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    • Incerc sa refac efectul de scroll al logoului de la gucci : https://www.gucci.com/ro/en_gb/ Dar Nu am reusit sa creez animatia nici cum ... exemplu : https://goiaandrei.com/   Am folosit codul de mai jos: HTML: <div id="stickyNav"> GOIA </div> CSS: #stickyNav { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; z-index: 1000; font-size: 10vw; /* Initial large size */ color: white; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; } .isSticky { top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); font-size: 4vw; /* Smaller size when fixed */ color: black; } JS: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const nav = document.getElementById('stickyNav'); let isSticky = false; function setStickyClass(sticky) { if (sticky && !isSticky) { nav.classList.add('isSticky'); isSticky = true; } else if (!sticky && isSticky) { nav.classList.remove('isSticky'); isSticky = false; } } window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { let scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (scrollTop > 150) { setStickyClass(true); } else { setStickyClass(false); } }); }); Are cineva cunostintele necesare si bunavointa sa ma ajute? Nu mai stiu cum sa il invart sa functioneze...
    • Pagina de Facebook a unei cunoscute mănăstiri din județul Suceava a fost spartă de hackeri. Infractorii cibernetici au înlocuit postările cu rugăciuni cu poze și filme pentru adulți.   https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/social/hackerii-au-atacat-pana-si-pagina-de-facebook-a-unei-manastiri-din-suceava-au-pus-filme-pentru-adulti-in-loc-de-rugaciuni-2839469
    • Nice, au gasit ceva si in HuggingFace https://www.wiz.io/blog/wiz-and-hugging-face-address-risks-to-ai-infrastructure
    • Suna interesant partea asta, daca are cineva detalii ar fi top. 
    • Threat actors are exploiting a novel attack technique in the wild that leverages specially crafted management saved console (MSC) files to gain full code execution using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and evade security defenses.   Elastic Security Labs has codenamed the approach GrimResource after identifying an artifact ("sccm-updater.msc") that was uploaded to the VirusTotal malware scanning platform on June 6, 2024.   "When a maliciously crafted console file is imported, a vulnerability in one of the MMC libraries can lead to running adversary code, including malware," the company said in a statement shared with The Hacker News.   "Attackers can combine this technique with DotNetToJScript to gain arbitrary code execution, which can lead to unauthorized access, system takeover and more."   The use of uncommon file types as a malware distribution vector is seen as an alternative attempt by adversaries to get around security guardrails erected by Microsoft in recent years, including disabling macros by default in Office files downloaded from the internet.   Last month, South Korean cybersecurity firm Genians detailed the use of a malicious MSC file by the North Korea-linked Kimsuky hacking group to deliver malware.   GrimResource, on the other hand, exploits a cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw present in the apds.dll library to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of MMC. The XSS flaw was originally reported to Microsoft and Adobe in late 2018, although it remains unpatched to date.   This is accomplished by adding a reference to the vulnerable APDS resource in the StringTable section of a malicious MSC file, which, when opened using MMC, triggers the execution of JavaScript code.   The technique not only bypasses ActiveX warnings, it can be combined with DotNetToJScript to gain arbitrary code execution. The analyzed sample uses this approach to launch a .NET loader component dubbed PASTALOADER that ultimately paves the way for Cobalt Strike.   "After Microsoft disabled Office macros by default for internet-sourced documents, other infection vectors like JavaScript, MSI files, LNK objects, and ISOs have surged in popularity," security researchers Joe Desimone and Samir Bousseaden said.   "However, these other techniques are scrutinized by defenders and have a high likelihood of detection. Attackers have developed a new technique to execute arbitrary code in Microsoft Management Console using crafted MSC files."   Source: https://thehackernews.com/2024/06/new-attack-technique-exploits-microsoft.html
    • Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a now-patched security flaw affecting the Ollama open-source artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure platform that could be exploited to achieve remote code execution.   Tracked as CVE-2024-37032, the vulnerability has been codenamed Probllama by cloud security firm Wiz. Following responsible disclosure on May 5, 2024, the issue was addressed in version 0.1.34 released on May 7, 2024.   Ollama is a service for packaging, deploying, running large language models (LLMs) locally on Windows, Linux, and macOS devices. At its core, the issue relates to a case of insufficient input validation that results in a path traversal flaw an attacker could exploit to overwrite arbitrary files on the server and ultimately lead to remote code execution.   The shortcoming requires the threat actor to send specially crafted HTTP requests to the Ollama API server for successful exploitation. It specifically takes advantage of the API endpoint "/api/pull" – which is used to download a model from the official registry or from a private repository – to provide a malicious model manifest file that contains a path traversal payload in the digest field.   This issue could be abused not only to corrupt arbitrary files on the system, but also to obtain code execution remotely by overwriting a configuration file ("etc/ld.so.preload") associated with the dynamic linker ("ld.so") to include a rogue shared library and launch it every time prior to executing any program.   While the risk of remote code execution is reduced to a great extent in default Linux installations due to the fact that the API server binds to localhost, it's not the case with docker deployments, where the API server is publicly exposed.   "This issue is extremely severe in Docker installations, as the server runs with `root` privileges and listens on `` by default – which enables remote exploitation of this vulnerability," security researcher Sagi Tzadik said.   Compounding matters further is the inherent lack of authentication associated with Ollama, thereby allowing an attacker to exploit a publicly-accessible server to steal or tamper with AI models, and compromise self-hosted AI inference servers.   This also requires that such services are secured using middleware like reverse proxies with authentication. Wiz said it identified over 1,000 Ollama exposed instances hosting numerous AI models without any protection.   "CVE-2024-37032 is an easy-to-exploit remote code execution that affects modern AI infrastructure," Tzadik said. "Despite the codebase being relatively new and written in modern programming languages, classic vulnerabilities such as path traversal remain an issue."   The development comes as AI security company Protect AI warned of over 60 security defects affecting various open-source AI/ML tools, including critical issues that could lead to information disclosure, access to restricted resources, privilege escalation, and complete system takeover.   The most severe of these vulnerabilities is CVE-2024-22476 (CVSS score 10.0), an SQL injection flaw in Intel Neural Compressor software that could allow attackers to download arbitrary files from the host system. It was addressed in version 2.5.0.   Source: https://thehackernews.com/2024/06/critical-rce-vulnerability-discovered.html
    • Hi all ! I need to decompile a foxpro exe protected by refox level 3. Is it possible to do it? I downloaded refox but does not work, I have tried decompilers, etc.  Is someone can help me out I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance ! Here are the files in case you need to take a look https://we.tl/t-3tEiUVrAYz
    • https://github.com/iojaiustin/CyberScout/     "CyberScout is a Cyber-Threat Intelligence Telegram bot that verifies anyone's vulnerability to the dangers of the internet. Find if you have any exposed email addresses, passwords, usernames or bank details in both DarkWeb and Clearnet."   Astept idei si pareri!
    • Il gasisem la un chinezoi, tot cu referire la nessus script asta, dar dupa ce m-am uitat prin ele, am vazut ca sunt ambele fake...my bad. Raman dator cu o bere  
    • Gasit ceva rapid aici: https://github.com/lvyitian/CVE-2024-30078-/blob/alperen_ugurlu_hack/cve_2024_30078_check.nasl 
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