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Risc Paypal?

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Parintii mei isi vand masina si am pus-o pe mai multe site-uri, dintre care si tocmai.ro.

Aseara am primit un mail de la un tip si asta a fost conversatia noastra:


Dodge Caliber, 2008 - tocmai.ro

Hello, about this: the car is still for sale!


Thanks my name is christian cole how much do you want to sell it to me?I will also want to know if the engine is still in good condition and i will want you to send me picture if possible,i want you to know that i will pay you the full price for it and i will be paying you by PayPal after the payment has been made i will contact my shipper to come for it at your home i am doing that because i am on sea now(I am a marine Engineer so i can not come for the pick up myself..


The price is 9500 euro negotiable, the engine is in a very good condition, the car has been driven 52000km, it has a diesel engine with 140horse power. Here are some old pictures made one year ago, but the car it's in the same shape!

Where are you from?


Thanks for your response.

So i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay, and i hope you have a paypal account.If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the email address you use for it or you can send me a paypal money request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment.

I will need your home address for the merchandise to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company..

Have a nice day.


But can your merchant reach my country Romania?

Si astept raspunsul. Va intreb pe voi ce riscuri ar fi cu tranzactia asta via Paypal si ce parere aveti pentru ca n-am mai facut o asemenea asa ceva niciodata si mi se pare dubios rau.. Aveti idee daca se practica treaba asta prin strainatate? Vrea sa fie o teapa, ca mie asa imi pare?

Imi cer scuze daca n-am postat unde trebuie, dar chiar am nevoie de niste pareri!

Mersi anticipat!

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Deci din ce in ce mai multi arzoi si pe site-urile din Ro :)

Sigur e un scammer ordinar dar te poti amuza teribil :) sa ii dai curs la treaba sa vezi ce mail ordinar iti trimite cica din partea paypal, gen te anunta ca X ti-a transferat suma Y .

dar oricum, e scammer cert.

Cine ar cumpara masini din Romania spre export ?

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Deci din ce in ce mai multi arzoi si pe site-urile din Ro :)

Sigur e un scammer ordinar dar te poti amuza teribil :) sa ii dai curs la treaba sa vezi ce mail ordinar iti trimite cica din partea paypal, gen te anunta ca X ti-a transferat suma Y .

dar oricum, e scammer cert.

Cine ar cumpara masini din Romania spre export ?

Asta asa e.

Va multumesc!

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Ia dai tu o lectie.

Urmeaza tutorialul lui Nytro de pe forum, anonimizeazate, fa un cont nou de paypal, dupa care spune tipului sa-ti trimita banii acolo.

Apoi ofera-i o adresa fictiva de unde sa ridice masina.

Si asa dai o lectie teparului.

Cu banii primiti de la el cumperi Bitcoin, iar apoi inchizi acel cont fals de paypal.

Ne faci tuturor cinste diseara si asta e.

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Cum crezi ca primesti 9500 euro pe un paypal nou ?Cand contul este limitat la 2500 euro / an

+Ca este frauda,Ce lectie ii dai "teparului?" Mai degraba il ajuti sa goleasca contul unui om !

Nu m-am gandit, am zis la repezeala doar de amuzament.

O lectie poti sa-i dai daca organizezi un flagrant cumva, si eu cred 100% ca daca ar face tranzactia, acea "firma" care vine sa ridice masina este defapt tipul respectiv.

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Fa un cont de paypal pe canada si spune-i sa trimita acolo banii!

Oricum nu o sa trimita nimic dar macar vezi cum decurge povestea si ne spui si noua sa stim alta data, ca probabil aceasi poveste merge in mai multe domenii, unde da mai putin de banuit si poate luam tzeapa vreunul alta data.

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Tu vezi in primul rand ce engleza strica are el? Pana si tu vorbesti mai corect decat el, lol.

Iar al doilea raspuns pe care ti l-a dat el, daca observi putin, cam prea curat a scris in a doua parte, mai mai ca a dat copy/paste.

Pentru sume mari, fata in fata sau cel mai rau caz, transfer bancar. Categoric nu PayPal.

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"If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which

is the email address you use for it or you can send me a PayPal money

request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the

payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company

after you get the payment. I will need your home address for the

merchandise to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company"

Cam aceeasi fraza cu ce mi-a trimis mie..



yes my shipper will be coming for it as soon as i made the payment and how much are you selling it for me.......

i will be adding shipping agent fee to the payment


I'd like the money cash, can your shipper get it and pay at that moment?


no he cant untill you get the money in excess so you will send the remaining money to the shipper after you cash out your money in the bank


You can send the money in your shipper's PayPal account, he withdraws it then pays the car.

The rest of the deal depends on him afterwards.


is it hard for you to understand?

my shipper dont have a paypal account

if you want to sell it for then send me your paypal account for the payment


LE: :))))))

Mda, aveti grija cu chestiunile de genul.

Edited by contsters
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