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  1. Că tot se laudă @MrGrj că fumează iarbă, am găsit o poză cu dânsul.
    4 points
  2. Salut, Sunt Sentinel, am 25 ani, student la Automatica si Calculatoare, lucrez intr-o multinationala ca sysadmin, pasionat de web development si mai ales de cyber security. Am aflat de forum de la colegii de "bresla", ma bucur sa fiu aici si sper sa invat lucruri interesante.
    2 points
  3. Am fost abuzat direct proportional de un administrator de pe acest forum, cer dreptate! @bysnis Eu ti-am dat ban din cauza reclamatiilor din mediul astral adresate tie.
    2 points
  4. Veche, dar am dat iar peste ea: Why programmers like UNIX: unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep.
    2 points
  5. Ma fut pe chat-ul vostru. Nu intereseaza pe nimeni ce se intampla acolo, e ca in jungla: va injurati, puneti poze cu shemale, va cacati, nu ne pasa. In schimb, vrem ca forumul sa fie curat. Deci fara discutii legate de chat pe forum.
    2 points
  6. Am si eu un cuvant de spus Lasati mamele sa vina la mine! :)))))
    2 points
  7. Acum 6 luni de zile m-am apucat sa lucrez la un program scris in .NET (C#, VB) prin intermediul caruia puteti viziona posturi TV online gratuit fara restrictii si fara reclame.Link de descarcare: p2ptv - DescarcariInstalare:1.Extrageti arhiva.2.Rulati fisierul "install.bat" cu drepturi de administrator (Click dreapta -> Run as Administrator) pentru a instala dependintele programului (Sopcast).3.Rulati fisierul "p2ptv.exe" si va bucurati de program. Necesita .NET Framework 4.6 instalat.Ruleaza pe sisteme de operare mai mari de Windows Vista SP2 . Programul este detectat ca fiind virus de un antivirus necunoscut numit "Baidu", insa este false-positive. Ca sa nu apara dupa aceea niste "specialisti in securitate" sa spuna ca aplicatia e virus, sa nu o descarcati etc, etc. Daca faceti asemenea afirmatii, aduceti si dovezi din codul sursa care este vizibil cu un decompilator .NET . Poate voi reusi sa il portez in vara si pe Linux, Mac OS, Android/iOS.Functionalitati-suporta urmatoarele tipuri de stream-uri: http, mmsh, rtmp, rtsp, rtmpe, sopcast .-permite adaugarea unor liste de canale XML de la parti terte.-permite adaugarea unor canale gazduite local pentru a completa lipsurile listei oficiale.-permite redarea canalului selectat intr-un player extern.-permite schimbarea limbii (momentan doar Romana, dar daca exista doritori de a traduce si in alte limbi rog sa lase un PM)-exista 2 tematici in program: Flat Dark si Flat Light-volumul poate fi schimbat in fullscreen din rotita mouse-ului.-Tasta M activeaza/dezactiveaza functia Mute in fullscreen.-Tasta Space pune pauza in fullscreen.-permite schimbarea setarilor video (Hue, Saturation, Gamma, Brightness) ...si altelePentru noutati si actualizari puteti vizita site-ul oficial: p2ptvAstept pareri, sugestii si sfaturi.Daca exista canale nefunctionale scrieti mai jos si se rezolva. Inainte de adresa o intrebare, accesati pagina FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions/Intrebari adresate frecvent) : p2ptv - FAQ
    1 point
  8. Daca iei AP -ul , nu iti trebuie antena pentru ca are antena incorporata. Wifi Cafenea - AP -alte device-uri care iau internet prin wifi de la AP .
    1 point
  9. Nu pot sa fac asta , dar iti pot spune ca cele de la Tp-Link sunt in regula . Da o cautare "Access Point exterior Tp-Link" , alege unul , citeste pareri despre el si o sa-ti dai seama singur care e cel mai bun pentru tine .
    1 point
  10. Teoretic se poate daca routerul accepta modul AP ,eu am facut unul cu dd wrt firmware . Practic ,e posibil sa dai banii degeaba . Routerul e in casa ,antena legata la el e pe casa => o distanta cam mare ,cablu mult ,semnal pierdut . Ca sa mergi la sigur folosesti un AP de putere ,nu e foarte scump .
