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Everything posted by SynTAX

  1. Daca nu sunt mult, mult prea discret: de unde ati avut bani sa investiti 50.000 Euro? Intreb si eu. Daca vrei sa primesti 10.000 de verzi trebuie sa fii sincer. Poti sa incepi de acum. PS: Bataia nu este o rusine. Pana si Uzzy si-a luat bataie. PS2:
  2. Cine iti da tie prietene 1500 de euro pentru un site in wordpress?
  3. SynTAX

    Date personale

    #2+#3: Care este numele de fata al mamei. #1: Chiar crezi ca o firma de securitate face asta? Seriously?
  4. SynTAX

    Date personale

    Inca ceva: gandeste-te ce poti face tu cu informatiile legate de tine fara sa fie nevoie sa te prezinti. Adica sa ti se vada fata.
  5. SynTAX

    Date personale

    Teoretic poate sa afle cam tot ce vrea despre tine daca este destul de motivat. Dar totusi, daca cineva vrea sa-ti faca rau, poate sa-ti faca si fara datele astea. Eu niciodata nu m-am ferit sa mi se afle datele personale, cu exceptia cnp-ului. Cine vrea sa le afle, le afla.
  6. Ce browser folositi? Puteti seta pe mozilla sau pe chrome sa va retina paroal cu toate ca nu cred ca o retine daca nu este introdusa cel putin odata.
  7. Si eu daca zic de Basescu ca este chior fac puscarie? Adica, chior este o jignire sau o suferinta medicala? Cine decide? Judecatoarea?
  8. Mai este doar un pas. Un singur pas pana la interzicerea totala a libertatii pe internet. Libertatea de exprimare si libertatea la opinie.
  9. Nu este keylogger. Este generator de parole.... NOT. PS: Merita luat la misto. De ce sa fie banat? Doar stergeti link-ul de download ca poate altii il cred prajiturica.
  10. Deci cum, bruteforce genereaza parole? Si de ce am nevoie de programul tau de cacat sa-mi genereze programe cand pot sa-mi fac in c un program din 5 linii? Vezi ca nu ti-ai ales bine forumul unde sa gasesti prosti. Daca era metin sau altceva te credeam.
  11. Ba tu chiar ne crezi prosti. EDIT: am o presimtire ca te vor ajuta baietii mai mult decat poti sa duci.
  12. Cod: 6598-6012-9584-1335
  13. Dar de unde stii tu ca aici sunt hackeri?
  14. L-am vazut de 1 Decembrie. Era in pantaloni scurti si maieu. De ce va atacati? El oricum este bufonul emisiunii. Toti erau la costume, numai el era pus sa rada lumea e el. De ce sa fie exterminat?
  15. Si de unde vrei sa stiu eu cat a licitat cel dinaintea mea? Tu chiar ai spirit de antreprenor nu gluma. Pune baiete preturile aici si daca cienva este interesat, licitezi cu el.
  16. Salut si bine ai venit. Te jignim daca iti cerem sa ne arati si noua munca ta? Nu de alta dar la cate stii sa faci ai putea sa fii un roman de la Microsoft Italia.
  17. Mare prostie ai facut ca ai lasat parola necriptata.
  18. Pune 100 de whisky si din partea mea. LA MULTI ANI.
  19. Eu cred ca e un exemplu doar pentru cei ce vor urma, un fel de precedent.
  20. Anonymous has reportedly made good on its threats to expose the personal information of members of the Ku Klux Klan in protest of the Ferguson, Mo., grand jury ruling not to indict Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. According to a report in Raw Story, the hacker collective claimed to have taken over the Klan's Twitter account and within a couple of days posted to Pastebin links to what is reported to be personal data — including credit card information, Social Security numbers and names — related to Klan imperial wizard, Frank Ancona, whose group allegedly had threatened to use “lethal force” against protesters in Ferguson. In a Youtube video the hacktivists said it would “target any Missouri government or bank sites now, so you better increase your security.” Sursa: Anonymous reportedly publishes KKK wizard's personal data - SC Magazine
  21. The Weather Channel has dammed a downpour of cross-site-scripting vulnerabilities that soaked three quarters of links on the popular site, security bod Wang Jin says. The website received a tsunami of traffic with more than a billion unique visitors checking in each month according to Drupal which noted it was the "highest trafficked Drupal site in existence". Wang Jin, a doctoral student at Nanyang Technological University, reported the poor conditions to the site administrators who closed the basic holes affecting tens of thousands of links late November. Jin said attackers could have whipped up a scripting storm against visitors. "Almost all links under the domain weather.com are (were) vulnerable to XSS attacks," Jin said in an advisory. "Attackers just need to add script at the end of The Weather Channel's URLs [and] then the scripts will be executed. "The reason of (sic) this vulnerability is that Weather Channel uses URLs to construct its tags without filtering malicious script codes." Jin said 76.3 percent of links were found vulnerable using his homebrew security tool. Cross-site scripting flaws allow scripts to be injected into web applications where validation is lax. It was the third most common web app flaw and a mainstay of the OWASP Top Ten. ® Sursa: Weather Channel forecast: Bleak, with prolonged XSS • The Register
  22. A US man has been handed a US$500,000 fine for selling the StealthGenie malware in the first prosecution of a mobile spyware slinger. Police collared Hammad Akbar, 31, in September after he allegedly sold the malware to an undercover agent in 2012. Akbar a Danish citizen, sold the StealthGenie malware capable of intercepting calls, text and media and tracking location on Apple, Android and Blackberry phones to more than 100,000 'customers', according to a YouTube promotional .FBI assistant director in charge Andrew McCabe said in a statement Akbar was the first person to cop to selling spyware. "This illegal spyware provides individuals with an option to track a person's every move without their knowledge," McCabe said. "As technology evolves, the FBI will continue to evolve to protect consumers from those who sell illegal spyware." Akbar was sentenced to time served, fined half a million dollars and ordered to hand over the StealthGenie source code. The app appeared to attempt to root Android phones and was detected by at least some anti-virus apps. StealthGenie required access to a victim's phone in order to install the application and run it as a background service. ® Sursa: Author fined $500k in first US spyware conviction • The Register
  23. SynTAX

