanese javascript security researcher. @shhnjk - Web and Browsers Security Researcher. Practices Application OWASP Juice Shop - Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application - Written by @bkimminich and the @owasp_juiceshop team. BadLibrary - Vulnerable web application for training - Written by @SecureSkyTechnology. Hackxor - Realistic web application hacking game - Written by @albinowax. SELinux Game - Learn SELinux by doing. Solve Puzzles, show skillz - Written by @selinuxgame. Portswigger Web Security Academy - Free trainings and labs - Written by PortSwigger. AWS FLAWS - Amazon AWS CTF challenge - Written by @0xdabbad00. CloudGoat - Rhino Security Labs' "Vulnerable by Design" AWS infrastructure setup tool - Written by @RhinoSecurityLabs. XSS XSS game - Google XSS Challenge - Written by Google. prompt(1) to win - Complex 16-Level XSS Challenge held in summer 2014 (+4 Hidden Levels) - Written by @cure53. alert(1) to win - Series of XSS challenges - Written by @steike. XSS Challenges - Series of XSS challenges - Written by yamagata21. ModSecurity / OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set ModSecurity / OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set - Series of tutorials to install, configure and tune ModSecurity and the Core Rule Set - Written by @ChrFolini. Community Reddit Stack Overflow Miscellaneous awesome-bug-bounty - Comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty & Disclosure Programs and write-ups by @djadmin. bug-bounty-reference - List of bug bounty write-up that is categorized by the bug nature by @ngalongc. Google VRP and Unicorns - Written by Daniel Stelter-Gliese. Brute Forcing Your Facebook Email and Phone Number - Written by PwnDizzle. Pentest + Exploit dev Cheatsheet wallpaper - Penetration Testing and Exploit Dev CheatSheet. The Definitive Security Data Science and Machine Learning Guide - Written by JASON TROS. EQGRP - Decrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz by @x0rz. notes - Some public notes by @ChALkeR. A glimpse into GitHub's Bug Bounty workflow - Written by @gregose. Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook - Written by Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Infosec_Reference - Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck by @rmusser01. Internet of Things Scanner - Check if your internet-connected devices at home are public on Shodan by BullGuard. The Bug Hunters Methodology v2.1 - Written by @jhaddix. $7.5k Google services mix-up - Written by Ezequiel Pereira. How I exploited ACME TLS-SNI-01 issuing Let's Encrypt SSL-certs for any domain using shared hosting - Written by @fransrosen. TL:DR: VPN leaks users’ IPs via WebRTC. I’ve tested seventy VPN providers and 16 of them leaks users’ IPs via WebRTC (23%) - Written by voidsec. Escape and Evasion Egressing Restricted Networks - Written by Chris Patten, Tom Steele. Be careful what you copy: Invisibly inserting usernames into text with Zero-Width Characters - Written by @umpox. Domato Fuzzer's Generation Engine Internals - Written by sigpwn. CSS Is So Overpowered It Can Deanonymize Facebook Users - Written by Ruslan Habalov. Introduction to Web Application Security - Written by @itsC0rg1, @jmkeads and @matir. Finding The Real Origin IPs Hiding Behind CloudFlare or TOR - Written by Paul Dannewitz. Why Facebook's api starts with a for loop - Written by @AntoGarand. How I could have stolen your photos from Google - my first 3 bug bounty writeups - Written by @gergoturcsanyi. An example why NAT is NOT security - Written by @0daywork. WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING NOTES - Written by Jayson. Hacking with a Heads Up Display - Written by David Scrobonia. Alexa Top 1 Million Security - Hacking the Big Ones - Written by @slashcrypto. The bug bounty program that changed my life - Written by Gwen. List of bug bounty writeups - Written by Mariem. Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. License To the extent possible under law, @qazbnm456 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. Sursa: https://github.com/qazbnm456/awesome-web-security/blob/master/README.md
    1 point