    1 point
  11. Try to buy from pornhub ! Here don't exist !
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. zi-mi ce iti trebuie de acolo si daca e, iti iau eu
    1 point
  14. Descarca opera, are vpn integrat.
    1 point
  15. plot twist: ** intru pe rst ca acolo sunt hecer de aia bajati tare, ioai si il prostesc pe unu si ma impretenesc cu el si dupa valeleleleeu ca ma baga in afaceri cu carduri dastea si devin bogat si fug in India sa ma masturbez la statuia lui Budha ** oricum ai un cont privat, nimeni nu-ti stie identitatea.
    1 point
  16. Hi You recently downloaded a trial version of Acunetix. We are pleased to inform you that the manual web pen testing tools previously available in the paid product, are now being offered free of charge to download. Included in this suite of Manual Tools are: HTTP Editor - to create, analyze and edit client HTTP requests; as well as inspect server responses. HTTP Sniffer - to analyze HTTP requests and responses, and edit these while they are in transit. HTTP Fuzzer - to automatically send a large number of HTTP to test input validation and handling of invalid data by the web application. Blind SQL Injector - to test Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities further Subdomain Scanner - to discover subdomains configured in its hierarchy and identifies any wildcard characters Target Finder - An IP range / port scanner which can be used to discover running web servers on a given IP or within a specified range of IPs. Authentication Tester - to test the strength of both usernames and passwords within HTTP and web forms authentication environments via a dictionary attack. Find out more in our Press Release DOWNLOAD the Free Manual Pen Testing Tools Today! Kind regards, Ian Muscat Product Communications Manager Acunetix
    1 point
  17. <tldr> Luckystrike is a PowerShell based generator of malicious .xls documents (soon to be .doc). All your payloads are saved into a database for easy retrieval & embedding into a new or existing document. Luckystrike provides you several infection methods designed to get your payloads to execute without tripping AV. See the "Installation" section below for instructions on getting started. </tldr> http://www.shellntel.com/blog/2016/9/13/luckystrike-a-database-backed-evil-macro-generator Enjoy!
    1 point
  18. https://www.udemy.com/videoeditingwithcamtasiastudio/?couponCode=FREE4YOU https://www.udemy.com/adobe-illustrator-how-to-draw-squared-animals-icons/?couponCode=JANFREE https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-instagram-marketing-course/?couponCode=LIMITEDX https://www.udemy.com/selenium-webdriver-with-java/?couponCode=YEAR2017 https://www.udemy.com/sonyvegasprovideoediting/?couponCode=BANGLADESH
    1 point
  19. 1. Master Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 the Easy Way https://www.udemy.com/master-adobe-photoshop-elements-15-course/?couponCode=PSEBUNDLE 2. NLP: Life Coach Principles for Success in Life & Coaching https://www.udemy.com/nlp-how-to-ap...coach-think-essentials/?couponCode=DISCOUNTED 3. Android Development Working With Databases Using Mysql & PHP https://www.udemy.com/android-development-course/?couponCode=PHPSQLFREE 4. OpenStack: An Introduction to Cloud Computing and OpenStack https://www.udemy.com/openstack-an-...mputing-and-openstack/?couponCode=NEWYEARGIFT
    1 point
  20. 1.200 de cursuri online gratuite provenite din cadrul universităților de renume mondial, pentru a te ajuta în dezvoltarea pasiunii pentru care vrei să profesezi. http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses
    1 point
  21. Sunday, January 8, 2017 How to crack WLAN - WPA/WPA2 pre shared keys To crack WPA/WPA2 pre shared keys may not so difficult as many people think. When an client authenticates at the router, there is a 4-way handshake between router and client, to handshake a session key, which must be recorded with a simple WLAN sniffer. The messages are called EAPOL. Here I described how to setup a simple sniffer with a raspberry pi-2 http://blog.x1622.com/2016/12/how-to-setup-rasperry-pi-2-model-b-for.html So, the only task to do is to record all the traffic until one of the 4-way handshake gets recorded. In WIRESHARK there exists a display filter called "eapol". In my test case, I opened a WLAN called darkqueen with a simple numeric password 19042001 I authenticated with a mobile device and captured the handshake. In my example I did it more than one time but