    10 posturi

    Nu sunt de acord si iti pot spune si de ce. De multe ori am avut n probleme, nu numai legate de it. Am dat search si am vazut cu surprindere ca in 90% din cazuri se mai discutase de asa ceva. Sa stii ca daca eu cer ajutorul, nu ma ajuti numai pe mine. Ajuti inca 4-5 care citesc thread-ul peste o zi, peste un an. Acum de ce eu nu cred ca e bine sa marim numarul: hai totusi sa fim realisti. Nu vindem sfaturi care ne imbogatesc sau sfaturi 100% viabile. Fiecare dintre noi am cerut la un moment dat ajutorul. Daca ar fi dupa mine, nu ar exista o limita de posturi in cazul userilor cu bun simt. Aici vorbim despre useri cu bun simt si oarecare discernamant. Un ajutor dat se va intoarce odata si odata. Asta este filosofia mea. EDIT: @tqcsu nu exista am scris in graba. Consider ca daca nu scrii corect gramatical in limba ta, nu te respecti. PUNCT.
  24. Troll. Image courtesy of ShutterstockSince 2011, an unknown internet troll has allegedly been lying about UK businessman Daniel Hegglin, calling him - among other things - a Mafioso, a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer, a paederast, a "bribed worm", and a "Naziterrorist principal of murders". Three years after first discovering some 3600 abusive, defamatory postings along those lines and having taken Google to court in order to get them taken down, Hegglin has reached a settlement with the company. When Hegglin first requested that Google block the anonymous posts from its search results, the company asked him to provide a list of web links to be removed. That would be all but impossible, Hegglin said, given that listing thousands of posts for Google to remove would be expensive, time consuming, and ineffective. Details of the settlement, reached on Sunday, haven't been disclosed, but some of the search results have already come down. Craigslist back up and running after DNS hijack Sophos Techknow - Dealing with Ransomware [PODCAST] Google reaches settlement with troll victim Join thousands of others, and sign up for Naked Security's newsletter by Lisa Vaas on November 25, 2014 | 4 Comments Filed Under: Featured, Google, Law & order Troll. Image courtesy of ShutterstockSince 2011, an unknown internet troll has allegedly been lying about UK businessman Daniel Hegglin, calling him - among other things - a Mafioso, a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer, a paederast, a "bribed worm", and a "Naziterrorist principal of murders". Three years after first discovering some 3600 abusive, defamatory postings along those lines and having taken Google to court in order to get them taken down, Hegglin has reached a settlement with the company. When Hegglin first requested that Google block the anonymous posts from its search results, the company asked him to provide a list of web links to be removed. That would be all but impossible, Hegglin said, given that listing thousands of posts for Google to remove would be expensive, time consuming, and ineffective. Details of the settlement, reached on Sunday, haven't been disclosed, but some of the search results have already come down. Google search results Hegglin told the BBC that although Google didn't create the smear campaign, its search engines have allowed the abuse to spread. Thus, he was seeking a legal order to force Google to take steps to prevent the abusive posts being processed in searches in England and Wales. As of Tuesday, the top link returned by a Google search in the UK on Hegglin's name was still trollery, it being a diatribe on Facebook against Hegglin. There was more abusive and expletive-filled content further down the search results too. Hugh Tomlinson QC told Mr Justice Jay at a High Court hearing that Google, being sympathetic to Hegglin, was doing what it could to remove the trollery. Not that Google takedowns will solve the problem entirely, he said, but it will at least let the businessman concentrate on finding the person or persons behind the campaign: Anthony White QC, for Google, said Hegglin's case was "exceptional ... in terms of its prominence and volume." Hegglin, quoted by the BBC outside the court, said he was Sursa: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2014/11/25/google-reaches-settlement-with-troll-victim/
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