  7. VPN firm that claims zero logs policy leaks 20 million user logs JULY 16TH, 2020 SUDAIS ASIF by Sudais Asif on July 16th, 2020 The VPN company in the discussion is a Hong Kong-based UFO VPN owned by Dreamfii HK Limited. Perhaps, the most ironic moments in the cybersecurity world occur when those who promise to protect your online privacy cannot guard their own turf. We’ve seen this happen from time to time with security firms getting hacked themselves. Another similar case has emerged recently when the database of a Hong Kong-based VPN provider called UFO VPN was exposed with more than 20 million users logs. Discovered by researchers from Comparitech on July 1st, 2020; the exposure occurred due to the database hosted on an Elasticsearch cluster being left without any password. See: PureVPN claimed it does not keep logs, yet it provided user logs to the FBI Worth 894 GB, the data allegedly included plaintext passwords, IP addresses, timestamps of user connections, session tokens, information of the device, and OS being used along with geographical information in the form of tags. The implications of this are pretty dangerous in that not only user accounts are at risk of being taken over by malicious actors but users can also be tracked online. Furthermore, using the session tokens, any encrypted data that someone gains access to could also be decrypted rendering the entire concept of encryption useless in this scenario. This, as Comparitech has rightly pointed out, goes against the service provider’s privacy policy and the promises of a zero log policy it has communicated to its users: UFO VPN does not collect, monitor, or log any traffic or use of its Virtual Private Network service, under any circumstances, on any platform. See: Israeli firm buys Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN raising privacy concerns The incident was reported to UFO VPN and the database was secured yesterday on 15 July. The company, on the other hand, claims that due to the certain employee being changed because of the Coronavirus, the issue could not be identified earlier stating the following: In this server, all the collected information is anonymous and only be used for analyzing the user’s network performance & problems to improve service quality. So far, no information has been leaked. This though of course if what the company seems to be saying to mitigate the damage to its reputation with the facts clearly suggesting otherwise. For the future, hence, it remains to see if the firm improves its security practices and how many users jump ship. Users of the provider are suggested to immediately change their account passwords as they may be at risk. Did you enjoy reading this article? Do like our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sursa; https://www.hackread.com/vpn-firm-zero-logs-policy-leaks-20-million-user-logs/
    1 point
  8. Ca sa dezvolt pe ce zice @Nytro Din cate inteleg eu da, un device poate fi infectat printr-un firmware update, dar dupa ce e infectat se poate transfera pe un nou calculator la care e conectat ulterior printr-un alt exploit Sa zicem ca ai o imprimanta care vine cu un driver vulnerabil (code execution). O imprimanta infectata poate declansa executia de cod in driver, daca driverul e vulnerabil. Astfel ajungi sa ai cod malitios executat in ring 1. Scenariul nu pare imposibil, avand in vedere ca driverele nu sunt mereu ultra-updatate(vin de pe CD). Un device rouge are o suprafata diferita de atac si ar putea teoretic sa se extinda. On topic: La ce intreaba garconul asta- Stai linistit boss, nu se duce in tastatura! Poti sa ti-o bagi unde vrei tu...
    1 point
  9. Legea KYC Know your customer este o directiva a UE si se aplica tuturor firmelor care au in statut domenii secundare CAEN financiare, IFN, asigurari etc. Este abia inceputul, daca refuzati sa furnizati datele este posibil sa va rezilieze contractul in cateva luni. Intreaba pe avocat . net sau pe un forum juridic.
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  10. cunosc din interiorul unui call center (firma italiana), cei care raspundeau cu "Da" erau tinuti inregistrati inainte sa fie anuntati, iar cei care raspundea cu "Alo" se inchidea apelul se fac montaje (audio) si se porteazã de la o companie la alta, apoi se trezesc cu facturi de habar nu au cu alte cuvinte fraud
    1 point
  11. Citeam mai devreme postul tau cu apelul telefonic. Ma intreb eu acum, sunt eu prea paranoic sau e coincidenta ca s-au spart conturile oamenilor de care am auzit anul asta cel mai mult? Gates (faza cu Covid), Kanye West (faimosul rapper negru care vrea sa fie urmatorul presedinte, asta dupa Black Lives Matter. El e negru, get it?, Joe Biden, alt candidat, Elon Musk (care-l sustine pe Kanye) s.a.m.d? Sunt eu paranoic, dar e interesant sa te gandesti si asa. E interesanta treaba, ma asteptam sa scoata mai multi bani de pe scam-ul asta. E multa prostie, dar lumea in ziua de astazi e foarte informata, se afla repede despre unele stiri.
    1 point
  12. Adica angajatii puteau sa faca ce voiau in mediu de PRD? Ahahahahahahahahaha. Zici ca e reclama la FNI.
    1 point
  13. Stiu ca suna cam aiurea dar de exemplu o tastatura conectata la un laptop virusat acel virus poate sa se “duca” in tastatura aceia si cand conectez acea tastatura pe alt pc sa se transfere virusul pe acel pc?
    0 points
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