capturing a complete handshake (1-4) is enough. I stopped capturing and stored all data in a standard wireshark pcap format. You can store all data or mark the EAPOL lines. The standard PCAP file cannot be used direct with HASHCAT. The file has to be converted to hccap format. Here is a description about the different possibilities to do that. https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cracking_wpawpa2 It can be done online, or locally using AIRCRACK suite. I took the hccap file to a single machine with an old GPU (~50 Dollar) I got from sons old gaming PC. I started HASHCAT and for eight digits (WPA passwords minimum length is eight) and HASCAT calculated a maximum time of 50 minutes. After few Minutes HASHCAT cracked the password of darkqueen => 1904001 In this POC ist was simple because I used a weak WPA2 key. If it's more complex it may take much more time. In this case, there is also the possibility to pre calculate a rainbow table if the name of the accesspoint is known. Therefor COWPATTY can be used http://tools.kali.org/wireless-attacks/cowpatty Sursa: http://blog.x1622.com/2017/01/how-to-crack-wlan-wpawpa2-pre-shared.html
    1 point
  22. Hacker publishes GitHub secret key hunter TruffleHog snuffles through your dirty commit drawers,. 9 Jan 2017 at 06:56, Team Register A researcher has published a tool to help administrators delve into GitHub commits to find high-entropy secret keys. The tool, dubbed TruffleHog, is able to locate high-entropy keys with Github potentially saving admins from exposing their networks and sensitive data. TruffleHog developer Dylan Ayrey, who warned of the Pastejack attack last year, says the tool will locate any high entropy string longer than 20 characters. "[TruffleHog] searches through git repositories for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history and branches," Ayrey says. "This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed that contain high entropy. "If at any point a high entropy string >20 characters is detected, it will print to the screen." TruffleHog in action. He says it searches the entire commit history of branches, checking each diff in commits, and evaluating the Shannon entropy for both the base64 character set and the hexadecimal character set for every blob of text larger than 20 characters and comprised of those character sets in each diff. Reddit users praising the tool have claimed Amazon already searches GitHub for AWS keys and shutters the respective service when any are found. TruffleHog relies only on GitPython. ® Sursa: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/01/09/hacker_publishes_github_secret_key_hunter/
    1 point
  23. E minunat. Absolut divin.
    1 point
  24. @DigitalC: Doua intrebari: 1. Ceva contributie notabila la comunitate? 2. Cine si cu ce ti-a pus bete in roate? Nu-i ca si cum pe chat se face R&D.
    1 point
  25. Salut Domnule. Pe internet nimic nu este 100%. TOR te conectezi la el,cu TOR browser.Este gratuit si se instaleaza repede.(Ai link-urile de la baieti mai sus) Daca intri din tari cum este Romania,poti intra direct...fara probleme,bea un Cola..si relaxeaza-te. Daca intri din tari cum este Germania sau altele..cu legislatie dura..iti este recomandat un VPN..inainte de TOR. Pe DeepWeb..90% din pagini...sunt de rahat,pagini false,tepari..Scammeri...pagini care nu merg. Ce poti sa iti faci ca incepator,este sa iti faci usor usor..relatii,cunostinte..care ulterior te vor ajuta sa intri pe adresele .onion care conteaza...cele 10%. Poti cumpara de la huse de telefon...la Stimulente..( ex:viagra...LoL).....dar repet...astea nu sunt informatii publice..Nu o sa gasesti nimic real..pe Public.Trebuie sa ai informatii sigure,despre vanzatori care vand astfel de produse.(fara SCAM) REGULI: 1.Se tranzactioneaza doar in BTC(Bitcoin).Odata trimisi...sunt 2 variante....Ori iti primesti produsul...ori ti-ai luat teapa.NU poti sa ii recuperezi. 2.Nu trebuie sa ai incredere in nimeni.Sunt tradatori prietenii ce ii stim de 1 viata...dar aia de pe DEEP. 3.NU exista produse APPLE...etc..IPHONE...la 50% reducere...Ebay si Craigslist...este la nivel mondial acum...cine detine STOC..sigur le poate vinde acolo..cu 10% sub pretul pietei. 4.Ca sa faci bani...trebuie sa AI bani. 5.Mult Succes! EDIT: Ce am scris mai sus ,este TEORETIC. Am auzit asta,de la un prieten,care a auzit de la unu din parc de pe banca. Ai grija ce faci,si te rog sa ramai in baremele legii, tarii in care locuiesti. Stima.
    1 point
  26. Amintiri de pe chatul vechi
    1 point
  27. 7. Un moderator/administrator are dreptul sa zboare pe oricine doreste de pe forum, cu atat mai mult daca consider? ca acea persoan? este inutila pentru forum. Paragraf luat din Regulament. Daca-l citeai, nu mai postai.
    1 point
  28. Toti care aveti banuri pe forum sau chat si credeti ca v-a fost dat de pomana sau puteti sa va integrati in societatea noastra de rahat pe aceasta bucata mirifica de forum, puteti scrie aici: user pe care aveti ban, motivul pentru care ati luat si daca a fost luat pe drepte sau aiurea. Imi plac trollerii si glumele facute ca la carte. Daca scrieti mai deosebit aveti mai multe sanse. ps: "futu-ti familia" si "pula mea" nu sunt argumente. Sfanta maciuca trebuie mentionata impreuna cu un mesaj bun
    1 point
  29. Du-te ba in pula noastra, fute-ti-as pe ma-ta in cur. :))))))) Cand vrei ceva, ceri direct. Invata sa fii eficient in comunicare. Cand ceri ceva, nu pui semnul exclamarii la sfarsit. - "Scoate-mi banu!!!" - "Imi poti scoate si mie banul?" E o diferenta mare.
    1 point
  30. Le-am scos eu. De calci pe bec => toate posturile sterse + rename la user din ManutaDeAur in ManutaDeLaba :))) Deal?
    1 point
  31. Pai daca faci putin research vei vedea ca Gigelul care a postat aici isi face reclama la propriul tool, un fel de spam-reclama, caci vrea sa atraga cati mai multi noobs sa il foloseasca sa prinda si el niscai pesti. Tocmai de asta i-am ediat postarea si lasat fara link-uri.
    1 point
  32. How to Recognize and Prevent Social Engineering Attacks A few weeks ago, two malicious social engineers impersonating the IRS called one of my close family friends. They yelled at her, threatened her, and told her she owed thousands of dollars in back taxes (not true). They knew her name, her address, and family members’ names. They told her they were outside her house. She was terrified. The attackers unsuccessfully tried to use fear to elicit an irrational decision (like transferring money to a random bank account). She was experiencing a vishing attack, one of the four primary methods of social engineering and one of the topics discussed in our recent webinar: Don’t Be Another Statistic: How To Recognize and Prevent Social Engineering Attacks. These types of attacks are directed towards companies every day, and they’re coming from all angles in many different forms. Hackers are capitalizing on fear, excitement, and other emotions to swindle organizations out of millions of dollars. Last week, we hosted an hour-long webinar featuring four social engineering experts, including Chris Hadnagy, founder and CEO at Social-Engineer, Inc. and author of several books, including Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Chris developed the world’s first social engineering penetration testing framework and has briefed more than 30 general officers and government officials at the Pentagon about social engineering and its effect on the United States. Sursa: http://blog.bettercloud.com/how-to-recognize-and-prevent-social-engineering-attacks/
    1 point
  33. Acesta este al patrulea tutorial din serie. Un mod efficient de a ramane anonimi atunci cand folosim retele WiFi publice este de a folosi adrese MAC arbitrare. Putem realiza acest lucru fie manual(modificand manual adresa) sau folosind un utilitare precum macchanger. Acesta poate fi descarcat de aici: GNU Project Archives Rulam programul ca si root in felul urmator(presupunand ca suntem pe ubuntu/debian): sudo macchanger -r <interfata> Unde interfata este interfata de retea pe care dorim sa folosim o adresa arbitrara. Pentru ethernet aceasta este eth0, eth1, ... , ethn unde 'n' este un numar intreg. Pentru wireless este wlan0, wlan1, ... , wlann unde 'n' este un numar intreg. Pentru a schimba adresa manual in felul urmator: ip link show <interfata> Ne uitam dupa un sir de caractere: link/ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 Acum rulam urmatoarea comanda pentru a debransa interfata respectiva: ip link set dev <interfata> down Acum putem schimba MAC-ul ruland: ip link set dev <interfata> address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Acum trebuie sa reactivam interfata: ip link set dev <interfata> up
    1 point
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